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Sharp FAQ

General Questions

Where can I find Sharp drivers?

Apart from, where can I find other drivers ?

All PPDs should be available from

Are there PCL drivers for Sharp MFPs ?

Yes, Easy Software Products includes PCL drivers for some AR series models with ESP Print Pro.

Any other material/driver/info that might be useful ?

Send email to linux at e s b c . sharp - eu. com. if you need additional support.

Does the Sharp ... work ?

Will the name of a Sharp MFP tell me if it works under Linux ?

Yes. It will at least give a good first idea.

Can AL series models be used under Linux ?

Usually not. With few exceptions, these models are GDI only.

Can AM series models be used under Linux ?

No. These models are GDI only.

Can AR series models be used under Linux ?

Usually yes. With few exceptions, these models are capable of PCL and PS printing. This capability might require optional components.

What would be the extra accessories needed for the AR series to be used under Linux ?

Can AR-C series models be used under Linux ?

Generally yes. Models with Fiery controllers will understand PS - PPDs can be found at EFI.

Can MX series models be used under Linux ?

Yes. Postscript (optional) is recommended and supported. For PCL, use ESP Print Pro (non-free) or HP Laserjet drivers.

Can AJ series models be used under Linux ?

A driver is available for models with four ink tanks at

Other features and Linux support

Is network scanning supported under Linux ?

Yes, both to email and ftp destinations.

Can confidential print be enabled for Postscript in AR series models ?

In principle, yes - contact Sharp for details.

openprinting/database/sharpfaq.1468891223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/12 15:01 (external edit)