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civilinfrastructureplatform:start [2023/07/27 11:56]
nobuhiro.iwamatsu [Participate in CIP]
civilinfrastructureplatform:start [2024/08/22 20:38] (current)
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 ======= Civil Infrastructure Platform ======= ======= Civil Infrastructure Platform =======
-{{:​civilinfrastructureplatform:​CIP_LOGO_stacked.png?nolink |}}+{{:​civilinfrastructureplatform:​cip_logo_color_stacked.png?nolink |}}
 The Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) aims to establish a “base layer” of industrial-grade tooling using the Linux kernel and other open source projects. This base layer will be available for use by developers creating software building blocks that meet safety, security, reliability and other requirements that are critical to industrial and civil infrastructure projects. The Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) aims to establish a “base layer” of industrial-grade tooling using the Linux kernel and other open source projects. This base layer will be available for use by developers creating software building blocks that meet safety, security, reliability and other requirements that are critical to industrial and civil infrastructure projects.
civilinfrastructureplatform/start.1690459008.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/27 11:56 by nobuhiro.iwamatsu