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RTLWS 2017

The Real-Time Linux Workshop which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on October 19th and 20th, 2017 at the Czech Technical University (CTU) followed by the RT-Summit on October 21st 2017

Presentation Proposal ​

You are interested to present? Have a look at the CFP for further information.


Information will be available after presentations have been accepted.


You can register to the RT-Summit/RTLWS here. There is no need to register to any other event. Alternatively, if you are already planning to attend the Embedded Linux Conference and Open Source Summit Europe, you may register for the RT-Summit/RTLWS as an add-on option on the OSS and ELC registration page. If you intend to attend, we recommend you don't wait too much before registering, as we need to consider room size limits.


This event is organized by the Linux Foundation Real-Time Linux (RTL) collaborative project and the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL).

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, see the sponsoring information.


The conference will be held at the Czech Technical University.

Hotel information will be published soon.

realtime/events/rtlws2017/start.1497969768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/20 14:42 by anna-maria