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ATK/AT-SPI SIG Reference: Tests and Test Suites

This page is a central repository for tests of the ATK/AT-SPI. Tests will be added as they become available. Please add any tests which are not listed here to this page. Tests are organized as follows: Interface Tests, Object Tests, Attribute Tests, Regression Tests and Uncategorized Tests.

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Interface Tests

Object Tests

Attribute Tests

Regression Tests

The Orca project has a number of automated tests that the team uses regularly. The basic idea is that the tests play keystrokes while a specific application is running (e.g., gtk-demo, gedit, Firefox, OpenOffice, etc.) and compare the information Orca is presenting via speech and braille with expected output. An example test with assertions is located at:

Uncategorized Tests

accessibility/atk/at-spi/reference/tests.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/19 01:23 (external edit)