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civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptesting:batdmarketing [2017/10/17 15:56]
civilinfrastructureplatform:ciptesting:batdmarketing [2017/10/18 09:40]
toscalix [B@D v1.0 release: release announcement (mail version)]
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 ^  RT+1   ​| ​ #linux kernel tested locally with #lava & #kernelci in a VM. Check the news from @cip_project http://​​2ysAuKG #ciptesting #​linuxfoundation | --        |  --  | -- | ^  RT+1   ​| ​ #linux kernel tested locally with #lava & #kernelci in a VM. Check the news from @cip_project http://​​2ysAuKG #ciptesting #​linuxfoundation | --        |  --  | -- |
 ^  RT+12  |  Interested in #lava & #kernelci ? Now integrated in a VM you can deploy locally http://​​2ysAuKG #ciptesting #linux #​linuxfoundation ​ | --  |  --  | -- | ^  RT+12  |  Interested in #lava & #kernelci ? Now integrated in a VM you can deploy locally http://​​2ysAuKG #ciptesting #linux #​linuxfoundation ​ | --  |  --  | -- |
-^  RD+1   ​| ​ Learn more about the #​ciptesting ​effort to test #linux kernel at the CIP booth at #lfelc http://​​2yuEAnI ​ #​linuxfoundation ​ | --  |  --  | -- |+^  RD+1   ​| ​ Learn more about the @cip_project ​effort to test #linux kernel at the CIP booth (M17) at #lfelc http://​​2yuEAnI ​ #​linuxfoundation ​ | --  |  --  | -- |
 === Linkedin === === Linkedin ===
Line 31: Line 31:
 |              ^  English ​           ^  Japanese ​         ^  German ​     ^  Spanish ​     ^ |              ^  English ​           ^  Japanese ​         ^  German ​     ^  Spanish ​     ^
-^  ​RD-  |  ​--  ​| ​ --     | -- | -- | +^  ​RT-  |  ​check below  ​| ​ --     | -- | -- | 
-^  RT     ​|  ​--  ​| ​ --     | -- | -- | +^  RT     ​|  ​check below  ​| ​ --     | -- | -- | 
-^  RD+  |  ​--  | --      | -- | -- |+^  RD+  |  ​check below  | --      | -- | -- |
    * Groups we can publish the announcement in:    * Groups we can publish the announcement in:
Line 41: Line 41:
       * FLOSS professionals       * FLOSS professionals
       * Linux Foundation ​       * Linux Foundation ​
-      * Any specific related with civil infrastructure?​ DELETEME 
 +== RT-4 Linkedin ==
 +The Civil Infrastructure Platform project[1], a Linux Foundation Initiative, has as main goal to create and maintain a minimal system targeting industrial grade solutions. In order to improve overtime the quality and stability of such base system, testing became one of CIP key activities since the very beginning. The CIP Testing Project will release later today the 1.0 version of a testing environment called Board At Desk (B@D), based on technologies developed by the popular project, supported by Linaro. B@D allows any kernel developer to connect a board to her development machine and test a kernel locally on it, without any centralised service involved. It also allows to easily visualise and share results and logs.
 +This coming release of B@D is just a small but relevant example of CIP Members interest is high quality and trustable software.
 +CIP Members are by: Siemens, Hitachi, Toshiba, Renesas, Plat'​Home and Codethink ​
 +[1] https://​ ​    
 +== RT Linkedin ==
 +The Civil Infrastructure Platform project[1], a Linux Foundation Initiative, is happy to announce the publication of a new version of Board At Desk - Single Dev. v1.0, a customised and easy to deploy instance of the project that should allow developers to test Linux kernels on boards connected to their own development machines and share the results and logs without requiring ​ any centrally managed third party service. ​
 +For further information about the new features as well as how to deploy, configure and use this new version of the B@D testing environment please read the B@D v1.0 release announcement[2].
 +[1] https://​ ​
 +[2] http://​​2ysAuKG
 +== RD+2 Linkedin ==
 +A new version of the Civil Infrastructure Platform testing environment has been released this week[1]. During the Embedded Linux Conference Europe[2], that will take place in Prague, CZ, next week, those interested in learning more about how to deploy, configure and use this environment locally to test kernels in your own board are welcome to join the Board At Desk 101 training session[3]. If you want to know more about the CIP Testing project, the CIP kernel maintenance activities or any other CIP actions and plans, there are several other activities during ELCE you might be interested on[4].  ​
 +[1] http://​​2ysAuKG
 +[2] http://​​events/​embedded-linux-conference-europe
 +[3] https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​cipconferences/​cipwselce2017#​b-d-101how-to-test-the-cip-kernel-using-b-d
 +[4] https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​cipconferences/​cipwselce2017
 ==== B@D v1.0 release: release announcement (web version) ==== ==== B@D v1.0 release: release announcement (web version) ====
Line 123: Line 149:
 [7] https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​boards  ​ [7] https://​​cip-project/​cip-testing/​testing/​boards  ​
 [8] https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​ciptesting  ​ [8] https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​ciptesting  ​
 +==== Slides for the CIP talk at ELCE ====
 +Content for the slides of the CIP talk at ELCE proposed, related with CIP Testing project and kernel maintenance.
 +Slide 1:
 +CIP Kernel maintenance (https://​​cip-project/​linux-cip)
 +* Ben Hutchings is the CIP Kernel maintainer up to Aug. 2018.
 +* CIP kernel v4.4.92-cip11 released on Oct 18th:
 +** 4.4 LTS.
 +** Regressions and security fixes that land in LTS.
 +** Specific industrial grade hardware support.
 +* Talk about CIP kernel at ELCE
 +** Tue Oct 24th at 16:55
 +** Congress Hall II
 +Slide 2:
 +CIP Testing project (https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​ciptesting)
 +* CIP testing environment (B@D v1.0) just released (https://​​civilinfrastructureplatform/​ciptestingboardatdesksingledevfeaturepage)
 +** Based on
 +** Linux and  Windows 10 as Host OS supported.
 +** Shipped as a VM and Vagrant based environment.
 +** Results and logs sharing capabilities.
 +* B@D designed to:
 +** Test Linux kernels and base systems.
 +** Locally: no need of a centrally managed service.
 +** On hardware connected to your dev machine.
 ===== B@D v0.9.1 ===== ===== B@D v0.9.1 =====
civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptesting/batdmarketing.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/18 09:40 by toscalix