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gsoc:google-summer-code-2022 [2022/02/02 23:07]
gsoc:google-summer-code-2022 [2022/03/08 13:39] (current)
till [Dates]
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 =====Dates===== =====Dates=====
-  * //March 7, 2022//​ - ​Accepted ​mentoring ​organizations will get announced+  * //March 7, 2022//​ - ​The Linux Foundation got accepted as mentoring ​organization
   * //April 4, 2022// - Applications open for contributors   * //April 4, 2022// - Applications open for contributors
   * //April 19, 2022// - Deadline for contributors to apply   * //April 19, 2022// - Deadline for contributors to apply
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   * Follow the [[http://​​2011/​03/​dos-and-donts-of-google-summer-of-code.html?​utm_source=feedburner&​utm_medium=feed&​utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GoogleOpenSourceBlog+%28Google+Open+Source+Blog%29|DOs and DON'​Ts]] for contributors.   * Follow the [[http://​​2011/​03/​dos-and-donts-of-google-summer-of-code.html?​utm_source=feedburner&​utm_medium=feed&​utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GoogleOpenSourceBlog+%28Google+Open+Source+Blog%29|DOs and DON'​Ts]] for contributors.
   * On the front page click the field to apply as a contributor and then choose "The Linux Foundation"​ as your mentoring organization from the long list. To find it, use the filter field under "​Name"​ or use the drop-down menu at the bottom to display the full list (there are more than 150 organizations).   * On the front page click the field to apply as a contributor and then choose "The Linux Foundation"​ as your mentoring organization from the long list. To find it, use the filter field under "​Name"​ or use the drop-down menu at the bottom to display the full list (there are more than 150 organizations).
-=====If you have questions=====+=====Contact us!=====
-Do not hesitate to ask questions. Please use the contact info (e-mail, IRC) of the workgroup in which you want to do your project. ​You find it by following the links below. For general questions about participating as GSoC contributor in projects of the Linux Foundation, join the #​linuxfoundation-gsoc channel on Freenode for questions about GSoC in general, join the #gsoc channel on Freenode.+Before applying, please have a look at the page(s) of the desired workgroup(s) linked below and do not hesitate to ask questions ​using the contact info (e-mail, IRC) of the workgroup in which you want to do your project. ​Often they want to get involved with you before you apply, starting to integrate you into their community, so introduce yourself to them. For general questions about participating as GSoC contributor in projects of the Linux Foundation, join the #​linuxfoundation-gsoc channel on [[https://​​|Libera.Chat]].
 =====Linux Foundation GSoC Project groups===== =====Linux Foundation GSoC Project groups=====
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   * [[:​gsoc:​google-summer-code-2022-openprinting-projects|OpenPrinting]]   * [[:​gsoc:​google-summer-code-2022-openprinting-projects|OpenPrinting]]
   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-agl|Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)]]   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-agl|Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)]]
 +  * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-uptane|Uptane]]
   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-zephyr|Zephyr]]   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-zephyr|Zephyr]]
   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-iio-driver|IIO driver]]   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-iio-driver|IIO driver]]
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   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-lsb-projects|LSB - Linux Standards Base]]   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-gsoc-lsb-projects|LSB - Linux Standards Base]]
   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-other-project-ideas|Other Project Ideas]]   * [[:​gsoc:​2022-other-project-ideas|Other Project Ideas]]
 +=====Our source code repositories=====
 +Our projects are free software and therefore open-source. So all the source code is publicly available. Usually it is managed by version control systems, in most cases GIT. Each workgroup manages the code by itself, most of them on [[https://​​|GitHub]],​ but also at other hosting services or the workgroup'​s own servers, for example https://​​linuxfoundation,​ https://​​OpenPrinting,​ https://​,​ http://​,​ ...
 +See the workgroup'​s pages linked above for their web presence and code locations.
 =====Organization Administrators===== =====Organization Administrators=====
 The participation of the Linux Foundation in the Google Summer of Code is organized by Till Kamppeter (till at linux dot com) and Aveek Basu (basu dot aveek at gmail dot com). The participation of the Linux Foundation in the Google Summer of Code is organized by Till Kamppeter (till at linux dot com) and Aveek Basu (basu dot aveek at gmail dot com).
gsoc/google-summer-code-2022.1643843239.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/02 23:07 by till