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civilinfrastructureplatform:journal [2018/05/18 13:21]
civilinfrastructureplatform:journal [2018/10/22 06:01]
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 ====== CIP journal 2018 ====== ====== CIP journal 2018 ======
-This is the journal followed by CIP developers to keep track of the work being done on behalf of CIP.It starts in 2018Q2.+This is the journal followed by CIP developers to keep track of the work being done on behalf of CIP. It starts in 2018Q2
 +===== October ===== 
 +==== Sunday 2018/10/21 ==== 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * TSC f2f meeting in Edinburgh, UK. 
 +      * Presentation of BuildStream:​ 10 min. 
 +      * Ben H., Emmet and John joins the TSC meeting. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +   * Joined TSC f2f meeting via zoom 
 +==== Friday 2018/10/19 ==== 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Preparation of the TSC meeting 
 +      * Preparation of the BuildStream slide deck. 
 +      * Review of the agenda. 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Reviewed the wiki and made minor changes. 
 +   * Sent an email with a report on progress since June so it can be reported on at ELC-E. 
 +   * Ran a BBB  health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +   * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/10/18 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Tested lava-docker on our guest network - which gives ip addresses 172.16* matching the addresses docker uses but I'm still getting failures in U-Boot. 
 +   * 1:1 with toscalix. 
 +   * Ran a fresh provision for week 42 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]]. 
 +   * Participated in cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran a BBB  health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +   * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/10/17 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Discussion with mungaip on getting artifacts from host with LAVA running in docker. 
 +   * Still issues running from home with lava-docker - I'll check with the CT guest network tomorrow. 
 +   * Ran an BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Tuesday 2018/10/16 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Friday 2018/10/12 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * A provisioned box is now ready to be uploaded but having issues connecting to AWS. 
 +   * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/10/11 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Participated in cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +  * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Tuesday 2018/10/09 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Ran a fresh provision for week 40 (a couple of days late!) [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]]. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +  * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Organising the trip to ELCE 2018.  
 +      * Asked for confirmation about the TSC f2f meeting starting time and location (room). 
 +==== Friday 2018/10/05 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Sent fortnightly progress report to cip-dev 
 +  * Creating a provisioned box (of latest master) for upload to the website. 
 +  * Now that the iwg20m MR is merged I've closed the associated [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​186| issue 186]]. 
 +  * Added [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​202|#​202]] so that file headers get checked and any necessary licence information added. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +  * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/10/04 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Team meeting. 
 +  * Following bwh's approval [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​63|MR 63]] is now merged. 
 +  * Commented on Nguyen'​s comment on [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​63|MR 63]] 
 +  * Participated in cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +  * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Tuesday 2018/10/02 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Tried running lava-docker on my (home) ubuntu which gave more issues. 
 +  * Clarification of when iwg20m health checks will be run to cpaterson. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Monday 2018/10/01 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Tried running lava-docker away from the Codethink network but that still failed.  
 +  * I tried to replicate the wifi issue on the BBB [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​200|#​200]] but failed to do so - the test worked. 
 +  * Unable to run an iwg20m health check this morning as I'm working from home - I'll run this again on Thursday. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Create [[civilinfrastructureplatform:​linux-4.4.y|wiki page]] for stable kernel review. 
 +  * Confirmed that 4.4.y-stable is *NOT* vulnerable with [[https://​​2018/​09/​linux-kernel-vulnerability.html|this security bug]] (Fixed in 86949eb96466e "exec: Limit arg stack to at most 75% of _STK_LIM"​) 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Attended to the TSC meeting 
 +      * I have no objections of using patchwork at CIP. 
 +         * Does Ben H. has any objections?​ 
 +      * Raised a question about the TSC meeting schedule. It is not confirmed yet. 
 +      * A meeting of the Debian Kernel team will take place [[https://​​​msg112588.html|tomorrow]]. It is interesting for CIP if the discussion about the next kernel is part of the agenda.  
 +      * During ELCE it would be ideal to know the ddates for the f2f TSC meeting around Embedded World 2018. 
 +===== September ===== 
 +==== Friday 2018/09/28 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Some discussion with bwh as to whether a move to use the zImage is appropriate.  
