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realtime:events:rt-summit2017:start [2017/05/02 20:04]
tglx Fix LF spelling
realtime:events:rt-summit2017:start [2024/08/27 11:06] (current)
ptesarik Change future tense to past tense
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 ====== RT-Summit 2017 ====== ====== RT-Summit 2017 ======
-The RT-Summit which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on **October 21st, 2017** at the Czech Technical University (CTU) following the [[realtime:​events:​rtlws2017:​start|Real-Time Linux Workshop]].+The RT-Summit which was held in Prague, Czech Republic, on **October 21st, 2017** at the Czech Technical University (CTU).
 ---- ----
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
-===== Presentation Proposal ​===== +===== Schedule, Slides and Videos ​=====
-You are interested to present? Have a look at the [[realtime:​events:​rt-summit2017:​cfp|CFP]] for further information. +
 +RT-Summit schedule with presentation download links is available [[realtime:​events:​rt-summit2017:​schedule|here]].
-<WRAP half column>​ +The videos are available ​on [[https://​​playlist?​list=PLbzoR-pLrL6r4xoc1PmRiYh2-qraTilVu|youtube]]
-===== Schedule ===== +
- +
-Information will be available ​after presentations have been accepted.+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP half column> 
-===== Registration ===== 
-Registration will be available through the Linux Foundation event registration system soon. Registration can be combined with the Linux Foundation events following RT-Summit/​RTLWS. 
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
 ===== Sponsors ===== ===== Sponsors =====
- +This event was organized by the Linux Foundation Real-Time Linux (RTL) collaborative project.
-See [[realtime:​events:​rtlws2017:​sponsoring|RTLWS/​RT-Summit sponsoring page]]+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP half column> 
-===== Venue ===== 
-The conference will be held at the [[https://​​en|Czech Technical University]]. 
-Hotel information will be published soon. 
 ---- ----
 <WRAP rightalign>​ Go to [[realtime:​start|RT-Wiki Mainpage]]</​WRAP>​ <WRAP rightalign>​ Go to [[realtime:​start|RT-Wiki Mainpage]]</​WRAP>​
realtime/events/rt-summit2017/start.1493755475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/02 20:04 by tglx