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openprinting:database:macosxfaq [2017/09/12 14:55] (current)
sampablokuper Remove TOC. Why? (1) All the links were broken. (2) DokuWiki already provides an automatically-generated TOC for this page, so a manually-maintained one creates unnecessary duplication and maintenance overhead.
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-  * [[https://​​Mac_OSX_FAQ|1 Mac OSX FAQ]] 
-    * [[https://​​General_Questions|1.1 General Questions]] 
-      * [[https://​​In_which_forum_should_I_ask_Mac_OSX_related_questions.3F|1.1.1 In which forum should I ask Mac OSX related questions?​]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_can_I_find_packages_of_printer_drivers.2C_GhostScript.2C_and_Foomatic.3F|1.1.2 Where can I find packages of printer drivers, GhostScript,​ and Foomatic?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_are_the_Mac_OS_X_packages_on_openprinting.org_so_old.3F|1.1.3 Why are the Mac OS X packages on so old?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_can_I_find_a_table_of_working_printers.3F|1.1.4 Where can I find a table of working printers?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_print_to_a_Linux_CUPS_server.3F|1.1.5 Why can't I print to a Linux CUPS server?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_the_Mac_cannot_see_the_printer_on_the_GNU.2FLinux_box.3F|1.1.6 How come the Mac cannot see the printer on the GNU/Linux box?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Do_the_Keyspan_USB.2FParallel_adapters_work.3F|1.1.7 Do the Keyspan USB/​Parallel adapters work?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_can_I_get_a_USB.2FSerial_.28Din-8.29_for_my_LaserWriter.3F|1.1.8 Where can I get a USB/Serial (Din-8) for my LaserWriter?​]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_stop_the_extra_gibberish_page_with_every_print_job.3F|1.1.9 How do I stop the extra gibberish page with every print job?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_connect_my_LocalTalk_or_AppleTalk_Printer.3F|1.1.10 How do I connect my LocalTalk or AppleTalk Printer?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_can_I_print_with_QuadTone_inks.3F|1.1.11 How can I print with QuadTone inks?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_can_I_print_PostScript_Level_1.3F|1.1.12 How can I print PostScript Level 1?]] 
-      * [[https://​​What.27s_the_easiest_way_to_add_a_printer.3F|1.1.13 What's the easiest way to add a printer?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Print_Quality|1.2 Print Quality]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_fix_the_blue_tint_in_the_output.3F|1.2.1 How do I fix the blue tint in the output?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_the_curves_and_circles_are_pixelated.3F|1.2.2 How come the curves and circles are pixelated?​]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_the_test_page_looks_better_than_application_output.3F|1.2.3 How come the test page looks better than application output?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Software_and_Drivers|1.3 Software and Drivers]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_is_the_list_of_Mac_Printing_Software.3F|1.3.1 Where is the list of Mac Printing Software?]] 
-      * [[https://​​When_did_Apple_start_using_CUPS.3F|1.3.2 When did Apple start using CUPS?]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_spooler_do_older_versions_of_OSX_use.3F|1.3.3 What spooler do older versions of OSX use?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_do_I_get_the_HPIJS_driver_for_OSX.3F|1.3.4 Where do I get the HPIJS driver for OSX?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_is_the_pnmtppa_driver_for_host-based_printers.3F|1.3.5 Where is the pnmtppa driver for host-based printers?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_did_my_HP_printer_just_stop_working.3F|1.3.6 Why did my HP printer just stop working?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_print_with_hpijs.2Fgimpprint.3F|1.3.7 Why can't I print with hpijs/​gimpprint?​]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_Acrobat_Reader_only_the_first_page.3F|1.3.8 Why does Acrobat Reader only the first page?]] 
-    * [[https://​​OSX_10.1.X|1.4 OSX 10.1.X]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_aren.27t_the_drivers_working.3F|1.4.1 Why aren't the drivers working?]] 
-    * [[https://​​OSX_10.2|1.5 OSX 10.2]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_spooler_did_it_ship_with.3F|1.5.1 What spooler did it ship with?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_use_free_driver_software.3F|1.5.2 Can I use free driver software?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_my_parallel.2FUSB_adapter_stopped_working.3F|1.5.3 How come my parallel/​USB adapter stopped working?]] 
