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Google Summer of Code 2017: OpenPrinting projects


Important: We protect the e-mail adresses of our mentors and mailing lists against spam bots. Please replace all occurences of “ at ” and “ dot ” by “@” and “.” resp.

Mailing list: printing-architecture at lists dot linux-foundation dot org

IRC: #openprinting on Freenode

OpenPrinting developer resources

Code License: See project descriptions

Improve the pdftopvp filter to not need copying Poppler source code or unstable APIs and/or make it Ghostscript/MuPDF-based

The cups-filters project at OpenPrinting (included in all Linux distributions using CUPS 1.6.x or newer) provides the filters needed to convert the print job output of desktop applications (usually PDF) into the printer's native language or into the universal CUPS/PWG-Raster format as input for a separate printer driver. It also provides the pdftopdf filter to apply page management (N pages per sheet, selected pages, even/odd pages for manual duplex, mirror for iron-on sheets, …) to the PDF data stream.

One of the filters is pdftoopvp which is the interface between PDF (the standard print job format under Linux) and the OpenPrinting Vector high-level printer driver interface standard. This standard is currently used by several Japanese-market laser printers which do not use PostScript as it is usual in Europe and the US.

This filter currently only supports Poppler as PDF renderer and the connection between the filter and Poppler is rather awkward, copying parts of Poppler's source code and using unstable APIs of Poppler which change with newer Poppler versions. This makes maintaining the filter difficult for the Linux distributions.

The task for the student is here to once improve the interface with Poppler if possible and also add support for Ghostscript (would improve color management a lot) and MuPDF (would improve integration with mobile and embedded devices). The tasks can be split up over up to 3 students (Poppler, Ghostscript, MuPDF).

Mentors: Till Kamppeter, OpenPrinting Manager, The Linux Foundation (till at linux dot com), Koji Otani, BBR Inc. Japan (sho at bbr dot jp), Ghostscript developers TBD

Desired knowledge: C and/or Cprogramming Code License: MIT =====Foomatic: Improving the PPD generation capabilities: Option conflicts and printer compatibility classes===== [[:openprinting:database:foomatic programming

Code License: GPL

gsoc/google-summer-code-2017-openprinting-projects.1484330608.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/13 18:03 by till