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Google Season of Docs 2019: OpenPrinting projects


Important: We protect the e-mail addresses of our mentors and mailing lists against spam bots. Please replace all occurrences of “ at ” and “ dot ” by “@” and “.” resp.

Mailing list: printing-architecture at lists dot linux-foundation dot org

IRC: #openprinting on Freenode

OpenPrinting GitHub

Code License: See project descriptions

Organization Administrators

The participation of the Linux Foundation in the Google Season of Docs is organized by Till Kamppeter (till at linux dot com) and Aveek Basu (basu dot aveek at gmail dot com).

Project Ideas

gsoc/2019-gsod-chaoss.1555171045.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/13 15:57 by Aveekb