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Linux in Safety-Critical Systems

The SIL2LinuxMP project is an collaborative research project to provide procedures and methods to qualify Linux on a multi-core embedded platform at safety integrity level 2 (SIL2) according to IEC 61508 Ed 2.

Some more information on the SIL2LinuxMP project is available here:

Primary mentoring contact: Lukas Bulwahn, lukas.bulwahn at, Nicholas Mc Guire, der.herr at

Student Project Proposals

Filtering clang compiler warnings with coccinelle scripts

Recently, some efforts by Google's kernel developers have made it possible to compile large parts of the Linux kernel with the clang/LLVM compiler.

The clang compiler is known to include a number of static analysis methods that identify typical bug patterns and bad code smells, which the compiler indicates to the user by compiler warnings.

However, when one compiles the current Linux kernel with clang and switches on to warn on certain warning classes, the compiler shows a tremendous large number of warnings.

The final goal is to find a proper setup that reduces the number of warnings with clang compiler with a suitable post-processing and filtering, such that Linux kernel developers can practically improve their submitted patches during the development with the reported findings of potential bugs, bug patterns and code smells.

A first analysis of specific cases of the clang warnings showed that many of the found warnings fall into a comparatively small set of classes that follow a very specific and characteristic syntactic pattern and hence, many warnings can be assessed once.

As a first step, one needs to determine the relevance of the type of clang warnings for the Linux kernel and its contribution to the avoidance of certain typical bug patterns. If the clang warning type in general considered relevant, the next step is to identify the typical set of subclasses of this warning.

We can write the syntactic patterns in coccinelle scripts to automatically group all warnings of the identified subclasses. As a last step, the subclasses can then be assessed to determine if they are generally false reports (so, an irrelevant subclass within the relevant class of warnings), or if this subclass points to code where a bug can be uncovered with a comparatively high probability.

Once the different classes have been identified and assessed, further warnings can be automatically marked and these warnings can be presented to the developers weighted by the confidence and relevance of the warnings.

This way, the developers should have useful static analysis report for their patches and the kernel community can gradually improve the different parts of the Linux kernel during the continuous evolution of the overall source code.

If time within the project permits, this approach can further be applied to finding of other static analysis tools, e.g., clang tidy or sparse.

Required Knowledge:

  1. required: C and coccinelle, skill to READ AND UNDERSTAND source code in the Linux kernel in independent work, good analytical skills to understand why warnings are reported in certain source code parts, solid documentation skills, good English writing skills with clear precise style
  2. desired: knowledge of compiler construction and static analysis, python, bash

Benefit: The student project provides more evidence that kernel development follows a defined process and discussion on identified patterns shows that a controlled and informed process is followed to decide which code patterns should be generally followed and which are enforced by the different tools and their setup.

To work on this project, you should show that you are able to use all the needed tools, especially coccinelle, and that you can properly analyse Linux kernel source code and write a precise and well-written report on your finding. Details for what is required for a successful application is provided on request.

Symbolic kernel config build evaluator

Goal of this project is to develop a tool that describes the conditions when a source file is included in the build of the Linux kernel with a symbolic term, i.e., a boolean formula over the kernel configuration flags and further kernel build variables.

For example, the `kernel/Makefile` includes the following build instructions:

obj-$(CONFIG_FUTEX) += futex.o
ifeq ($(CONFIG_COMPAT),y)
obj-$(CONFIG_FUTEX) += futex_compat.o

Here, the file `kernel/futex.c` is included in the build if and only if CONFIG_FUTEX is set. Similarly, the `kernel/futex_compat.c` is include if and only if CONFIG_FUTEX and CONFIG_COMPAT is set.

The developed tool should be able to analyse this and provide for this example an output that would look like this:

kernel/futex.c <- CONFIG_FUTEX
kernel/futex_compat.c <- CONFIG_COMPAT && CONFIG_FUTEX

To achieve this in perfection, it would require a Herculean task: As the kernel build system is make, which is already quite complex by itself and can further invoke arbitrary shell scripts, it would require to write the complete make build system and shell evaluation as symbolic evaluator. This would just much too complex and laborious considering the value of the information that shall be collected.

However, we are convinced that the Makefiles in the kernel tree have only a rather low number of relevant patterns that are relevant to obtain the information that we are interested in.

Hence, the symbolic expression can be quite simply be determined by writing a rather simple symbolic evaluator that understands the most prominent patterns and ignores the parts in the Makefile that are not relevant for the symbolic expression.

This symbolic evaluator provides a first good approximation of that information to answer and address further questions. With an increasing number of patterns covered, the approximation of the tool becomes increasingly better. At any point of the development, the quality of the symbolic evaluation can be evaluated to its ground truth, defined by comparing the tool's symbolic prediction against actual kernel builds with a large number of concrete build configurations.

Furthermore, these boolean expressions can be combined with the constraints of the kconfig tool to find potential contradictions in the overall kernel build configuration setup.

Once, this tool works properly on the granularity, we could consider to extend that even further on precise information for each line within a file. Again, we would follow a similarly pragmatic approach parsing a small set of patterns to determine if certain lines are only included under certain build configuration conditions.

The result of this symbolic evaluation is useful in multiple ways:

  1. One can find out which files are actually never included in any kernel build. With over 25,000 files, a complex build configuration setup and its continuous rate of change, it is actually quite likely that the kernel repository contains such files due to mistakes in the build configuration.
  2. Kernel developers can quickly determine how they must configure the kernel config that make sure that the files they modified are included in their local test builds.
  3. Knowing the constraints on the kernel config, kernel maintainers can decide how much review is needed and from which developer reviews and tests especially relevant for this patch.
  4. For system maintainers, we already developed a tool that can determine which patches are relevant for a given kernel configuration. With the described tool here, we can extend this information to link which patch is relevant due to which selected kernel configuration in the given kernel configuration. This supports system maintainers to judge which impact an update of the Linux kernel could potentially have on the overall system, and which patches in an update have significant more potential to impact the system than others.

Required Knowledge:

  1. Required: Very good understanding of compiler construction and processing in compilers, e.g., parsing, syntax analysis, code transformations and static analysis.
  2. Required: Good knowledge of make and python
  3. Desired: Basic knowledge of the kernel build system
  4. Desired: Knowledge and experience with some functional programming language

To work on this project, you should show that you are able to use all the needed tools, and that you can implement a simple interpreter, e.g., you can write a parser, interpreter and static analyser for a small toy programming language. Details for what is required for a successful application is provided on request.

gsoc/2018-gsoc-safety-critical-linux.1519391142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/23 13:05 by lukas.bulwahn