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civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptestingknownissues [2018/11/08 15:17]
rajmarshall document how to extend the date range for kernelci
civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptestingknownissues [2018/11/09 11:10] (current)
rajmarshall fix typo!
Line 122: Line 122:
 ---- ----
 +=== 8. Provisioning B@D from behind a web proxy ===
 +You may have errors when trying to provision B@D when operating behind some web proxies, see [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​195|#​195]] for a discussion and hints.
 [[civilinfrastructureplatform:​ciptestingboardatdesksingledevfeaturepage | Back to the B@D Features page]] [[civilinfrastructureplatform:​ciptestingboardatdesksingledevfeaturepage | Back to the B@D Features page]]
civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptestingknownissues.1541690231.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/11/08 15:17 by rajmarshall