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Community Activity

1. Acronym

2. Alternate Names

3. Classification

Community Health

4. Description

Contribution Frequency (Contribution = commit, issue, comment, …)



5. Known Implementations

6. Data Source


7. Pseudo Code/Query

      Timeseries of all the contributions to a project, optionally limited to a specific user
      :param repoid: The id of the project in the projects table.
      :param userid: The id of user if you want to limit the contributions to a specific user.
      :return: DataFrame with all of the contributions seperated by day.
      rawContributionsSQL = """
          SELECT  DATE(coms.created_at) as "date",
                  coms.count            as "commits",
                  pulls.count           as "pull_requests",
                  iss.count             as "issues",
                  comcoms.count         as "commit_comments",
                  pullscoms.count       as "pull_request_comments",
                  isscoms.count         as "issue_comments",
                  coms.count + pulls.count + iss.count + comcoms.count + pullscoms.count + isscoms.count as "total"
          FROM (SELECT created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM commits INNER JOIN project_commits ON project_commits.commit_id = WHERE project_commits.project_id = :repoid[[ AND commits.author_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(created_at)) coms
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT pull_request_history.created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM pull_request_history JOIN pull_requests ON = pull_request_history.pull_request_id WHERE pull_requests.base_repo_id = :repoid AND pull_request_history.action = 'merged'[[ AND pull_request_history.actor_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(created_at)) AS pulls
          ON DATE(pulls.created_at) = DATE(coms.created_at)
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT issues.created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM issues WHERE issues.repo_id = :repoid[[ AND issues.reporter_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(created_at)) AS iss
          ON DATE(iss.created_at) = DATE(coms.created_at)
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT commit_comments.created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM commit_comments JOIN project_commits ON project_commits.commit_id = commit_comments.commit_id WHERE project_commits.project_id = :repoid[[ AND commit_comments.user_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(commit_comments.created_at)) AS comcoms
          ON DATE(comcoms.created_at) = DATE(coms.created_at)
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT pull_request_comments.created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM pull_request_comments JOIN pull_requests ON pull_request_comments.pull_request_id = WHERE pull_requests.base_repo_id = :repoid[[ AND pull_request_comments.user_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(pull_request_comments.created_at)) AS pullscoms
          ON DATE(pullscoms.created_at) = DATE(coms.created_at)
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT issue_comments.created_at AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS count FROM issue_comments JOIN issues ON issue_comments.issue_id = WHERE issues.repo_id = :repoid[[ AND issue_comments.user_id = :userid]] GROUP BY DATE(issue_comments.created_at)) AS isscoms
          ON DATE(isscoms.created_at) = DATE(coms.created_at)
          ORDER BY DATE(coms.created_at)

8. Data Exchange Format

9. References to Academic Literature

10. Internet References

11. Contributors

Anna Buhman, Derek Howard

oss-health-metrics/metrics/community-activity.1491853732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/10 19:48 by abuhman