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CHAOSS Project Community

Welcome to the CHAOSS (Community Health Analytics Open Source Software) Project community wiki page!


Work in the CHAOSS Project community is organized in two committees.

  • The Metrics Committee works on establishing implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health.
  • The Software Committee works on producing integrated, open source software for analyzing software development, and definition of standards and models used in that software in specific use cases.

How to get involved

The CHAOSS Project is an open source community that welcomes all new contributors.

Ideas for Google Summer of Code

The CHAOSS Project applied for the Google Summer of Code with the linked ideas.

Additional Resources


The CHAOSS project was officially announced at the Open Source Summit North America 2017 in Los Angeles. We thank all participants of the BoF and workshop for participating and contributing. Below is a picture of the workshop participants at OSSNA2017.

chaoss/start.1516724990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/23 16:29 (external edit)