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chaoss:software [2017/10/22 20:10]
GeorgLink [CHAOSS Software Committee] advertise OSSEU
chaoss:software [2018/11/10 16:52] (current)
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 ====== CHAOSS Software Committee ====== ====== CHAOSS Software Committee ======
 The CHAOSS Software Technical Committee aims to produce integrated, free, open source software for analyzing software development,​ and definition of standards and models used in that software in specific use cases. The CHAOSS Software Technical Committee aims to produce integrated, free, open source software for analyzing software development,​ and definition of standards and models used in that software in specific use cases.
-<WRAP center round info 80%> 
-Join us at the **__Open Source Summit Europe__** in Praque:\\ 
-CHAOSS project breakout session 
-  * Tuesday (Oct. 24th) 
-  * Room London 
-  * 12:00 - 12:45 CHAOSS project introductions (metrics and software) + on boarding (15 minutes metrics, 15 minutes soft, 15 minutes on boarding) 
-  * 12:45 - 14:20 Lunch time 
-  * 14:20 - 14:40 GHData 
-  * 14:40 - 15:00 Prospector and Cregit 
-  * 15:00 - 15:50 GrimoireLab (20 minutes Data retrieval - Perceval, 20 minutes data management - enrichment, 10 minutes data visualizations) 
-  * 15:50 - 16:20 - Coffee break 
-  * 16:20 - 17:00 Diversity and Inclusion metrics/​project discussion 
-===== Communication Channels ===== 
-==== Mailing list ==== 
-There is a mailing list for discussions related to the CHAOSS Software Technical Committee: 
-==== IRC Channel ==== 
-The CHAOSS community has an IRC channel on freenode: #​chaoss-community 
-==== Software Project Specific Communication ==== 
-The projects developed by CHAOSS Software have their own means for communication,​ this mailing list is only for matters of interest to the whole Technical Committee. 
-===== CHAOSS Software Projects ==== 
-The following are the projects currently developed by the CHAOSS Software Technical Committee. 
-==== GrimoireLab ==== 
-GrimoireLab is a set of free, open source software tools for software development analytics. They gather data from many systems supporting development (git, GitHub, Jira, Bugzilla, Gerrit, mailing lists, Jenkins, Slack, Discourse, Confluence, StackOverflow,​ etc), merge and organize it in a database, and produce visualizations,​ actionable dashboards, and analytics of all of it.  GrimoireLab is focused on analyzing activity, community and processes, but can be easy tailored for other aims. They can also be easily integrated with other tools. 
-* GrimoireLab Website: https://​ 
-* GrimoireLab Code: https://​​grimoirelab 
-* GrimoireLab dogfooding: http://​ 
-* GrimoireLab Tutorial: https://​​grimoirelab-training 
-==== Prospector ==== 
-Prospector is a tool for automated collection and continuous tracking of a wide range of metrics of open source projects useful in evaluating the health and trends of projects. Red Hat open sourced Prospector under GPLv3 as part of the launch of CHAOSS. 
-* Prospector Code: https://​​chaoss/​prospector 
-* Prospector Live Proof of Concept: http://​ 
-==== Cregit ==== 
-Cregit is a framework of tools that facilitates the analysis and visualization 
-of the evolution of source code stored in git repositories. 
-* Cregit Code: https://​​cregit 
-* Cregit applied to Linux: https://​​ 
 +Find the software we maintain on our website: https://​​software/​
chaoss/software.1508703011.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/22 20:10 by GeorgLink