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Linux Kernel Mentorship Program Eligibility


  • Proficient in C and Shell
  • Kernel development experience desired (not required)


  • Should be 18 years or older by the start date of mentorship.
  • Both students and people looking for professional advancement are welcome to participate.
  • People who participated in a previous Linux Kernel Mentorship Program are not eligible.
  • Full-time mentees are recommended to commit approximately 40 hours a week to their participation, and part-time mentees are recommended to commit approximately 20 hours a week.
  • Full-time mentees are recommended to have no school classes or work commitments happen during the mentorship period. Having classes/exams a week or so on either side is suggested to be discussed with your mentor. This is recommended because there is no way to align the dates with all universities across the world at the same time.
  • Part-time mentees are recommended to have only a part-time class load or part-time work commitments at the most, during this period of time.

Fill out the Linux Kernel Mentorship Skills Evaluation form.

lkmp/lkmp_eligibility.1571074385.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/14 17:33 by ShuahKhanLF