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GSoC 2019: ASoC codec driver project


The overall project goal of the ALSA System on Chip (ASoC) layer is to provide better ALSA support for embedded system-on-chip processors and portable audio codecs. To achieve all this, ASoC basically splits an embedded audio system into multiple re-usable component drivers:

  1. codec drivers, the chip that actually does the ADC/DAC conversion.
  2. digital audio interface drivers (e.g: I2S)
  3. platform drivers (DMA)
  4. machine drivers, connects the other component drivers together.

The goal of this project is to write a driver for I2S Stereo Decoder - UDA1334A

Code license: GPL

The project is considered successful if the code is accepted into Linux kernel ASoC maintainer's tree.

Where to start?


If you are interested about this project please drop me an email at: Daniel Baluta You can also find me on IRC: _daniel_ on #asoc channel, on server.

gsoc/2019-gsoc-asoc-codec-driver.1552739444.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/16 12:30 by dbaluta