 +  * A fresh provision of the B@D has been done and the iwg20m build and health check worked. 
 +  * An email has been sent to cip-dev thanking Nguyen and as a notification of the iwg20m advance. 
 +  * A [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​63|MR]] has been created for the iwg changes. 
 +  * I see that if the host is suspended, on reawakening the clock is correct - this is with Vagrant 2.1.2 so I've closed [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​187|#​187]] 
 +  * Ran an iwg20m health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/09/27 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * 1:1 with toscalix. 
 +  * The iwg20m appears to work consistently if the device-type is changed so that LAVA doesn'​t attempt to convert to a uImage and uses bootz. [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​186|#​186]] has been updated. 
 +  * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +  * Ran an IWG20M health check successfully,​email to the list. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​email to the list. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/09/26 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * I tried amending renesas-iwg20m.jinja2 in B@D and using the zImage kernel but unsucessfully. 
 +   * There are differences between beaglebone-black.jinja2 in B@D and the lava-docker version, I attempted to make the lava-docker version like our version but so far it still fails to health check. The tftp serverip is rather different in lava-docker and wonder if our network settings are causing the issue. 
 +   * Updated iwg20m to use a uImage as per Nguyen'​s instructions on [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​186|#​186]] ran 5 tests (one health check the others using lavacli) and all worked. Added a notify section and re-ran the health check which also worked, if the daily health check also runs ok tomorrow, I'll close the issue and update the wiki with instructions. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​email to the list. The email from last Friday never appeared, I don't know why - it left the VM but didn't reach the list server, maybe there was a connection with the office power cut we had that morning? 
 +==== Friday 2018/09/21 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Sent email listing progress in weeks 30-38 to the cip-dev email list. 
 +   * New section on [[https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​ciptestingreferencetestcases#​test-7use-lavacli-utility|lavacli]] added to wiki. 
 +   * lava-tool is deprecated, so I've manually installed lavacli and run a test successfully. 
 +   * I've added a note to the LAVA notification section on the wiki that IRC pings on Freenode are not working at the moment due to their SPAM avoidance methods. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully,​ still waiting for the email to appear on the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/09/20 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Ran a fresh provision for week 38 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]]. 
 +   * Met in the team meeting. 
 +   * Pushed a new version of to [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​kernelci-docker|the CIP kernelci-docker]] where the initramfs build works - it uses init-example from b@d. 
 +   * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * During the IRC cip-dev meeting I checked the state of the TSC minutes being published since there were a couple of actions points to escalate topics there. Instead of any of us providing outcome of the TSC discussions,​ we should just simply refer to the minutes. 
 +     * There are no minutes published sinec January 2018 
 +     * I sent a mail to cip-dev to have them published.  
 +==== Wednesday 2018/09/19 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * builds initramfs and copies it to the kernelci docker in the correct location (or at least a http accessible location) so I've ticked the relevant box on [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]]. 
 +   * I've added a to [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​kernelci-docker|the CIP kernelci-docker]] and will add init-example shortly (or maybe it should take that from B@D?). 
 +   * The 3rd party docker repos mirrorings e.g [[https://​​cip-project/​3rd-party/​kernelci-docker-mirror|kernelci]] are still failing. 
 +   * Ran a (lava-tool) test of BBB using a wifi connect for Vagrant on the host  to attempt to replicate [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​200|#​200]] but it worked ok. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Monday 2018/09/17 ==== 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Participated at the TSC meeting 
 +      * Provided a status report about kernel maintenance final tasks and handover. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended TSC meeting. 
 +      * Reported status of kernel IRC meeting 
 +==== Friday 2018/09/14 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Response to [[https://​​kernelci/​lava-docker/​issues/​45|issue 45]] from khilman suggesting either a U-Boot upgrade or a lab/​networking issue.  
 +  * 1:1 with toscalix.. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/09/13 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Demo of the existing state of containerisation with toscalix. 
 +   * Added tick box to [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]] so that emailed notifications get thought about. IRC notifications don't work now because of the freenode anti-spam +r settings. 
 +   * Participated in team meeting. 
