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openchain:curriculum [2016/10/04 08:05]
shanecoughlan Updated to the new version of the slides
openchain:curriculum [2017/02/16 20:18] (current)
shanecoughlan added meeting notes
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 ===== OpenChain Curriculum===== ===== OpenChain Curriculum=====
-The OpenChain Curriculum is designed to help organizations meet the training and process requirements of the OpenChain Specification. Version 1 of the slides are available now under CC-0 licensing to allow everyone to use, study, share and improve the material.+The OpenChain Curriculum is designed to help organizations meet the training and process requirements of the OpenChain Specification. ​
-The slides for version 1 of the OpenChain specification are available in PDF format: +==== Current Release====
-  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-1.pdf |}} +
-They are also available in Powerpoint format to allow editing and adjustments:​ +
-  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-1.pptx |}}+
-The working ​slides ​for future updates can be found here. These slides are actively edited ​and should not be used as part of your confirmation process for the OpenChain Specification:​ +Release 2 of the slides ​is available now under CC-0 licensing to allow everyone to use, study, share and improve ​the material.
-  * [[https://​​p/​s!AsXJVqby5kpnhjz7p9yryf8MJUPJ]]+
-===== Curriculum Development Notes=====+The OpenChain Curriculum reference slides are available in several formats: 
 +  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-2.pdf |Release 2 in PDF format (slides only)}} 
 +  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-2-with-notes.pdf |Release 2 in PDF format (slides and notes)}} 
 +  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-2.pptx |PowerPoint for trainers, editing and adjustments}} 
 +We also have a Korean translation of the Release 1 slides from November 2016 available in PDF and PowerPoint format: 
 +  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-1-kor.pdf |}} 
 +  * {{ :​openchain:​openchain-curriculum-release-1-kor.pptx |}} 
 +==== More Information==== 
 +There is a [[https://​​openchain/​curriculum-questions-and-answers|Frequently Asked Questions page]] explaining the OpenChain ​Curriculum
 +==== Get Involved==== 
 +Everyone is invited to participate via our [[https://​​mailman/​listinfo/​openchain-curriculum|OpenChain Curriculum Mailing List]]. 
 +We are currently working on the [[https://​​p/​s!AsXJVqby5kpnhjz7p9yryf8MJUPJ|Release 3 slides]].  
 +These are actively edited and should not be used as part of your confirmation process for the OpenChain Specification. They are scheduled for release around Q2 2017. 
 +==== Our Meeting and Development Notes===
 +** 2017/1/17 Linux Foundation Open Source Leadership Summit, Lake Tahoe** 
 +We are now getting very close to closing the Release 3 Slides. You can check out our progress here: 
 +Key additions:​ 
 +Slide 2: on-boarding to the deck. 
 +Slide 55: the Chapter 6 SME Checklists 
 +Slides 57-68: Simplified Chapter 6 enterprise process 
 +(1) We need to simplify language on the slides. I am working on Chapter 1 and 2. Nathan is working on Chapter 3 and 4. Can anyone volunteer to assist with review of Chapter 5, 6 and 7? I believe Luis is already assisting on some slides and indeed I just saw he editing online. Hurry, everyone else, don’t miss your chance! 
 +(2) We came to consensus that Chapter 8 - developer guidelines - should sync with the Linux Foundation practical GPL compliance for developers free course. Karen (in CC) has volunteered to help have a look at the slides and ensure fit. 
 +We additionally came to consensus that: 
 +(1) The Release 3 slides will be synced to launch with the OpenChain Specification 1.1. This is currently scheduled for release on March 31st.  
 +(2) After Release 3 the Curriculum training slides will move to a yearly update cycle, reflecting that we have not only met our key goal of providing the foundation material for people to meet Section 1.2 of the OpenChain Specification,​ but that we have polished and refined the material over two generations to ensure usability. 
 +In a nutshell, once we get these slides out, we will have accomplished another major milestone, and we can turn our attention to new curriculum material.  
 +**2017/1/17 meeting** 
 +Overview of the planned Q1 2017 activities:​ 
 +  - Add a “SME” checklist to Chapter 6 for small company compliance review 
 +  - Decide what to put in Chapter 8 for “Developer Guidelines” 
 +  - Review language throughout to simplify and improve clarity 
 +**2016/​12/​14 Linux Foundation Legal Summit, San Francisco** 
 +  * Launch of the OpenChain Release 2 reference slide deck. 
 +This deck has the following improvements:​ 
 +  - There are slide notes for trainers throughout the material to make delivery easier. 
