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OpenChain Curriculum

The OpenChain Curriculum is designed to help organizations meet the training and process requirements of the OpenChain Specification. Version 1 of the slides are available now under CC-0 licensing to allow everyone to use, study, share and improve the material.

The slides for version 1 of the OpenChain specification are available in PDF format:

They are also available in Powerpoint format to allow editing and adjustments:

The working slides for future updates can be found here. These slides are actively edited and should not be used as part of your confirmation process for the OpenChain Specification:

Curriculum Development Notes

2016/10/05 LinuxCon Europe meeting

What is next for the OpenChain Curriculum?

At LinuxCon Europe we sat down and had a detailed discussion about what we are doing, where we are going, and what deliverables are needed.

Executive summary: - We need to create a FAQ for the curriculum - We need to create a “training handbook” for the slides - We need to integrate some comments and minor adjustments on the release slides - Our target for these improvements is a December 2016 release - Larger changes like expanding the slides will occur in 2017 - We will open a mailing list for the Curriculum team to ensure we do not create too much traffic on this main list. - Our first translation is underway! Haksung Jang at LG Electronics has volunteered to translate our Release 1 slides to Korean.



We need to explain some items in a FAQ:

Q: What is this slide deck used for? A: This is a reference deck to meet OpenChain specification 1.0, requirement 1.2

Q: what is the audience? A: businesses who are shipping open source and audience software staff as defined in spec

Q: Length of training session A: meant to be given in half day

Q: What jurisdiction does the IP law section cover? A: US law for now

Q: Are these slides everything you need to be compliant with licenses? A: No, this is a reference deck

Q: How to contribute? (put both in FAQ and slide deck), how do you file

Q: What is scanning technology

Training Handbook

We decided to change the handbook for teachers into a simpler solution: (1) we will create expanded notes under each slide for trainers and (2) we will provide slide note reference answers to each of the “Check Your Understanding” questions.

This will also make it easier for Gary to eventually make an online quiz to support people directly using the reference deck.

Slide Adjustments

We need to resolve the existing comments in the Slide notes as our first action item.

We need to create a placeholder for localization for different jurisdictions. Our discussion was to leverage the IFOSS Law Book as one example of reference material.

We need to normalize the slide to US law and state this in slides. Jilayne has taken this as an action item. Thanks Jilayne!

We need to make one adjustment to Chapter 6: prior to the explanation of a large enterprise process we will add a slide to say “small businesses may just use a checklist, larger enterprises will have a detailed process. Here is an example of an enterprise process.”

Stuff pushed back to 2017:

- Larger changes to Chapter 6 to make it more accessible. - Chapter 8 review and release. - We need to looking at other material to use / make OpenChain compliant. We agreed to start with existing Linux Foundation material available here:

2016/9/19 meeting

  1. OpenChain Curriculum Version 1 is now available. Thanks to everyone for their contributions as we iterated, with special thanks for large-scale revisions from Gary and exceptional review, adjustment and refinement from Nathan. Slide here:!AsXJVqby5kpnhjz7p9yryf8MJUPJ
  1. The slides are divided into 8 chapters with a “Check Your Understanding” at the end of each chapter
  1. The slides will be formally launched at LinuxCon Europe in October on the 5th and we will have a 90 minute deep dive on the content -Answers to “Check Your Understanding” will be expanded in a later “handbook” for trainers with a projected release date around December, with work on that starting during our October deep-dive in LinuxCon Europe -Discussion just opened with the Linux Foundation about hosting the “Check Your Understanding” questions and answers as a free online test in the future

Action item:

  1. There is now a general request for everyone to check the slides to ensure correct terminology or further simplification of language, with a deadline of 30th September for all changes, which may take the form of direct edits or just adding comments to the slides.

2016/8/15 meeting

  1. Due to work commitments and vacation the first draft has been pushed out to September. Still on target to release draft in October.
  2. Call for everyone to assist with refining the existing 177 slides into ~100 slides with a few bullet point “check your understanding” questions to end each chapter
  3. Will create a new template once chapters are complete for a coherent look

2016/7/18 meeting, current plan is to:

  1. Each chapter is substantially complete. We currently have around 194 slides that need to be refined into about 100 slides for circa 3 hour delivery.
  2. We will “be brave” in condensing material to make it as simple as possible, so everyone should feel free to jump in and condense and/or simplify language.
  3. Where content is deleted from slides we will move it into slide notes to ensure presenters can have context. This is because we cannot assume a level of knowledge for the reader/presenter. We need to facilitate everything from low to high.
  4. We need to add “check your understanding” to most chapters (see reference material from Chapter 7). This will ensure each module can work as a stand-alone mini-segment. For the same reason it would be ideal if each chapter could start with a high-level summary.
  5. The status of each chapter is based on reports from assigned Chapter authors (see above for current status). However, everyone is invited to open and edit the slides to help ensure we have a completed deliverable for the next call. The slides can be found here:!799&ithint=file%2cpptx&app=PowerPoint&authkey=!AMPIqg6TBlScFUI
  6. Each chapter should end up being somewhere between 8 and 10 slides including the “Check Your Understanding” slide. Please feel free to edit the content of any chapter and hide any slide you think is unnecessary. We can also add blank placeholder slides for individual company processes, to both show that we expect companies to customise, and to help underline that our curriculum material alone is not enough for a solid process.

2016/6/20 meeting, current plan is to:

  1. refine existing 175 slides into 100 slides for circa 3 hour delivery.
  2. The slides are currently split into 12 “chapters” and we will add a one slide “check your understanding” mini-test to end each chapter
  3. We will assign one “chapter” to each explicit OpenChain Curriculum volunteer for this editing process. Coincidentally we have twelve volunteers:
    • Dave Marr
    • Jilayne Lovejoy
    • Kate Stewart
    • Ramesh Jain
    • Shane Coughlan
    • Tom Arcidiacono
    • Gary O'Neall
    • Hung Chang
    • Catharina Maracke
    • Arnold Niessen
    • Mark Radcliffe
    • Nathan Kumagai
  4. The process will be to adjust/hide slides inside each chapter as needed to refine the material, and then to add a one slide “check your understanding” quiz.
  5. The combination of the 12 “check your understanding“ mini-test slides will make up our first OpenChain test material
  6. We will create a simple mapping of Curriculum slides to the Specification
  7. We will add master slide text that this Curriculum material alone is not enough for compliance
  8. We will add placeholder slides for individual company processes
  9. We will create a direct link to each chapter to make editing easier
openchain/curriculum.1476276635.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/12 12:50 by shanecoughlan