 +   * Multiple IP address setting documentation is now on the board page - it has been for some time - I just wasn't finding it! (See yesterday'​s comment for the original mention.) 
 +   * Fixed an incorrect internal section number cross reference in "B@D Setup and Configuration (2/​5)"​ 
 +   * Raises my lava-docker issue at [[https://​​kernelci/​lava-docker/​issues/​45|issue 45]] having retried the BBB health check with docker against B@D this morning. 
 +   * Realised the default (new) health check for cip28 was missing a notify section, added that and re-ran the check and the email went to the list.  
 +   * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Built cip28 on B@D and a successful health check - but no email to list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/09/12 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * I need to ensure that the connect scripts are passed to the correct container in lava-docker. needs to be copied to lab-slave-0. Trying lava-docker with b@d as a provider of builds still times out when trying to talk to the tftp server. 
 +  * Note that editing the health check on the host with emacs if it produces a backup file (ending in '​~'​) makes the built docker unusable! 
 +  * The section on multiple IP addresses seems to have gone missing from the wiki (or I'm not finding it!) investigating. 
 +  * Opened [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​200|#​200]] so that the networking issues that have been seen in some situations get addressed. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list - though that's taking a little time to get through. I had issues running B@D using the wifi connection and Ihad to revert to using ethernet to get the healthcheck to run. Email now received ok. 
 +==== Friday 2018/09/07 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Added some container todo points to tickboxes in [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]]. 
 +  * 1:1 with toscalix. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +  * Created the kernelci-docker and lava-docker repos. 
 +  * Created the kernelci-docker-mirror and lava-docker-mirror repos in 3rd-party subgroup. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/09/06 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Added another 2 points from [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|192]] to yesterday'​s list. 
 +  * Added PR [[https://​​lucj/​kernelci-docker/​pull/​24|24]] for kernelci-docker. 
 +  * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/09/05 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * I think the following need resolving to get the docker implementation of B@D running: 
 +      *  Get lava-docker into kernelci swarm. 
 +      * FILE_SERVER_URL = "​http://​​8082/"​ in kernelci flask though maybe this should be in upstream? 
 +      * Create gitlab repos for our mirrors. 
 +      * We need a mechanism for updating health check to use the most recent build of kernel. 
 +      * We should build initramfs on host and then copy to kernelci-docker as part of (initial) provisioning. 
 +      * Add beaglebone to the provision and the health check. 
 +      * Also give the lava docker a history (as kernelci-docker has)? 
 +      * Update kernelci-build automatically on host so that the key matches the currently running kernelci docker. 
 +      * Add installation of expect to lava-docker and our login script for the BBB. 
 +      * Licence headers need adding. 
 +  * Confirmed that lava-docker built on my home desktop without the network problems I've been experiencing. So I assume any problems are one of ubuntu (at home) vs debian, my laptop network settings, corporate network settings. May not be relevant as the lava-docker will need merging into the kernelci swarm which doesn'​t experience this problem. 
 +  * Ran a fresh provision for week 36 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]]. I had to run QEMU twice to get that to pass and the output showed a slow install of packages (apache) that I don't remember seeing before. I will check against the example output on the wiki. Check made and output is as before, I suspect a slow internet connection made that output scroll slowly and therefore be more apparent. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Monday 2018/09/03 ==== 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended TSC meeting. 
 +    * Listed candidates for CIP kernel maintenance. 
 +===== August ===== 
 +==== Friday 2018/08/31 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Added a cp of a local beaglebone-back.yaml into the lava docker to Dockerfile, however it is not managing to retrieve the build from the kernelci container. ​ In addition consideration needs to be given as to where the initramfs is to be built and stored. 
 +   * I don't see the networking failures when starting containers with docker-compose,​ I think the lava-docker will need setting up with compose anyway so I expect this error will cease to matter. Reading up on '​compose'​. No, it already uses compose, it's swarm mode that's different. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/08/30 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * 1:1 with toscalix. 
 +   * I've modified my local copy of flask_settings to set FILE_SERVER_URL and am now able to retrieve builds - see [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​197|#​197]]. 
 +   * Initially wasn't seeing builds appear in the kernelci docker - but there were in the image - will keep a watch on this! 
