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Template for Metric

The following is a draft for the template that all 'Metric Detail' pages can follow.

The template is inspired by the IS Theories Wiki.


To create a new 'Metric Detail' page follow these steps:

  1. In the metrics list, convert the name of a metric into a link
    1. The link looks like this: __[[oss-health-metrics:metrics:name-of-metric|Name of Metric]]__.
    2. Important: The namespace oss-health-metrics:metrics: places the page in the right location of the wiki and has to be there.
    3. Before the verticle bar, the Name of Metric should be lower case and spaces replaced by hyphens.
  2. Copy the text below the horizontal bar into the new wiki page.
  3. Remove explanations in all sections and leave sections empty if no information is available at the moment.
    1. Important: Do not delete a section heading because we want all 'Metric Detail' pages to be structured the same.

{Name of Metric}

1. Description

A description of what the metric is and what it captures. The first few sentences have to match the description in the |metrics list.

2. Use Cases

Provide examples of how the metric might inform different stakeholders through use cases.

3. Sample Visualization

Include a sample visualization (screenshot) of the metric from any implementation.

4. Sample Implementation

A generic calculation (code) or SQL query that generates the metric.

5. Known Implementations

Examples of where and how metric is used. (include links to dashboard or location where metric is visible or is talked about having been used).

6. External References (Literature)

Blog posts, websites, academic papers, or books that mention the metric.

oss-health-metrics/metric-template.1494862340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/15 15:32 (external edit)