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Meeting Minutes 2017-01-09

Start: 1pm CT; End: 1:58pm CT.

Attendees on Call

  • Andrea Gallo
  • Armstrong
  • Ben Lloyd Pearson
  • Brian Proffit
  • Daniel Izquierdo
  • Georg Link
  • Ildiko Vancsa
  • Jason Clark
  • Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
  • Kevin Lumbard
  • Matt Germonprez
  • Mel Llaguno
  • Neil Chue Hong
  • Ray Paik
  • Sean Goggins
  • Vicky Janicki

IRC Meeting Minutes

#chaoss-community: Monthly Call

Meeting started by GeorgLink at 19:01:58 UTC. The full logs are below in Section IRC Log.

Meeting summary

  • CHAOSS Events (GeorgLink, 19:02:51)
    • Formerly GrimoireCon will now be CHAOSSCon. The agenda is still in the works. (GeorgLink, 19:04:09)
    • in March, we have the Open Source Leadership Summit and we'll have several submissions from CHAOSS members (GeorgLink, 19:05:10)
    • Vicky and Ray will submit a talk about experience with metrics (GeorgLink, 19:05:56)
    • Matt and Daniel are submitting a Birds of a Feather session for Diversity and Inclusion (GeorgLink, 19:06:41)
    • correction, it's ildikov & rpaik for Open Source Leadership Summit session (rpaik, 19:07:02)
    • Jesus, Sean, and Georg will work on a proposal to give an overview of CHAOSS Metrics and Software with lessons learned in the Grimoire work (GeorgLink, 19:11:13)
    • Preliminary CHAOSScon agenda is expected tomorrow (GeorgLink, 19:12:59)
    • Open Source Summit North America: something to think about. Maybe have a day-long workshop before the conference. (GeorgLink, 19:13:45)
    • Open Source Summit Asia ??? (GeorgLink, 19:16:52)
    • ACTION: Create a presentation slide deck that we can take and talk about CHAOSS at various events (GeorgLink, 19:17:24)
    • Linux World in China is another conference with more Community orientation than the OSSA in Japan (GeorgLink, 19:19:16)
  • CHAOSS Metrics White paper (GeorgLink, 19:24:37)
    • the white paper is supposed to be an update of the community (GeorgLink, 19:25:43)
  • CHAOSS Software-side updates (GeorgLink, 19:26:01)
    • GHData is maturing and will socialize the roadmap and what is planned next. (GeorgLink, 19:27:10)
    • GrimoireLab is moving repositories to the CHAOSS repositories. Goal: complete between CHAOSSCon. (GeorgLink, 19:27:43)
    • GrimoireLab is working on documentation and containers to make deployment easier (GeorgLink, 19:28:25)
    • GrimoireLab would like a community-oriented installation (of the container) with CHAOSS data and capability for people to add other repositories. A test server to play with the software. (GeorgLink, 19:32:24)
    • LINK: (GeorgLink, 19:34:22)
    • ACTION: We have a long list of activity metrics and will do a better job at linking to it. (GeorgLink, 19:36:45)
    • we may want to link the metrics to implementations (GeorgLink, 19:37:10)
  • CHAOSS presentation (GeorgLink, 19:37:42)
    • What is the consistent story that comes out of CHAOSS, especially since we have different software and committees? (GeorgLink, 19:38:07)
    • on the software side, there used to be a roadmap for integrating the software. We need to put more time and resources to this. (GeorgLink, 19:40:36)
  • CHAOSS Diversity and Inclusion Project/Repository (GeorgLink, 19:42:05)
    • this project can integrate the metrics and software side in a meaningful way. How does the metric work inform the software and vice versa. (GeorgLink, 19:43:36)
    • maybe defining how to produce other reports—adopt the diversity report as a risk report—to inform the relationship between software and metrics (in the future) (GeorgLink, 19:47:14)
    • Neil Chue Hong (via Zoom Chat): +1 to the idea of creating reports, particularly as a way of helping join up the work of the Metrics and Software groups, even if the reports are not “complete”. (GeorgLink, 19:48:14)
  • OTHER TOPICS (GeorgLink, 19:48:42)
    • Jesus would like a series of webinars or Hangouts on GrimoireLab. The webinar would be recorded to be used as a documentation and tutorial in the future. (GeorgLink, 19:49:37)
    • “How would you conceptualize a quality model for metrics and visualizations?” (GeorgLink, 19:53:41)

Meeting ended at 19:57:04 UTC.

