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CHAOSS Metrics Committee

The CHAOSS (Community Health Analytics OSS) Metrics Committee defines implementation-agnostic metrics for assessing open source communities' health and sustainability. The CHAOSS Metrics Committee goals are to establish implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health; and optionally produce standardized metric exchange formats, detailed use cases, models, or recommendations to analyze specific issues in the industry/OSS world.

All contributions to implementation-agnostic metrics and standards, including associated scripts, SQL statements, and documentation, will be received and made available under the MIT License (


No events planned for now. For potential events, see our events page.

CHAOSS OSS Project Metrics

As a community, we will initially focus on four OSS project metrics. The initial four metrics are complex, value-oriented metrics that explain a current state of CHAOSS member needs. The four metrics, and any metric thereafter, must not constructed in ways that incentivize problem behaviors within a community. The complex metrics are constructed from one or more activity metrics. Refer to our list of activity metrics for descriptions of activity metrics.

If, as a community, we should be initially focusing on a different set of metrics, post your comments to the mail list. This list is flexible and expected to grow over time. We can definitely change our focus as the community sees fit.

1) Project Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion are known to challenge unchecked assumptions and lead to more open and fair collaboration practices.

Our work-in-progress is located in on GitHub.

2) Project Growth - Maturity - Decline

An OSS community has states: growth, maturity, and decline. The state that a community is in may prove important when evaluating both across and within community concerns.

Our work-in-progress is located in on GitHub.

3) Project Risk

The Risk metric informs how much risk an OSS community might pose. The evaluation of risk depends on situation and purpose.

Our work-in-progress is located in on GitHub.

4) Value

Developers and organizations capture value from engaging in OSS communities. This set of metrics can inform what this value is.

Our work-in-progress is located in on GitHub.

About Us

Development Status

The CHAOSS Project and the Metrics Committee is newly formed and was announced at the Open Source Summit North America on September 11th, 2017. The conversation about defining metrics is just beginning and we will continuously update the wiki based on the discussions we have.

The conversation about metrics is occurring on our mail list and weekly hangout. Updates and overview of what is happening within the CHAOSS Metrics Committee are shared during the monthly phone calls.


All contributions to implementation-agnostic metrics and standards, including associated scripts, SQL statements, and documentation, will be received and made available under the MIT License (

Contributor Guidelines

The CHAOSS Metrics Committee is an open source project and welcomes all new contributors.

How to get involved

How to get started

Challenging Problems

  • What are metrics being used for?
  • Where have metrics been used (un-)successfully?
  • What do metrics mean in different contexts?
  • What combination of activity metrics are used in different contexts?
  • What 'recipes' can we provide for using metrics?

How to contribute

  • Join our weekly hangouts and monthly calls.
  • Share your experience with metrics.
  • Let us know what you would like CHAOSS to do for you.
  • Just participate in the conversation.



This Wiki is the central place for the CHAOSS Metrics Committee. We maintain the current status of the project on the wiki.

Mail list

The mail list is the place for discussion and open for anyone to join.

IRC Channel

The CHAOSS community has an IRC channel on freenode: #chaoss-community

Weekly Hangout

There is nothing formal with this hangout. We come and go as our schedules permit. The hangout provides a permanent and regular space for metrics discussion. Topics include new metrics, how to interpret metrics, how metrics can be related to value, or whatever else you'd like to chat about.

We meet weekly on Tuesdays between 11am and 12noon US Central Time.
Feel free to stop by anytime!
For information on how to join via phone, see the monthly call below.

Monthly Call

The monthly call is for updates to the CHAOSS Metrics Committee and broader community on the development of metrics, reports from the weekly hangout sessions, announcements of upcoming events, and updates from the CHAOSS Code Committee.

Next call: Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
Monthly, every first Tuesday from 11am to 12noon (US Central Time) (Local Time)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or International numbers
Meeting ID: 720 431 288

Monthly Call Minutes


We will develop metrics in our GitHub repository.

To contribute to the metrics, fork the repository and create a pull request with changes. However, the discussions are currently occuring in the mail list, weekly hangout, and monthly phone call.


chaoss/metrics.1531242434.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/10 17:07 by GeorgLink