-    * [[https://​​OSX_10.2.3|1.6 OSX 10.2.3]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_the_page_prints_random_ASCII.3F_1234SX.40PJL_ENTER_PRINTER_LANGUAGE.3DPCL3GUI|1.6.1 How come the page prints random ASCII? 1234SX@PJL ENTER PRINTER LANGUAGE=PCL3GUI]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can_I_only_print_one_page_of_a_PDF_file.3F|1.6.2 Why can I only print one page of a PDF file?]] 
-      * [[https://​​.22pdftops.22_cannot_be_found.21_Filter_.22imagetops.22_cannot_be_found.21__Filter_.22texttops.22_cannot_be_found.21_Filter_.22imagetoraster.22_cannot_be_found.21|1.6.3 "​pdftops"​ cannot be found! Filter "​imagetops"​ cannot be found! ​ Filter "​texttops"​ cannot be found! Filter "​imagetoraster"​ cannot be found!]] 
-      * [[https://​​Unable_to_parse_AppleTalk_address:​_LaserWriter.4010.0.1.250|1.6.4 Unable to parse AppleTalk address: LaserWriter@]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_use_a_USB_to_Parallel_convert.3F|1.6.5 Can I use a USB to Parallel convert?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_my_RedHat_GNU.2FLinux_PC_print_to_the_Mac_using_netatalk.3F|1.6.6 Why can't my RedHat GNU/Linux PC print to the Mac using netatalk?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_print_from_a_Mac_to_a_GNU.2FLinux_box.3F|1.6.7 Why can't I print from a Mac to a GNU/Linux box?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_use_netatalk_with_CUPS.3F|1.6.8 Can I use netatalk with CUPS?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_the_new_installer_script_hang_on_.22running_installer.3F.22|1.6.9 Why does the new installer script hang on "​running installer?"​]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_come_I_can_print_from_the_command_line_and_not_graphical_programs.3F|1.6.10 How come I can print from the command line and not graphical programs?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Does_OSX_ship_with_the_latest_CUPS_version.3F|1.6.11 Does OSX ship with the latest CUPS version?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_get_a_SCSI_backend_working.3F|1.6.12 How do I get a SCSI backend working?]] 
-    * [[https://​​OSX_10.2.4|1.7 OSX 10.2.4]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_print_to_my_socket:​.2F.2F_URI_printer.3F|1.7.1 Why can't I print to my socket:// URI printer?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_print_from_Acrobat_to_a_remote_print_server.3F|1.7.2 Why can't I print from Acrobat to a remote print server?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_add_a_USB_printer_with_the_HPIJS_driver.3F|1.7.3 How do I add a USB printer with the HPIJS driver?]] 
-    * [[https://​​ALPS_Microdry|1.8 ALPS Microdry]] 
-      * [[https://​​Which_driver_do_I_use.3F|1.8.1 Which driver do I use?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Apple_Imagewriter|1.9 Apple Imagewriter]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_my_Mac_not_recognize_my_Imagewriter_2.3F|1.9.1 Why does my Mac not recognize my Imagewriter 2?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_the_new_installer_script_hang_on_running_installer.3F|1.9.2 Why does the new installer script hang on running installer?​]] 
-    * [[https://​​Apple_Laserwriter_IINT.2FX|1.10 Apple Laserwriter IINT/X]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_is_serial_port_printing_so_slow.3F|1.10.1 Why is serial port printing so slow?]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_are_the_DIP_switch_settings.3F__Serial_port_configuration.3F__Startup_page_on.2Foff.3F|1.10.2 What are the DIP switch settings? ​ Serial port configuration? ​ Startup page on/off?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_can_I_print_without_upgrading_the_printer.3F|1.10.3 How can I print without upgrading the printer?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Is_it_possible_to_print_graphics.3F|1.10.4 Is it possible to print graphics?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_upgrade_to_PostScript_Level_2.3F|1.10.5 Can I upgrade to PostScript Level 2?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_get_past_the_step_of_using_atlookup_to_find_the_printer_name.3F|1.10.6 How do I get past the step of using atlookup to find the printer name?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_print_from_Adobe_InDesign.3F|1.10.7 Can I print from Adobe InDesign?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Apple_StyleWriter_II|1.11 Apple StyleWriter II]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_print_with_CUPS.3F|1.11.1 How do I print with CUPS?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Canon_GP_405|1.12 Canon GP 405]] 
