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civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptestingknownissues [2018/05/02 14:31]
rajmarshall improve readability
civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptestingknownissues [2018/11/09 11:10] (current)
rajmarshall fix typo!
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 === Issue #87: Test times may be shown incorrectly === === Issue #87: Test times may be shown incorrectly ===
-If you suspend your host with Vagrant still running, when you awaken it the VM still has the time when suspended and it does not get updated to the time now. See https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​87 for the associated issue.+If you suspend your host with Vagrant still running, when you awaken it the VM still has the time when suspended and it does not get updated to the time now. See https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​87 for the associated issue. With Vagrant 2.1.2 this issue no longer occurs so upgrading your vagrant installation is a workaround - and therefore that issue has been closed.
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 +=== 5. Debian stretch provides vagrant and virtual box which do not work together ===
 +In order to have versions of these packages which work together in Debian stretch, run the following (on the host!) see [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​121|#​121]]: ​
 +  sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://​​virtualbox/​debian stretch contrib'​
 +  curl -O https://​​download/​oracle_vbox_2016.asc
 +  sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox_2016.asc
 +  sudo apt-get update
 +  sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.1
 +=== 6. Connecting to the Beaglebone using ssh ===
 +If you have problems connecting to the BBB using ssh - though the health check does not reuire this - use the following [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​157|procedure]]:​
 +   * The usb power cable must be connected to the host (as well as the ftdi cable but this isn't used here) the eth1 device will appear - but is not being assigned an IP address
 +   * Then sudo ifconfig eth1 (on the host) ssh root@ should then work.
 +   * Note that the BBB will reboot during the health test and the above setting will be lost so an edit to /​etc/​network/​interfaces will be necessary to set this address
 +=== 7. Extending the kernelci timeout date ===
 +Builds in kernelci become invisible to the web interface after 14 days - though the builds are still accessible from LAVA tests, if you wish to increase that timeout edit the DATE_RANGE setting in /​etc/​linaro/​kernelci-frontend.cfg. See the discussion in [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​164|#​164]] - now closed.
 +=== 8. Provisioning B@D from behind a web proxy ===
 +You may have errors when trying to provision B@D when operating behind some web proxies, see [[https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​issues/​195|#​195]] for a discussion and hints.
 [[civilinfrastructureplatform:​ciptestingboardatdesksingledevfeaturepage | Back to the B@D Features page]] [[civilinfrastructureplatform:​ciptestingboardatdesksingledevfeaturepage | Back to the B@D Features page]]
civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptestingknownissues.1525271484.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/02 14:31 by rajmarshall