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oss-health-metrics:metric-template [2017/03/20 16:55]
GeorgLink created
oss-health-metrics:metric-template [2017/10/06 21:00] (current)
GeorgLink fixed link
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 ====== Template for Metric ====== ====== Template for Metric ======
-The following is a draft for the template that all metric detail pages can follow. +Page permanently moved to  
- +
-The template is inspired by the [[|IS Theories Wiki]]. +
- +
-====== {Name of Metric} ====== +
-(no text in this section) +
-===== {Acronym} ===== +
-The metric might be known by a short name or acronym. +
-===== {Alternate Names} ===== +
-Some metrics ​might be known by different names, e.g. bus factor and truck factor. +
-===== {Description} ===== +
-A description of what the metric is and what it captures. +
-===== {Classification} ===== +
-Classifications might include: Community/Code/Risk, or Activity/Vaiability/Risk, or generic/​composit ​metric +
-===== {Interpretation} ===== +
-Provide examples of how the metric might inform different stakeholders. +
-===== {Known Implementations} ===== +
-Examples of where and how metric is used. (include links to dashboard or location where metric is visible or is talked about having been used). +
-===== {Source} ===== +
-The orginal data source or other metric this one is building on. +
-===== {Code/​Query} ===== +
-The calculation (code) or SQL query that generates the metric. +
-===== {References to Academic Literature} ===== +
-Papers released in the academic literature that uses the metric. +
-===== {Internet References} ===== +
-Links to websites that add value to the understanding of the metric. +
-===== {Contributors} ===== +
-Authors of the metric page and authors who made significant changes.+
oss-health-metrics/metric-template.1490028945.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/20 16:55 by GeorgLink