-      * [[https://​​Which_driver_do_I_use.3F_2|1.12.1 Which driver do I use?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Epson_SC_800.2C_1200|1.13 Epson SC 800, 1200]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_is_the_serial_port_configuration.3F|1.13.1 What is the serial port configuration?​]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_CP1700|1.14 HP CP1700]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_is_my_printer_not_listed_in_the_Device:​_popup.3F|1.14.1 Why is my printer not listed in the Device: popup?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_2500CM|1.15 HP 2500CM]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_it_only_print_one_blank_page.3F|1.15.1 Why does it only print one blank page?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_Laserjet_4.2Fm|1.16 HP Laserjet 4/m]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can.27t_I_change_paper_size.3F|1.16.1 Why can't I change paper size?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_do_I_get_ERROR:​_rangecheck.2C_OFFENDING_COMMAND:​_get_and_lose_one_page.3F|1.16.2 Why do I get ERROR: rangecheck, OFFENDING COMMAND: get and lose one page?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_do_I_get_a_PPD.3F|1.16.3 Where do I get a PPD?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_is_the_printer_recognized.2C_but_no_driver_is_listed.3F|1.16.4 Why is the printer recognized, but no driver is listed?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_LaserJet_1000|1.17 HP LaserJet 1000]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_compile_the_oo2zjs_driver.3F|1.17.1 How do I compile the oo2zjs driver?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_upload_the_firmware.3F|1.17.2 How do I upload the firmware?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_LaserJet_3300.2F3320.2F3330_MFP|1.18 HP LaserJet 3300/​3320/​3330 MFP]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_does_the_printer_simply_not_work_with_OSX_10.2.3.3F|1.18.1 Why does the printer simply not work with OSX 10.2.3?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_can_I_only_print_random_ASCII.3F|1.18.2 Why can I only print random ASCII?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Does_the_printer_work_with_the_USB_port.3F|1.18.3 Does the printer work with the USB port?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_can_I_get_a_postscript_driver.3F|1.18.4 Where can I get a postscript driver?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_OfficeJet|1.19 HP OfficeJet]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_work_around_the_error_genericclass:​_waiting_for_device.3F|1.19.1 How do I work around the error genericclass:​ waiting for device?]] 
-    * [[https://​​HP_OfficeJet_G85|1.20 HP OfficeJet G85]] 
-      * [[https://​​Which_cable_do_I_use.3F|1.20.1 Which cable do I use?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Which_device_do_I_use.3F|1.20.2 Which device do I use?]] 
-    * [[https://​​NewGen_Design_XP_12|1.21 NewGen Design XP 12]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_is_the_manufacturer.27s_Website.3F|1.21.1 Where is the manufacturer'​s Website?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Is_the_printer_PostScript.3F|1.21.2 Is the printer PostScript?​]] 
-      * [[https://​​Where_can_I_get_a_PPD.3F|1.21.3 Where can I get a PPD?]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_changes_should_be_made_to_the_PPD.3F|1.21.4 What changes should be made to the PPD?]] 
-      * [[https://​​I_can.27t_find_the_PPD_file.|1.21.5 I can't find the PPD file.]] 
-    * [[https://​​OkiData_590|1.22 OkiData 590]] 
-      * [[https://​​What_drivers_can_I_try_for_OSX.3F|1.22.1 What drivers can I try for OSX?]] 
-    * [[https://​​Samsung_ML-1430|1.23 Samsung ML-1430]] 
-      * [[https://​​Why_doesn.27t_the_Print_Center_recognize_it.3F|1.23.1 Why doesn'​t the Print Center recognize it?]] 
-      * [[https://​​Can_I_use_the_GNU.2FLinux_PPD.3F|1.23.2 Can I use the GNU/Linux PPD?]] 
 ====== ​ Mac OSX FAQ ====== ====== ​ Mac OSX FAQ ======
openprinting/database/macosxfaq.1468891242.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/09/12 14:55 (external edit)