 +  - There are answers to the “Check Your Understanding” questions at the end of each chapter to assist with the creation of internal exams. 
 +  - The content of some slides has been adjusted to make things clearer and simpler. 
 +  * You can see the launch presentation here: {{ :​openchain:​openchain-release-2-launch-presentation.pptx |}} 
 +**2016/​11/​21 meeting** 
 +  * Slide notes in Chapters 1 and 2 complete. ​ Chapters 3, 6 and 7 in work. 
 +  * Call for help with “Check Your Understanding” slide notes in each chapter. ​  
 +  * Nathan Kumagai, Hung Chang and Shane Coughlan volunteered to help. 
 +  * December release now scheduled for 12/13, align with Linux Foundation Legal Summit. 
 +Request for comment: 
 +  - There was consensus that the slides follow US law and statement on slide 1 is sufficient. ​  
 +  - Suggestion to include definitions of disjunctive and conjunctive in notes section. 
 +  - Will address complexity of Chapter 6 in 2017.  Slide 52 will serve as placeholder. ​  
 +**2016/​11/​21 meeting** 
 +  - We will seek to polish the Release 1 slides and push out the polished version as Release 2 in December 2016 
 +  - This will not be an extension of the existing slides, just a polish based on existing feedback contained in the slide notes 
 +  - It will be accompanied by a new version of the slide notes which will act as a “teacher’s handbook” 
 +To action this: 
 +  - We will create an FAQ to help set a clear context for the OpenChain Curriculum slides 
 +  - We need to close off the existing slide notes - focused as they are on improvements to content - to allow further progress towards our projected December release 
 +  - Once the existing slide notes are closed, work will begin on new slide notes intended to act as our “teacher’s handbook”  
 +**2016/​10/​05 LinuxCon Europe meeting, Berlin** 
 +What is next for the OpenChain Curriculum?​ 
 +At LinuxCon Europe we sat down and had a detailed discussion about what we are doing, where we are going, and what deliverables are needed. 
 +Executive summary: 
 +  * We need to create a FAQ for the curriculum 
 +  * We need to create a “training handbook” for the slides 
 +  * We need to integrate some comments and minor adjustments on the release slides 
 +  * Our target for these improvements is a December 2016 release 
 +  * Larger changes like expanding the slides will occur in 2017 
 +  * We will open a mailing list for the Curriculum team to ensure we do not create too much traffic on this main list. 
 +  * Our first translation is underway! Haksung Jang at LG Electronics has volunteered to translate our Release 1 slides to Korean. 
 +== FAQ == 
 +We need to explain some items in a FAQ: 
 +Q: What is this slide deck used for?  
 +A: This is a reference deck to meet OpenChain specification 1.0, requirement 1.2 
 +Q: what is the audience? 
 +A: businesses who are shipping open source and audience software staff as defined in spec 
 +Q: Length of training session 
 +A: meant to be given in half day 
 +Q: What jurisdiction does the IP law section cover?  
 +A: US law for now 
 +Q: Are these slides everything you need to be compliant with licenses? 
 +A: No, this is a reference deck 
 +Q: How to contribute? (put both in FAQ and slide deck) 
 +Q: What is scanning technology 
 +== Training Handbook == 
 +We decided to change the handbook for teachers into a simpler solution:  
 +  * we will create expanded notes under each slide for trainers and  
 +  * we will provide slide note reference answers to each of the “Check Your Understanding” questions. 
 +This will also make it easier for Gary to eventually make an online quiz to support people directly using the reference deck. 
 +== Slide Adjustments ​== 
 +  * We need to resolve the existing comments in the Slide notes as our first action item. 
 +  * We need to create a placeholder for localization for different jurisdictions. Our discussion was to leverage the IFOSS Law Book as one example of reference material. 
 +  * We need to normalize the slide to US law and state this in slides. Jilayne has taken this as an action item. Thanks Jilayne! 
 +  * We need to make one adjustment to Chapter 6: prior to the explanation of a large enterprise process we will add a slide to say “small businesses may just use a checklist, larger enterprises will have a detailed process. Here is an example of an enterprise process.” 
 +Stuff pushed back to 2017: 
 +  * Larger changes to Chapter 6 to make it more accessible. 
 +  * Chapter 8 review and release. 
 +  * We need to looking at other material to use / make OpenChain compliant. We agreed to start with existing Linux Foundation material available here: 
 +https://​​references/​compliance-related-publications ​
 **2016/9/19 meeting** **2016/9/19 meeting**
openchain/curriculum.1475568310.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/04 08:05 by shanecoughlan