
OpenPrinting Summit San Francisco 2011

5 Years of OpenPrinting Summits!

We started in April 2006 in Atlanta …


Actionable next steps toward the goal of making printing on Linux “just work”.

The printing activities of the Linux Foundation revolve around a few focal points:

  • For printer manufacturers, we want to make it easier to produce drivers that work across distributions and to get those drivers in the hands of end users, to reduce problems that result from running unsuitable or outdated drivers.
  • For application developers, we want to provide better facilities than we have today to add printing to applications in a portable and consistent way and so that the user gets full access to the printer's and the printing system's facilities and reliable results.
  • For operating system vendors, we want to put together a shared repository of printer drivers, so the OS/distribution vendors can share the burden of maintaining the (largely common) driver database with each other. We also want to assure that all parts of the printing stack (spooler, renderer, driver, filters, …) work consistently and reliably together.

A major theme of the OpenPrinting Summit is ensuring that we have the proper standards in place at both the application and driver level to accomplish the goal of making printing on Linux “just work”. In addition, we will discuss related topics, such as developer tools, developer documentation, and testing, that will be important to the goal of making the standard actionable.

Also general development of the printing infrastructure, like Color Management, automatic driver download, PDF workflow, Ghostscript, XPDF/Poppler, … will be discussed.


We are inviting the most important people on the area of printing with Linux and free software, like developers of printing infrastructure (CUPS, Ghostscript, Poppler, Color Management, OpenUsability, …), printer drivers (Gutenprint, …), representatives of printer manufacturers (Ricoh, HP, Epson, Lexmark, Canon, Samsung, …), distribution vendors (Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu, …), and more.


We will have a joint session with the LSB workgroup.

We also offer a call-in service for all sessions and so people who are not able to come can still participate.

Most probably more people than the invited ones will attend, as the OpenPrinting Summit is part of the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit which has a total of more than 400 attendees. In the same week (Mon-Wed (AM), April 4-6) there will be also held a PWG (Printing Working Group) meeting at Apple in Cupertino, probably some of the participants of that meeting will also attend the OpenPrinting Summit.

These are the attendees who confirmed and/or registered up to now for participating personally (names in alphabetical order, if not otherwise stated they are present on all three days):

  1. Arthur Alacar (Kyocera)
  2. Christopher Arnaiz (Kyocera)
  3. Danny Brennan (IBM)
  4. Ozan Caglayan (Pardus)
  5. Raghavendra Chitpadi (HP)
  6. Hal V. Engel (KDE, OpenICC)
  7. Pierre Enriquez (Lexmark)
  8. Jochen Faas (EFI)
  9. Junichiro Hamaguchi (Mocana)
  10. Masaru Kai (Epson)
  11. Till Kamppeter (The Linux Foundation, OpenPrinting)
  12. John Layt (KDE)
  13. Bin Li (Ricoh)
  14. George Liu (Ricoh)
  15. Kevin Luo (Kyocera)
  16. David May (EFI)
  17. Tim McCann (Konica Minolta)
  18. Ira McDonald (OpenPrinting, High North/Samsung)
  19. Peter Michalek (Shinesoft)
  20. Andrew Mitchell (HP)
  21. Ron Nevo (Samsung)
  22. Tyler Odean (Google)
  23. Jeremy Pennini (Ricoh)
  24. Glen Petrie (Epson)
  25. Krithika Santhanam (EFI)
  26. Hitoshi Sekine (Ricoh)
  27. Amir Shahindoust (Toshiba)
  28. Craig Shifman (Konica Minolta)
  29. Barry Sia (Mocana)
  30. Michael Sweet (Apple, Thu only)
  31. Jerry Thrasher (Lexmark)
  32. Charles Torrejos (Lexmark)
  33. Michael Vrhel (Artifex)
  34. William Wagner (TIC)

This is the list of attendees who will probably call in (names in alphabetical order, note that these attendees will perhaps only call in for selected sessions):

  1. Richard Hughes (Red Hat)
  2. Seb James (WML)
  3. Hin-Tak Leung
  4. Marti Maria (HP)
  5. Glen Petrie (Epson)
  6. Paul Tykodi (TCS)
  7. Tim Waugh (Red Hat)
  8. Rick Yardumian (Canon)


The OpenPrinting Summit will take place on all three days of the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, Wed(PM)-Fri, April 6-8, directly after the PWG (Printing Working Group) meeting at Apple in Cupertino in the beginning of the week.


