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realtime:documentation:start [2018/08/21 14:22]
ebugden Improve title
realtime:documentation:start [2023/10/02 08:43] (current)
costa.shul fix layout
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 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
 +===== HOWTOs =====
 +There are three categories of HOWTOs:
 +  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​applications:​start|RTOS and RT application]]
 +  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​debugging:​start|RT latency debugging]]
 +  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​tools:​start|RT tools and utilities]]
 ===== Technical Basics ===== ===== Technical Basics =====
Line 19: Line 27:
 <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_basics:​start|Read more about technical basics]]</​WRAP>​ <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_basics:​start|Read more about technical basics]]</​WRAP>​
-<WRAP half column> 
 ===== Technical details of PREEMPT_RT patch ===== ===== Technical details of PREEMPT_RT patch =====
Line 28: Line 33:
 <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_details:​start|Read more about technical details]]</​WRAP>​ <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_details:​start|Read more about technical details]]</​WRAP>​
-</​WRAP>​+===== Publications =====
-<WRAP half column>+Several real-time related publications can help broaden your knowledge 
 +about real-time systems. Regarding PREEMPT_RT, a recent survey of available scientific works 
 +[[https://​​citation.cfm?​id=3297714|have been published]] ([[https://​​handle/​11311/​1076057|open access link]]).
-===== HOWTOs =====+<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​publications|Read more about publications]]</​WRAP>​
-There are three categories of HOWTOs: 
-  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​applications:​start|RTOS and RT application]]+===== Known Limitations =====
-  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​debugging:​start|RT Latency debugging]]+Some functionality is not available on RT because its implementation 
 +is not compatible with RT. Those limitations may apply to the to the 
 +kernel as a whole or may apply to specific architecture or platforms. 
 +<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​known_limitations|Read more about known limitations]]</​WRAP>​
-  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​tools:​start|RT tools and utilities]] 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
-===== Publications ​=====+===== Stable RT Releases ​=====
-Several real-time related publications ​can help broaden your knowledge +If the PREEMPT_RT patch was ported to a Linux kernel version that is flagged as a [[https://​|stable release at]],​ then that port will continue to be forward ported with each new stable release for that kernel version. The stable kernels ​can be cloned from the [[https://​​pub/​scm/​linux/​kernel/​git/​rt/​linux-stable-rt.git/​|stable git repository]] as well as downloaded as [[https://​​pub/​linux/​kernel/​projects/​rt/​|single patches or a tarball of a quilt series of patches]].
-about real-time systems.+
-<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​publications|Read more about publications]]</​WRAP>​+The PREEMPT_RT stable releases are updated in two fashions.
 +  * Merged with the upstream Linux stable kernel.
-</WRAP>+  * Backports of commits from the [[https://​​pub/​scm/​linux/​kernel/​git/​rt/​linux-rt-devel.git/​|current PREEMPT_RT development repository]]
 +Tagging policy of the PREEMPT_RT stable releases. Each PREEMPT_RT stable release is tagged with the version number of the upstream Linux stable kernel as well as its own "​-rt"​ counter that is appended. The -rt counter will increment for the following:
-<WRAP half column>​ +  * When forward ported to the latest upstream Linux stable version.
-===== Known Limitations =====+
-Some functionality is not available on RT because its implementation +  * When any merge with a upstream Linux stable causes a conflict.
-is not compatible ​with RT. Those limitations may apply to the to the +
-kernel as whole or may apply to specific architecture or platforms.+
-<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​known_limitations|Read more about known limitations]]</​WRAP>​+  * When a backport of the PREEMPT_RT development branch is done. 
 +A backport will not be done with a forward port of a stable version. They will be done separately, and tagged separately.
 +The "​-rebase"​ branch is how the series of patches are created. The "​-rebase"​ is only done for forward ports to the latest upstream Linux stable versions, and for backports of the PREEMPT_RT development branch. It is not done for a conflict with a upstream Linux stable merge, unless that stable version is the latest one. As the name suggests, the "​-rebase"​ branch will rebase, to allow each commit added by the PREEMPT_RT code to be applied in the order to the upstream Linux stable version it is based on. This is not the case with the normal "​-rt"​ branch, which is never rebased.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
realtime/documentation/start.1534861370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/21 14:22 by ebugden