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dco [2019/12/26 18:18]
emsearcy Add clarification of how the validation affects PRs
dco [2019/12/26 18:20] (current)
emsearcy fix typo, clarify
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 ==== GitHub ==== ==== GitHub ====
-GitHub uses status checks (similar to CI pass/​fail) ​or Pull Requests ​in order to deny changes ​that fail DCO validation.+GitHub uses status checks (similar to CI pass/​fail) ​against new Pull Requests to ensure ​that contributions which fail DCO validation ​will not be merged into a DCO-protected branch (usually "​master"​).
 Log in as user with Owner rights to a GitHub organization. Browse to the URL [[https://​​apps/​dco]] and hit the "​Install"​ (or "​Configure"​) button. Select the organization to install it to. Select "All repositories"​. Log in as user with Owner rights to a GitHub organization. Browse to the URL [[https://​​apps/​dco]] and hit the "​Install"​ (or "​Configure"​) button. Select the organization to install it to. Select "All repositories"​.
dco.1577384293.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/26 18:18 by emsearcy