 +   * Will look at sangorrin'​s commits to the kernelci docker wrt being unable to download builds but I think from his comments that it's a general problem. 
 +   * Attended the cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +   * Returned from holiday. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Participated in the cip-de IRC meeting 
 +      * Still pending the request to bwh for advice about the creation of a group account in bwh advice is important because we assume that to create it we will need support from him. 
 +      * 4.19 seems to be the next LTS kernel. When is expected to have a decision/​announcement from Debian about the next LTS kernel? 
 +      * [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]] is the ticket to follow if you are interested in rajm work about containerization of B@D 
 +      * The testing infra is in place: https://​​ 
 +         * An admin is required. Suggested to discuss it at TSC level since there will be a person assigned. This work cannot be on best effort basis. 
 +   * Implemented the Gitlab roles policy at group and subgroup level. It is not for me to decide how to apply it at repo level. That correspond to the maintainers of each repo. 
 +      * Informed about the execution of the policy. 
 +      * Suggested to move cip-core repo to a new subgroup. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +      * Sent the overlayfs backport patches 
 +==== Thursday 2018/08/23 ==== 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Participated in the weekly cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +      * I asked where the new kernel repo will be hosted, since the current one, in, is under bwh personal account, like the -rt one is under Daniel W.'s.  
 +         * Asked through cip-dev to bwh for advice. 
 +   * Working on a proposal for the Linux Foundation about the new role bwh will play as mentor of the kernel maintenance team.  
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/08/22 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Ran a fresh provision for week 34 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]]. 
 +   * Reviewing a document prepared by mungaip of the steps he needed to get B@D provisioned behind the Renesas proxy. The intention is to add an item to the Workarounds section. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Monday 2018/08/20 ==== 
 +   * TSC meeting 
 +      * The proposal I did to manage the maintainers permissions on repos was approved. Now we need to implement it. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +==== Friday 2018/08/17 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Responded to mungaip'​s latest state in [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​195|#​195]] - his problems appear to be proxy related, I'll check up on various proxy related issues ticketed previously (that'​s [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​99|#​99]]) though his issues are slightly different; #99 suggests there should be an item about proxy problems in Known issues which hasn't happened! 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/08/16 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Various attempts to get the docker images to start without networking failures. Will investigate swarm mode as kernelci in the version I'm using (lucj) doesn'​t have this problem - and the master version does! 
 +  * I have installed vagrant 1.9.1 and  virtualbox 5.1.38 (the identical versions to mungaip ) and runs successfully for me. 
 +  * Created [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​195|#​195]] and [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​196|#​196]] to address the issue apparently with Vagrant 1.9.1 and documentation on how to install a version of virtualbox that cooperates with that version. 
 +  * Emailed Operations to hand back the Windows 10 machine that we've been using to test B@D in that environment. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/08/15 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Trying to test mungaip'​s issue with Vagrant 1.9.1 (the default version in Debian stretch) which doesn'​t work well with the version of VirtualBox also provided by stretch. 
 +  * 1:1 with toscalix. 
 +  * Discussion with mungaip on IRC about the issues he's having with provisioning a B@D instance. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Meeting with Ben Hutchings to brainstorm and prepare the hand over to the new maintainer. 
 +   * Ben informs me about l1ft. I comment on IRC Ben is on it. 
 +==== Friday 2018/08/10 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Created a script for the provisioning of the 2 docker repos and the build script however the network problems within docker are causing the script to exit (not unexpected!) 
 +  * Tried again to extract builds from the lucj version of kernelci-docker I can wget from within the container but not externally. 
 +  * Added further points for the issues in [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]] 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/08/09 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Updated [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]] to list - in the description - the issues discovered so far which will need incorporating into CIP's version of the docker containers. 
 +  * Started the kernelci-docker to check problems were as before - but also verifying that it does run alongside lava-docker. 
 +  * Also tried the lava-docker test from the office network - using the B@D builds and still get a failure - having to use the host IP rather than localhost as the port isn't forwarded to the container. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Chair of the weekly IRC meeting 
 +      * Sent the [[https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2018-August/​001470.html|minutes]] to cip-dev mailing list. 
