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CIP testing FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1.- What is B@D

B@D is an abbreviation for Board at Desk (Single Developer) the releasing of a Virtual Machine that contains all the kernelci tools so a single developer can test the CIP kernel (or any other Linux kernel) on a board connected to the user's development machine.

2.- Where can I get help about LAVAv2?

If the question you have is general, you can get help in the cip-dev mailing list or the #cip IRC channel on freenode. But if the question or the problem you are experiencing is a complex one, we recommend that you ask directly the LAVA developers on the LAVA mailing list or the #linaro-lava IRC channel on freenode.

3.- Where can I get help about kernelci?

If the question you have is general, you can get help in the cip-dev mailing list or the #cip IRC channel on freenote. But if the question or the problem you are experiencing is complex, we recommend that you ask the kernelci developers directly on the #kernelci IRC channel on freenode.

4.- What filesystems does the Beaglebone Black use for testing?

The Beaglebone Black uses FAT12 for the boot partition and ext4 for the Linux partition.

5.- Does B@D only work with the Beaglebone Black?

The primary focus of the 0.9 release has been testing with a Beaglebone Black - tests have also been done on QEMU but testing of the release with other boards is encourages as is reporting the results back to the B@D development team.

civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptestingfaq.1495183955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/19 08:52 by rajmarshall