People present (lines said)

  • GeorgLink (39)
  • rpaik (5)
  • collabot (3)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4


19:01:58 <GeorgLink> #startmeeting Monthly Call
19:01:58 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Jan  9 19:01:58 2018 UTC.  The chair is GeorgLink. Information about MeetBot at
19:01:58 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:01:58 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'monthly_call'
19:02:12 <GeorgLink> Hi everyone!
19:02:51 <GeorgLink> #topic CHAOSS Events
19:04:09 <GeorgLink> #info Formerly GrimoireCon will now be CHAOSSCon. The agenda is still in the works.
19:05:10 <GeorgLink> #info in March, we have the Open Source Leadership Summit and we'll have several submissions from CHAOSS members
19:05:30 <rpaik> #link CFP page
19:05:56 <GeorgLink> #info Vicky and Ray will submit a talk about experience with metrics
19:06:41 <GeorgLink> #info Matt and Daniel are submitting a Birds of a Feather session for Diversity and Inclusion
19:07:02 <rpaik> #info correction, it's ildikov & rpaik for Open Source Leadership Summit session
19:07:13 <GeorgLink> Thanks Ray!
19:08:13 <rpaik> you're welcome GeorgLink 😃
19:11:13 <GeorgLink> #info Jesus, Sean, and Georg will work on a proposal to give an overview of CHAOSS Metrics and Software with lessons learned in the Grimoire work
19:12:59 <GeorgLink> #info Preliminary CHAOSScon agenda is expected tomorrow
19:13:45 <GeorgLink> #info Open Source Summit North America: something to think about. Maybe have a day-long workshop before the conference.
19:16:52 <GeorgLink> #info Open Source Summit Asia ???
19:17:24 <GeorgLink> #action Create a presentation slide deck that we can take and talk about CHAOSS at various events
19:19:16 <GeorgLink> #info Linux World in China is another conference with more Community orientation than the OSSA in Japan
19:20:39 <GeorgLink> #topic Risk Metric
19:21:23 <GeorgLink> #info update on metrics: Most metrics are receiving good attention and are developing well.
19:21:58 <rpaik> #link Risk metrics
19:22:10 <GeorgLink> #info Risk metric will get more attention and participants are requested. Outreach planned.
19:24:35 <rpaik> #link whitepaper
19:24:37 <GeorgLink> #topic CHAOSS Metrics White paper
19:25:43 <GeorgLink> #info the white paper is supposed to be an update of the community
19:26:01 <GeorgLink> #topic CHAOSS Software-side updates
19:27:10 <GeorgLink> #info GHData is maturing and will socialize the roadmap and what is planned next.
19:27:43 <GeorgLink> #info GrimoireLab is moving repositories to the CHAOSS repositories. Goal: complete between CHAOSSCon.
19:28:25 <GeorgLink> #info GrimoireLab is working on documentation and containers to make deployment easier
19:32:24 <GeorgLink> #info GrimoireLab would like a community-oriented installation (of the container) with CHAOSS data and capability for people to add other repositories. A test server to play with the software.
19:34:22 <GeorgLink> #link
19:36:45 <GeorgLink> #action We have a long list of activity metrics and will do a better job at linking to it.
19:37:10 <GeorgLink> #info we may want to link the metrics to implementations
19:37:42 <GeorgLink> #topic CHAOSS presentation
19:38:07 <GeorgLink> #info What is the consistent story that comes out of CHAOSS, especially since we have different software and committees?
19:40:36 <GeorgLink> #info on the software side, there used to be a roadmap for integrating the software. We need to put more time and resources to this.
19:42:05 <GeorgLink> #topic CHAOSS Diversity and Inclusion Project/Repository
19:42:22 <GeorgLink> #link
19:43:36 <GeorgLink> #info this project can integrate the metrics and software side in a meaningful way. How does the metric work inform the software and vice versa.
19:47:14 <GeorgLink> #info maybe defining how to produce other reports---adopt the diversity report as a risk report---to inform the relationship between software and metrics (in the future)
19:48:14 <GeorgLink> #info Neil Chue Hong (via Zoom Chat): +1 to the idea of creating reports, particularly as a way of helping join up the work of the Metrics and Software groups, even if the reports are not "complete".
19:48:42 <GeorgLink> #topic OTHER TOPICS
19:49:37 <GeorgLink> #info Jesus would like a series of webinars or Hangouts on GrimoireLab. The webinar would be recorded to be used as a documentation and tutorial in the future.
19:53:41 <GeorgLink> #info "How would you conceptualize a quality model for metrics and visualizations?"
19:57:04 <GeorgLink> #endmeeting
chaoss/metrics/minutes/2018-01-09-meeting.1517671003.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/03 15:16 by GeorgLink