 +   * Sent a proposal to cip-dev to [[https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2018-August/​001471.html|manage the user roles]] in 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/08/08 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Intending to try the BBB health check on lava-docker using our B@D builds - but I still see the UBoot timeout. 
 +  * I tried provisioning lava-docker without VPN enabled (from outside the company network) and I still had timeout failures. 
 +  * A fresh provision for week 32 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Based on the agreement that took place at DedConf 2018, moved the CIP-dev IRC meeting an hour earliues, so people at JST can join. 
 +==== Friday 2018/08/03 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * I've successfully built with beaglebone enabled - using connection_command. At the moment it is failing in UBoot though to get here I'm having to open a connection to the BBB from the host and leave it logged in (as we did in the early days of the project) will eventually need a login script adding. The IP address of the host is currently hard coded in boards.yaml. 
 +  * With a fresh build of the docker image for lava-docker the QEMU health check just works. I wonder whether the network issues I'd been having cause the workers to go irreparably offline? Now looking to build with a beaglebone board configured. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/08/02 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * 1:1 with toscalix 
 +  * The DNS failures on needing to restart docker are actually networking failures. 
 +  * The health check is not running because the worker is marked as offline. I've tried to put it online without success and created another one which also stays offline. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/08/01 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * The LAVA docker device is marked as having a health check but it hasn't run, investigating why. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +===== July ===== 
 +==== Friday 2018/07/27 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * I have successfully built lava-docker [[http://​​kernelci/​lava-docker|from here]] - I had to move the docker directory from /var/lib to give me more space and to restart docker a number of times on getting DNS failures. Also added some `apt-get update`s to the build-lava script. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/07/26 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Submitted [[https://​​kernelci/​kernelci-docker/​issues/​12|#​12]] to kernelci-docker so see if there'​s a comment, not sure whether it's my settings or how I'm running the interaction. 
 +  * Submitted [[https://​​kernelci/​kernelci-docker/​issues/​11|#​11]] to kernelci-docker otherwise doesn'​t keep a clean version. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Told Fabrizio from Renesas that the patch review will take a few days since Ben H. is at DebConf. 
 +   * Ben H. reviewed the CIP Core packages prioritization policy and sent it to cip-dev. I went over it. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/07/25 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Still getting 500 errors when I start the containers from the original repos and try a build. The file needs modifying on each restart of the containers, this needs scripting? I tried a fresh start of docker (and the laptop) but that still gave the same problem. 
 +  * Closed [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​178|#​178]] - it should have been done last week when the associated MR was merged. 
 +  * Sent a status of CIP testing email to the cip-dev list. 
 +  * A fresh provision for week 30 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] - no longer need to add a local test section with last week's merge. 
 +  * Issue [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​193|#​193]] has been closed by Zoran, it was a problem with his initialisation script. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Sent to Jeff the mails related with the suggestion to contact Mitsubishi Heavy Industry as potential candidate to join CIP. 
 +   * Catch up with mails from CIP after several week travelling and on vacation. 
 +==== Monday 2018/07/23 ==== 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * Attended to the CIP TSC meeting 
 +      * Reported about bwh and rajm latest work. 
 +      * Several meetings related with kernel maintenance and Debian LTS are expected during DebConf 2018 in which bhw presence would be needed. No schedule yet. 
 +      * A mail was sent by Daniel Sangorrin to cip-dev about the criteria to be used to prioritize the package list to be sent to Freexian / Debian LTS.   
 +==== Friday 2018/07/20 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Looking at [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]],​ managed to get in the original [[ http://​​kernelci/​kernelci-docker|repos]] to run to completion - I had to `sudo service docker restart` numerous times to get there - but I'm getting a 500 error on running the kernelci-build/​ script. 
 +  * Investigated [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​190|#​190]] and updated with a question to the OP. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/07/19 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * I've updated Virtualbox to 5.2.16 - looking at [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​193|#​193]] - and after getting the vagrant plugins up to date  a pre-existing VM successfully booted and a fresh provision also worked ok. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/07/18 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +  * Updated Vagrant to 2.1.2 to investigate [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​193|#​193]] I don't see the error, will update to Virtual box 5.2.16 and see if that produces the error. 
