
CIP Testing Working Group

In order to drive testing activities within the CIP project a working group has been created.


The working group meets as part of CIP's weekly IRC meetings on Thursdays at 0900 UTC on #cip.

Status updates are provided to the fortnightly CIP TSC meetings.

As with all CIP projects, the testing WG can be contacted on the cip-dev mailing list:


The aim of this this working group is to design and implement centralised testing infrastructure that can be used to test CIP software on the CIP reference hardware.

See the wiki for more details on CIP's centralised testing.

Wiki Content

A number of wiki pages that are relevant to CIP testing have been created. A link to each is below:


There are a number of public projects (hosted by the Linux Foundation or otherwise) who are working towards similar testing goals as CIP. Wherever possible this working group hopes to collaborate and re-use, rather than create yet another automated testing implementation.

An “Automated Test Summit” was held in Edinburgh after ELC 2018. A full list of interested projects can be seen in the attendee list in the meeting minutes. One output from the summit was a Test Glossary that covers frequently used terminology. Where possible we will follow these definitions to help others understand our work.

In October 2019 the CIP project sponsored the Automated Test Summit in Lyon. Notes and presentations from the event are available on the E-Linux Wiki.

civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptesting/ciptestingwg.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/29 08:10 by MasashiKudo