We plan to cover the following topics (days, order, and duration are subject to change):

Wednesday, April 6 (Recording: Afternoon, 66MB, 3h 9min)

Room: Kyoto

12:00PM - 01:00PMLunch
Room: Sakura
01:00PM - 02:00PMSet up facilities

* Speakerphone, projector, wireless internet, …
02:00PM - 03:30PMOpenPrinting/PWG Joint Working Session

* OP JTAPI for PWG Job Ticket (Slides)
* PWG is calling in, see also PWG meeting at Apple in Cupertino
03:30PM - 05:00PM

Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting Manager)

* Building signed binary printer driver packages for auto-download


06:00PM - 08:30PMEvening Reception

* Shuttle buses leave Hotel Kabuki between 5:45PM and 6:15PM

Thursday, April 7 (Recordings: Morning, 71MB, 3h 22min, Afternoon, 41MB, 1h 57min)

Room: Kyoto

08:00AM - 09:00AMBreakfast
Room: Lobby
09:00PM - 10:00PM

Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting Manager)

* Update of our discussion in 2006
* Plans for next five years

10:00AM - 10:45AM

Mike Sweet (Apple, PWG Chair)

* CUPS Contributions
* CUPS 1.5
* CUPS Future Plans

10:45AM - 11:15AM

Bruce Nordman


11:15AM - 12:15PM

Ira McDonald (OpenPrinting Chair, PWG), Mike Sweet (Apple, PWG Chair)

* IPP Job and Printer Extensions Set 2 (PWG 5100.11-2010)
* IPP/2.0 Second Edition (PWG 5100.12-2011, defines IPP/2.0, IPP/2.1, and IPP/2.2)
* IPP Everywhere Phase 1 - Printing (specs in development now)
* IPP Everywhere Phase 2 - Multifunction

12:15PM - 01:30PMLunch
Room: Imperial B
Group Photo
01:30PM - 03:30PMMobile Printing

* Demos and status from Google, MeeGo, others
* New level 0 of Common Printing Dialog or some other mobile UI?
* Reuse of DBUS API libraries?
03:30PM - 04:30PM

Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting Manager)

* Demos and status of CPD
* How to continue CPD without further funding?
* All CPD-specific hints/extensions into PPDs or extra files?
* Skins for Human Interface Guidelines of KDE/GNOME desktops?

Slides: CPD - Being Common, CPD Skins|

04:30PM - 05:30PM

Michael Vrhel (Artifex)

* New features, bugs/issues, discussion
* Roadmap, new features, bugs/issues, discussion


Friday, April 8 (Recordings: Morning, 65 MB, 3h 7min, Afternoon, 28MB, 1h 21min)

Room: Spring A

08:00AM - 09:00AMBreakfast
Room: Lobby
09:00AM - 10:00AM

Tim Waugh (Red Hat)

* GNOME 3, system-config-printer 1.3


10:00AM - 11:00AMJoint session with LSB workgroup

* roadmap for printing in new LSB releases
11:00AM - 12:15PMTesting of Linux printing workflow components

* New bugs, regression testing, loss of features
* GUI, applications, drivers, filters, renderers, etc.
* Demos/slides from manufacturers and Linux distributions

Ricoh Slides
12:15PM - 01:30PMLunch
Room: Imperial B
01:30PM - 04:00PM

Tim Waugh (Red Hat)

* colord

Slides (11Mb)

04:00PM - 04:30PMWrap-up

* Action items, next steps, conclusions

Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes of this summit.

Event Logistics

As the OpenPrinting Summit is held together with the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit. See there for more detailed information.