 +  * Merged ​ [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​61|MR 61]] - making the final output of more appropriate to the user's situation and closing [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​178|#​178]]. 
 +  * Merged [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​62|MR 60]] - using a fixed version of LAVA so we can check any new version before incorporating it - and closed the associated issue [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​191|#​185]]. 
 +  * Merged [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​62|MR 62]] - the moving to a local test - and closed the associated issue [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​191|#​191]]. 
 +  * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Friday 2018/07/13 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Created [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​62|MR 62]] to use a local test for the BBB health check to make the test more self-sufficient. 
 +   * Opened [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​192|#​192]] to cover the docker work. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/07/12 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * I'm getting errors when running docker-compose on lava-docker - various packages being unavailable - I guess there'​s a problem with apt/​sources.list at least in the image. I restarted the docker service and that appears to have resolved most of the problems, I guess it didn't like being moved from the home network to the codethink one. Still getting a failure - wget: unable to resolve host address '​'​ 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/07/11 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * A fresh provision for week 28 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] with a local test section. Initially had problems with the QEMU test due to / running out of space, I did a make clean in linux-cip to resolve, I'm not sure why this doesn'​t happen on all clean tests?  
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Friday 2018/07/06 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Created [[https://​​lucj/​kernelci-docker/​issues/​22| kernelci-docker issue #22]] to cover the failure to download ​ the kernel. 
 +   * Noted [[https://​​lucj/​kernelci-docker/​issues/​11| kernelci-docker issue #11]] I see this issue but we  don't have the problem in b@d. 
 +   * The build artefacts are uploaded to the kernelci-proxy container, but I think the retrieval is only happening in kernelci-frontend. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/07/05 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Failing to get the kernelci docker to start with getting docker compose version is unsupported - an error which on the face of it is incorrect - as I have the latest version of docker-compose. 
 +   * Created version of the frontend with logging enabled in nginx and verified that the failure is happening in that container. I see that the instructions for copying an archive from a kernelci m/c to a container-ised version only copy the logs, does that mean that the main focus is on the logs?  
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/07/04 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * I'm getting failures of b@d to start up when on wifi and also connected to work VPN I guess this is DHCP issues. 
 +   * I am getting 404 errors when attempting to retrieve the build artefacts from the docker image. ISTR getting similar errors in the early stages of B@D development. I will research it. This is the change to in - though even with that change I'm still getting 404'​s 
 +   * Looking at the LAVA docker. 
 +===== June ===== 
 +==== Friday 2018/06/29 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * I've successfully built a BBB image and uploaded it to the docker kernelci. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/06/28 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Ran the kernelci docker image and am attempting to build with kernelci-build but am currently getting a 413 error (Request entity too large) when the build script attempts to upload the results. Reviewing the B@D settings to see where size limits get set. 
 +   * Tweaked my populate script so that it builds linux-cip using the latest tag. 
 +   * I see from the fresh provision I did yesterday that backports is now on LAVA 2018.5.post1 which probably makes merging [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​60|MR60]] more important. 
 +   * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran a BBB health check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +   * Created a branch with a working BBB health check [[https://​​rajm/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​tree/​localTest|localTest]]. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/06/27 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Looking at moving B@D to containers and investigating the kernelci instances. 
 +   * A fresh provision for week 26 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] having missed a week because of holiday. All successfully done (with the local check). 
 +   * Built the latest v4.4.138-cip25 kernel for BBB on my VM and ran a local health check on it successfully with an email to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +   * The default BBB health check fails "​Unable to open test definition '​common/​dt-selftests.yaml'"​ I've opened [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​191|#​191]] and assume the linaro repos has changed. 
 +   * Returned from holiday. 
 +==== Monday 2018/06/25 ==== 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended TSC meeting. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/06/14 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * I'll be away holidaying for a few days... 
 +   * However a test of the iwg20m is not sucessful. [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​189|#​189]] opened. The kernel builds ok but I'm currently unable to connect via USB to the board - there'​s no problems with similar cabling to the BBB. 
