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Linux Kernel Mentorship Program

The Linux Kernel Mentorship Program offers a structured remote learning opportunity to aspiring Linux Kernel developers. Experienced Linux Kernel developers and maintainers mentor volunteer mentees and help them become contributors to the Linux Kernel.

The Linux Kernel Mentorship Program includes three 12-week, full-time volunteer mentee positions, and two 24-week part-time volunteer mentee positions each year. Please check the The Linux Foundation Mentorship Programs and get started. This is a remote opportunity and there is no need to relocate or move to participate.

Through funding from the Linux Foundation, the Linux Kernel Mentorship Program might offer location based Stipend and travel funding to attend industry conferences to present the work they’ve done during the program. Sone Linux keenel Mentorship Programs are unpaid (credit-only) to offer the opportunity to larger number of people without funding constraints.

Please see below regarding additional matching grants that the Linux Foundation is providing to other projects on LFX Mentorship in support of diversity initiatives.

The program serves as a vehicle to reach out to students and developers to inject new talent into the Linux Kernel community. It aims to increase diversity in the Linux Kernel community and work towards making the kernel more secure and sustainable. We strongly encourage applicants who are from traditionally underrepresented or marginalized groups in the technology and open source communities, including, but not limited to: persons identifying as LGBTQ, women, persons of color, and/or persons with disabilities.

The mentors are experienced developers and maintainers seeking additional help on the project as well as an opportunity to teach aspiring developers. Many mentors and mentees will be  focused on improving security and stability of the kernel.

Graduated Mentees will be invited to speak at LFX Mentorship Showcases to share the work they have done during the program and will be given an opportunity to network with the community and prospective employers. Mentees are encouraged to write blogs to share their experience and their project.

What are the licensing guidelines for the mentorship work? All Linux Kernel Mentorship work product must be contributed and made available under GPL-2.0 and submitted with Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) sign-off statements. This applies regardless of whether the work product is for kernel code or for user space code.

Benefits for Mentees

  • Learn from experienced Linux Kernel developers/maintainers
  • Learn to collaborate, communicate, and work with the Linux Kernel community
  • Become a Linux Kernel contributor
  • Opportunity to network with other open source communities and prospective employers
  • Learn to speak and share experiences at Linux conferences (travel funding included)
  • Receive a stipend for learning
  • Opportunity to interview with employers
  • Refer to Mentee Guide for more information.
  • LFX Mentorship Showcases
    • The LFX Mentorship Showcase is an opportunity for graduating mentees of the LFX Mentorship program to showcase the work they completed during their session term, and connect with prospective employers from our member companies.
  • Linux Kernel Mentorship Mentee Blogs
    • Mentees write blogs to share their mentorship experience, what they learned from your mentors, fellow mentees, and the Linux kernel community. Blogs are insightful and informative.

Benefits for mentors

  • Opportunity to teach and share expertise
  • Get help with work in your respective Kernel areas
  • Opportunity to train and bring new talent into the project
  • Get rewarded with an invite to a Linux conference

Benefits for the Linux Kernel community/project

  • Add well-trained and educated diverse talent to the project
  • Opportunity to train and add to areas of the project that could benefit from extra help
  • Gives a structured and well-defined program to attract and develop new talent
  • Opportunity to strengthen the project and the community that is crucial to the Linux ecosystem

Benefits for the Linux Ecosystem

  • Strong and sustainable kernel community
  • Improved security and quality of Linux releases
  • Talented pool of prospective employees trained by experts

How to apply

  • Prospective mentees! Get started by creating mentee profile on LFX Mentorship.
  • Prospective mentors! Get started by creating mentor profile on LFX Mentorship.
  • Check Mentorship Program Schedule and pick a term that works the best for your work/school schedules and plan for participation.
  • Plan for participation:
    • Complete the A Beginner’s Guide to Linux Kernel Development e-course. This is a free training course which is a prerequisite for the mentorship program starting Spring 2020. Once you complete the course, you get a certificate of completion which you can download. Keep it handy for applying for open projects.
  • Join #kernel-mentees IRC Channel on OFTC.
    • Server Name:
    • You can register your Nick in the server tab with command: identify /msg NickServ identify <password>
    • You can configure your chat client to auto identify using NickServ(/MSG NickServ+password) option - works on hexchat
    • Join LFX Mentorship Linux Kernel collaboration forum.

Mentees - Profile Creation process

  • Review Linux Kernel Mentorship Program Eligibility and Am I Eligible to Become a LFX Mentorship Program Mentee? to assess if this program is right for you. - This step is part of creating mentee profile on LFX Mentorship
  • Confirm permission to participate (if applicable) from education institution or employer. Please note that all mentorship work product must be contributed and made available under GPL-2.0 and submitted with Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) sign-off statements. This applies regardless of whether the work product is for kernel code or for user space code. This includes the work done during the 6 week application process.
  • Browse Projects to select and apply for a project of your interest. Hint search for Linux in the search bar on to find Linux kernel projects.

Mentees - Complete Application process

  • Complete the project prerequisite tasks assigned to you when you apply for the project:
    • Step 1: You should have completed the A Beginner’s Guide to Linux Kernel Development e-course during the planning phase. Upload the certificate of completion. If you are unable to upload, attach it to the cover letter or link it from your resume.
    • Step 2: Upload resume, cover-letter
  • Complete Skill evaluation & Application Contribution - 4 weeks
  • Complete application and submit: Application packet should contain a short summary of your skills and what you learned during the 4 week application period and include a report of all your contributions. Upload your application to the “Submit Completed Application task”.

Frequently Answered Questions and tips

  • Please copy mailing lists and maintainers/developers suggested by scripts/
  • Please run scripts/ before sending the patch.
  • Compile and test.
  • Signed-off-by should be the last tag.

Mentees - What to expect after getting selected?

If you are selected for the program and completed your paperwork (unpaid programs skip the paperwork):

  • Work with your mentor(s)
  • Continue to send patches to linux-kernel-mentees and Shuah Khan.
  • Evaluation tasks will be assigned to you in LFX Mentorship
  • Submit Evaluation Reports uploading your report to Evaluation Task in LFX Mentorship.
  • Please stay subscribed to linux-kernel-mentees. Don't hesitate to contact Shuah Khan with any questions.

Linux kernel Mentorship Program Learning Resources

lkmp.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/27 15:18 by ShuahKhanLF