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openchain:specification-questions-and-answers [2019/11/17 19:04]
mgisi [What are the Specification Guiding Principles?]
openchain:specification-questions-and-answers [2019/11/17 19:12] (current)
mgisi [Does the specification describe how to comply with the most popular Open Source licenses?]
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 ====Does the specification describe how to comply with the most popular Open Source licenses?​==== ====Does the specification describe how to comply with the most popular Open Source licenses?​====
-No. The specification does not provide legal guidance. It does require an organization to designate a legal expert who can assist with legal guidance. Furthermore the specification requires that a process exists that ensures the appropriate attention is given to license obligation analysis and and fulfillment.+No. The specification does not provide legal guidance. It does require an organization to designate a legal expert who can assist with legal guidance. Furthermore the specification requires that ''​a process exists'' ​that ensures the appropriate attention is given to license obligation analysis and and fulfillment.
 ====Does OpenChain program conformance guarantee license compliance?​==== ====Does OpenChain program conformance guarantee license compliance?​====
openchain/specification-questions-and-answers.1574017480.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/11/17 19:04 by mgisi