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Two approches to real-time virtualization - Jailhouse and KVM

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 • 10:40 - 12:00


Lightweight real-time partitioning for Linux with Jailhouse

The Jailhouse hypervisor project was created to partition multicore systems with the help of virtualization technology - and Linux. It is designed for simplicity and, thus, provides isolation between partitions at minimal costs.

This talk will briefly present the concept of Jailhouse, its latest state of development and typical use cases around real-time as well as safety critical systems. It will address the question which unique role this project can play within the Linux ecosystem.

Real Time KVM

KVM is now suitable for low latency real time workloads. Getting there required several changes to the code, which are now now upstream. Real time KVM also requires very careful system configuration. This presentation will describe some of the issues faced (and fixed) during development, and pitfalls in deploying real time KVM.


The talk addresses systems architects and developers who need to meet real-time and/or safety requirements on highly integrated network, entertainment or control systems that run Linux, or Linux aside other OSes. The talk addresses as well KVM developers and people looking to deploy Real Time KVM. There are equal amounts of magic in the code, and in system configuration.


Jan Kiszka, Siemens

Jan Kiszka is working as consultant and senior software engineer in the Competence Center for Embedded Linux at Siemens Corporate Technology. He is supporting Siemens sectors with adapting and enhancing open source as platform for their products. For customer projects and whenever his spare time permits, he is contributing to open source projects, specifically in the area of real-time and virtualization.

Rik van Riel, Red Hat

Rik van Riel is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, and a long term contributor to the Linux kernel. He has contributed to the memory management subsystem, the scheduler, and various components related to virtualization. Rik is active in community projects like and likes to hike and rock climb in his spare time.

realtime/events/rt-summit2016/jailhouse-kvm.1471876365.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/22 14:32 by anna-maria