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The RTL project is looking for people who are interested to work with us in the areas of testing, documentation and development.


Testing is one of the most important tasks in any project. We have only access to a limited number of boards and we can only run generic procedures. We would appreciate if you run RT on your hardware with your application specific test cases.

If you run into problems, then you have two options:

  • Analyze the problem and submit a patch. Don't worry if you think that your patch is not perfect. It's a start and at least you share the analysis of the problem. See "Submitting a patch" for further information.


We need help in creating and maintaining content in this wiki. Part of the effort is to cherry pick pages of the old wiki which contain valuable information, transfer them to the new wiki and bring them up to date. We also look for editors to document areas which are missing completely.

Here you can find an incomplete list of topics which need help.

If you pick a topic to work on, please mark it with your name in the list. If you chose to pick a topic which is not in the list, please add it and assign it to yourself.

Please see the wiki guideline to get started.


If you want to help with the development and mainlining effort of RT please contact us.

The topics, that need to be handled to get PREEMPT_RT mainlined are listed on the RTL Collaborative Project page.

An overview about features that are disabled by CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULL=y are listed here.

realtime/rtl/participate.1478186674.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/03 15:24 by anna-maria