short and easy jobs
1-3 hour jobs
summarize the
Tagging Prototype (probably requires some programming knowledge in python)
longer jobs
overall "tagging system" roadmap
create list of interactive tagging tools
evaluate tools, choosing one closest to our needs (or learning from one):
modify/implement tagging tool, getting it to a usable state
create packagable version of the software
install software on osapa.org
attempt to tag a specific piece of software
choose “what” to tag
modify tagging tool based on input from community
choose export language (RDF, DOAP, others?)
choose basic solution to time-stamping metadata changes
have tagging meeting to get people in physical proximity
request input from USPTO on usefulness of prototype (but continue work)
approach freshmeat, SF, kernel.org with working prototype
popularize software tagging at the project-management level
popularize software tagging at the community level
must be actually useful
must be easy to use
attempt to search against exported tags from multiple repositories
approach google, yahoo about carrying exported metadata
get input from USPTO on search engine interfaces
rinse, lather, repeat
osapa/things_that_can_be_done_right_now.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/26 07:46 by emsearcy