 +   * Done a fresh provision of B@D on a Windows 10 machine and verified that kernelci and the QEMU & BBB health checks run ok (using initramfs built using 
 +   * I've pushed an update to [[https://​​rajm/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​tree/​boxPopulate|boxPopulate]] and have verified that it runs ok (on Windows 10) 
 +   * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. Worked first time today. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/06/13 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Created [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​61|MR61]] to handle [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​178|Issue #178]]. 
 +   * Also ran the iwg20m heath check successfully with an email to the list. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. A couple of failures before the working one '​send-reboot-commands timed out after 119 seconds'​ and '​matched a bootloader error message'​. 
 +==== Monday 2018/06/11 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Updated [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​60|MR60]] to use an Debian snapshot for LAVA 2018.4. 
 +   * Updated the block diagram on the features page to reflect the versions provided by the git repos and opened [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​188|#​188]] to cover consistency issues between the diagram and the rest of the text on that page. 
 +   * An iwg20m health check also ran successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended TSC meeting. 
 +==== Friday 2018/06/08 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Work on B@D Friday talk. 
 +   * Collaboration with cpaterson wrt the iwg20m problems and installing B@D. 
 +   * More updates to the wiki page. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +==== Thursday 2018/06/07 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Updates to the wiki features page so that the version of B@D components if run from git are recorded. 
 +   * Created [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​board-at-desk-single-dev/​merge_requests/​60|MR60]] to handle [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​|#​185]] I will take on board bwh's comment and revise it. 
 +   * Attended CIP Codethink team meeting 
 +   * Tried running the BBB test with a test section identical to the renesas one - gives around 10 seconds shorter run time mainly due to it not downloading a git repos, we might want to replace the BBB test or have this as an alternative - especially if testing without remote access. 
 +   * The remote power switcher had problems connecting to the local network which caused a lava-tool job to fail with infrastructure errors. As a consequence LAVA then set the health of the iwg20m to unknown which caused a health check to run - which also failed- because the power switch was off line! Fortunately when it came on line the HC worked and an email went to the list. 
 +   * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +=== toscalix === 
 +   * CIP Codethink team meeting 
 +   * Linux Format published an article about CIP. Codethink'​s name is wrong. 
 +   * We have invested a significant amount of effort in making the Renesas board reliable with LAVA and we haven been able to identify the root cause of the issue. We will not dedicate further time at this point. We will wait for Renesas to make an evaluation. 
 +   * For OSSJ the plan is: 
 +      * To have a new kernel released. 
 +      * Talk prepared. Daniel Wagner answered the questions Agustin had about the -rt process. 
 +      * Docu and bugs from B@D up to date. 
 +      * Undetermined at this point if the kernel config evaluation of sent by Moxa can be done before the event. 
 +      * Codethink will participate at the CIP with Sudip and Agustin. 
 +   * Proposed to SZ Lin a report about the kernel stable patch review experience through cip-dev 
 +   * The blog post about Codethink'​s work will be published next Monday. 
 +==== Wednesday 2018/06/06 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Ran a successful iwg20m HC but previous ones had failed - no apparent software change between the non-working and working tests. 
 +   * A fresh provision for week 23 [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] some issues with connectivity (git clone timing out) and lack of disk space causing QEMU to fail but eventually both worked. 
 +   * Tried running the iwg20m health check with the Renesas core-image-minimal-iwg20m.cpio.gz but that exhibits the same timeout on starting kernel. 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +==== Friday 2018/06/01 ==== 
 +=== rajm === 
 +   * Comparing a test of iwg20m with the same kernel one working one not working [[https://​​gicaneyezu|shows]] that the test doesn'​t get as far as '​Uncompressing Linux' so the test is failing early in initramfs. In that batch of tests 3 worked and one failed. 
 +   * It appears that specifying the initramfs fails to work with U-Boot so a u-boot header needs to be added. 
 +   * Built iwg20m kernel with EXT4 support and am successfully booting via u-Boot and am trying to provoke it to hang on boot as it does in LAVA. So far in this environment boots are 'just working'​ - not the desired outcome! 
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list. 
 +   * 1:1 with toscalix.
 ===== May ===== ===== May =====
 +==== Thursday 2018/05/31 ====
 +=== rajm ===
 +   * Had issues with the remote power switch getting a new address more frequently with DHCP.