Wednesday-Friday, April 6-8




The OpenPrinting Summit takes place together with the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit in San Francisco at the same location, the Hotel Kabuki.


We will have one room for 30-40 people through all three days for the OpenPrinting Summit, so that it takes place in parallel to the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit. We will have a joint meeting of 1 hour with the LSB workgroup.

Mailing List

For any questions or discussion about the contents or the Logistics of this event please use our mailing list. Please subscribe to the list if you are interested in the OpenPrinting Summit and/or want to attend it.


Everything important for attendees will only be announced on the list and summarized on this Wiki page, so please subscribe or stay subscribed if you like to attend.

Preparation conference calls

There will be 4 preparation conference calls for the event. They will be on Wednesdays, in the morning in the US and in the afternoon in Europe (always at 9am in San Francisco).



Dial-in number: +1-218-936-7999
Access code: 491659#

If not otherwise stated the same dial-in number and access code will be used for all preparation conference calls and also for dialing into the Printing Summit itself (see below).


The OpenPrinting Summit is held together with the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit. Therefore we use the same registration form for both events.


If you want to attend sessions of both events, please register only once through this registrstion page.

NOTE: Very important is to mention “OpenPrinting Summit” under “Why would you like to attend the summit?”. Then your registration will get directly forwarded to the organizers of the OpenPrinting Summit. Otherwise it would be treated only be the organizers of the LF Collaboration Summit and they could reject your participation.

To the registration page

Please register early, as the number of participants is limited.

Registration for the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit and for the OpenPrinting Summit is free of charge.

Participation by calling in

We set up a conference phone in the room of the OpenPrinting Summit so that if you are not able to attend the Summit you can participate by calling in.


We will use the same phone number and access code as for the preparation conference calls: 

  • OpenPrinting Summit room
  • Dial-in number: +1-218-936-7999
  • Access code: 491659#

To watch the projection while you are on the phone, we are setting up a screencast via HP Virtual Rooms. Click here to start receiving our screencast. By clicking the link you get onto a page where you can start watching the screencast and also download the needed client software/browser plug-in. The software is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Please note that HP Virtual Rooms only supports one browser on each operating system:

  • Windows - IE 6, 7, or 8 (but not IE 9 beta)
  • Mac OS X - Safari 2.x or higher
  • Linux - Firefox 1.5 or higher (but not Firefox 4)

Please take the time to install and test the HP Virtual Rooms client
for your system before the Open Printing Summit. Also watch out for updates of the client software, especially if you are using Firefox 4 or IE 9.

As an alternative to the screencast you can download the presentation slides via the links in the schedules. Note that you have to advance the slides manually then (but you can go back whenever you want).

NOTE: How well the call-in participation works depends very much on the room acoustics and the quality of the equipment on the conference site. Especially in big rooms there are often problems.


We will have negotiated room rates in the hotel where the event take place, the Hotel Kabuki (negotiated rate booked out) and also in the partner hotel Hotel Tomo ($129/night plus taxes. book online). When contacting either of these hotels to make your reservation, please ask for the Linux Foundation group rate.


More details here, on the “HOTEL AND TRAVEL” tab.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The preferred form of sponsoring the OpenPrinting Summit is overtaking the expenses for travel, accomodation, and meals for one or more of the participants who do not get their costs reimbursed by their employers, as they work on printing with free software in their spare time, independent of their jobs.


The Linux Foundation will also sponsor some participants, but we will probably get more requests for sponsorships. Note also that getting member of the Linux Foundation or donating to the OpenPrinting work group at the Linux Foundation can raise money for sponsoring the Summit, too.

If you want to sponsor, we can supply you with a list of sponsorship requests.

Please contact the organization team (see below).

Organization Team

Till Kamppeter (till at linux-foundation dot org, Content/Agenda), Ira McDonald (blueroofmusic at gmail dot com, Content/Agenda).



openprinting/openprinting-summit-san-francisco-2011.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/19 01:23 (external edit)