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gsoc:2018-gsoc-safety-critical-linux [2018/03/14 09:56]
lukas.bulwahn Provide a fourth project proposal
gsoc:2018-gsoc-safety-critical-linux [2018/03/19 13:04] (current)
lukas.bulwahn Two more proposals
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   - Recommended:​ Some understanding of coccinelle   - Recommended:​ Some understanding of coccinelle
 +==== Make Linux kernel community aware of tool findings ====
 +The Linux kernel community has a number of tools to ensure the quality of the continuous kernel development. Among these tools are coccinelle, sparse,,​ lock dependency validator, KASAN, syzkaller and many more.
 +In the GSoC project, the student should find suitable ways to make the Linux developers aware of the tools' findings. There are various way in which this could be implemented,​ e.g.:
 +  - Setting up an infrastructure that runs those tools on patches provided on the mailing list and reports the findings back to the patch authors
 +  - Including the tool findings in the elixir development service
 +  - Providing means to tag and comment on tool findings in the distributed Linux kernel development
 +This project idea is quite wide and we expect the student to provide a more specific description of the task to tackle with some evidence that he/she will be able to implement the proposal.
 +Required Knowledge:
 +  - Required: Very good knowledge of a suitable programming language, e.g., python
 +  - Required: Good understanding of git
 +  - Required: Good knowledge of C
 +  - Recommended:​ Basic understanding how the kernel community works
 +  - Recommended:​ Basic understanding of the kernel tools
 +==== Assess, Aggregate and Provide Detailed Statistics on Kernel Bug Fixes ====
 +Goal of this project is to create and gather detailed information on bugs in the Linux kernel.To obtain this information,​ the student will have to analyse commits of the Linux kernel stabilisation process in a large number by manual assessment.
 +The assessment should allow us to answer these kind of questions:
 +  - Which type of problems are identified in the early stage of the stabilisation process?
 +  - Which type of problems are identified in the later stages of the stabilisation process?
 +  - How are problems identified, by review, by testing, by tools, by production use?
 +This project will require to create an ontology of bugs; this will require some work reading general literature and quite some effort assessing and understanding the bug fix commits.
 +You will not mainly program new features, but you will learn a lot about the kernel code by looking and assessing bug fixes and trying to derive general statements from these observations.
 +Required Knowledge:
 +  - Required: Very good knowledge of C, skill to READ AND UNDERSTAND source code in the Linux kernel in independent work
 +  - Required: Very good understanding of software development processes and software development methods
 +  - Required: Good understanding of git
gsoc/2018-gsoc-safety-critical-linux.1521021399.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/03/14 09:56 by lukas.bulwahn