 +   * Attended team meeting.
 +   * Discussed with bwh my problems with the iwg20m - it needs to be built with EXT4 support or tested using our initramfs.
 +   * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting.
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list.
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) ===
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting.
 +==== Tuesday 2018/05/29 ====
 +=== rajm ===
 +   * Reply from Neil Williams about the QEMU locking up issue. I've replied to it with what information I can provide but as the device has now health checked (and the VM rebooted) it's hard to provide the full information.
 +   * Another failure from the iwg20m - in order to get an attempt working I had to re-power cycle the remote power switcher so that it reset its IP address (addresses having changed in the new office setup).
 +   * Ran the BBB health check successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list.
 +   * Successfully setup equipment in new office.
 +=== toscalix ===
 +   * Sent a couple of interesting links to the cip-testing-results ML for the new stable reviewers.
 +==== Monday 2018/05/28 ====
 +=== toscalix ===
 +   * Created a report for the CIP TSC meeting. I cannot attend today.
 +   * Worked on issue [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​187|#​187]].
 +   * Worked on the OSSJ presentation.
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) ===
 +  * Attended TSC meeting.
 +==== Friday 2018/05/25 ====
 +=== rajm ===
 +   * Packing away equipment for the office move this weekend.
 +   * Tested script to populate a provisioned instance with HCs and build initramfs and kernel (built for BBB) [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​150|#​150]]. ​
 +   * Ran the BBB healthcheck successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list.
 +==== Thursday 2018/05/24 ====
 +=== rajm ===
 +   * No response yet from lava-users about the QEMU problem - however the QEMU health check ran ok today, but I'll see if the bug needs reporting once there is feedback.
 +   * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting.
 +   * Anh The reported that the kernelci build script doesn'​t copy uImage onto the webserver. I checked out and edited patterns in that file which then copied over uImage however the kernelci webserver doesn'​t report it.
 +   * Ran the BBB healthcheck successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list.
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) === 
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting.
 +==== Wednesday 2018/05/23 ====
 +=== rajm ===
 +   * Sent email to the lava-users list asking about the 'maybe a bug in LAVA' problem mentioned below. ​
 +   * Created a skeleton script for the configuration of a new instance once the VM is provisioned.
 +   * 1:1 with toscalix.
 +   * Done a fresh provision for week 21 of [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​149|#​149]] all 3 health checks working first time.
 +   * Runs the BBB healthcheck successfully with the email going to the cip-testing-results list.
 +   * Replied to Anh The's support request email.
 +   * Tried U-Boot of the iwg20m using /​dev/​mmcblk[0-2]p2 as root device. k0 gives a kernel panic the others hang waiting for the root device. Get similar results ​ with the yocto build kernel.
 +   * The QEMU health check is failing to start - or maybe the error at the head of the page "​Unable to parse invalid logs: This is maybe a bug in LAVA that should be reported."​ is preventing the display of the output? Asked in IRC #​linaro-lava channel on Friday but I didn't see any response. Still getting this error after rebooting the VM (and also the host laptop).
 +==== Tuesday 2018/05/22 ====
 +=== toscalix ===
 +   * Sent to Mae the content of the post about Codethink activity. I forgot to send it last week.
 +   * I promoted the recently published blog post through twitter and linkedin.
 ==== Friday 2018/05/18 ==== ==== Friday 2018/05/18 ====
Line 9: Line 834:
 === rajm === === rajm ===
 +   * I also closed [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​183|#​183]] as it belonged with #184.
    * 1:1 with toscalix.    * 1:1 with toscalix.
    * BBB health check runs and email sent to list (IWG20M HC fails)    * BBB health check runs and email sent to list (IWG20M HC fails)
Line 31: Line 857:
    * cip-dev meeting. The best  one so far.    * cip-dev meeting. The best  one so far.
 +=== SZ Lin (林上智) ===
 +  * Attended cip-dev IRC meeting.
 ==== Wednesday 2018/05/16 ==== ==== Wednesday 2018/05/16 ====
civilinfrastructureplatform/journal.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/12 06:40 by SZLin