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openprinting:database:inkjetarchfaq [2016/07/19 01:20] external edit
openprinting:database:inkjetarchfaq [2017/09/12 14:53] (current)
sampablokuper [Contents] Remove TOC. Why? (1) All the links were broken. (2) DokuWiki already provides an automatically-generated TOC for this page, so a manually-maintained one creates unnecessary duplication and maintenance overhead.
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-  * [[https://​​Inkjet_Architecture_FAQ|1 Inkjet Architecture FAQ]] 
-    * [[https://​​IJS|1.1 IJS]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_compile_ijs_for_Solaris_Sparc_.288_and_9.29.3F|1.1.1 How do I compile ijs for Solaris Sparc (8 and 9)?]] 
-      * [[https://​​How_do_I_specify_per_page_characteristics.3F|1.1.2 How do I specify per page characteristics?​]] 
 ====== ​ Inkjet Architecture FAQ ====== ====== ​ Inkjet Architecture FAQ ======
openprinting/database/inkjetarchfaq.1468891245.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/09/12 14:53 (external edit)