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civilinfrastructureplatform:cip_software_updates_contributions_iternation_1 [2019/08/08 05:47]
civilinfrastructureplatform:cip_software_updates_contributions_iternation_1 [2019/08/08 05:52] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 Reported-by Reported-by
------------ + * February 20 2019 06:25:44 UTC: [[cip-dev] swupdate supporting binary delta caused an error](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-February/​001799.html) 
-* February 20 2019 06:25:44 UTC: [[cip-dev] swupdate supporting binary delta caused an error](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-February/​001799.html) + * This is a bug report for binary delta update feature of SWUpdate 
-    * This is a bug report for binary delta update feature of SWUpdate + * Christian created a patch for this bug: [[PATCH] handlers: rework rdiff handler input buffer handling - Google Groups](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​YQPJuyFMH68) 
-    * Christian created a patch for this bug: [[PATCH] handlers: rework rdiff handler input buffer handling - Google Groups](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​YQPJuyFMH68) + * The above patch has already been merged to upstream: [handlers: rework rdiff handler input buffer handling - sbabic/​swupdate@c2e1d43 - GitHub](https://​​sbabic/​swupdate/​commit/​c2e1d4366e7ea363687bce3478a81e34e1bcc4c7) 
-    * The above patch has already been merged to upstream: [handlers: rework rdiff handler input buffer handling - sbabic/​swupdate@c2e1d43 - GitHub](https://​​sbabic/​swupdate/​commit/​c2e1d4366e7ea363687bce3478a81e34e1bcc4c7) + * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​ 
-        * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​ + * May 21 2019 21:45:54 JST: [[PATCH] Lua: fix segfault in image property handling - Google group](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​zuPq9e1FwR8) 
-* May 21 2019 21:45:54 JST: [[PATCH] Lua: fix segfault in image property handling - Google group](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​zuPq9e1FwR8) + * This patch was created by Christian 
-    * This patch was created by Christian + * Suzuki reported this bug to Christian 
-    * Suzuki reported this bug to Christian + * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​ 
-    * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​ + * May 21 2019 23:19:59 JST: [[PATCH] u-boot: fix script format when !CONFIG_UBOOT_NEWAPI - Google group](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​NBTkUjITYqw) 
-* May 21 2019 23:19:59 JST: [[PATCH] u-boot: fix script format when !CONFIG_UBOOT_NEWAPI - Google group](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​swupdate/​NBTkUjITYqw) + * This patch was created by Christian 
-    * This patch was created by Christian + * Suzuki reported this bug to Christian 
-    * Suzuki reported this bug to Christian + * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​
-    * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by"​+
 ===== isar-cip-core ===== ===== isar-cip-core =====
 Signed-off-by Signed-off-by
-------------- + * July 16 16:21:05 2019 JST: [temporary commit (7ac709f0) - Commits - cip-project / cip-core / isar-cip-core - GitLab](https://​​cip-project/​cip-core/​isar-cip-core/​commit/​7ac709f07b568d8c6057fa0f4745f5341a963409) 
-* July 16 16:21:05 2019 JST: [temporary commit (7ac709f0) - Commits - cip-project / cip-core / isar-cip-core - GitLab](https://​​cip-project/​cip-core/​isar-cip-core/​commit/​7ac709f07b568d8c6057fa0f4745f5341a963409) + * This is a commit for the demo of OSSJ2019
-    * This is a commit for the demo of OSSJ2019+
-===== Reported-by ​===== +Reported-by 
- + * May 15 2019 06:38:33 UTC: [[cip-dev] isar-cip-core:​ Fix lack of console option when starting qemu-amd64 with nographic](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001827.html) 
-* May 15 2019 06:38:33 UTC: [[cip-dev] isar-cip-core:​ Fix lack of console option when starting qemu-amd64 with nographic](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001827.html) + * This is a patch for isar-cip-core to add a console option when qemu-amd64 is executed with nographic 
-    * This is a patch for isar-cip-core to add a console option when qemu-amd64 is executed with nographic + * Suzuki created the patch but it was not correct, so Jan created a new patch instead of Suzuki 
-    * Suzuki created the patch but it was not correct, so Jan created a new patch instead of Suzuki + * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by":​ [start-qemu:​ Enable output on UART for x86 target (08e8f53e) - Commits - cip-project / cip-core / isar-cip-core - GitLab](https://​​cip-project/​cip-core/​isar-cip-core/​commit/​08e8f53ed3eb3ee490777491300a6fb0a4c50009)
-        * Suzuki'​s signature was written as "​Reported-by":​ [start-qemu:​ Enable output on UART for x86 target (08e8f53e) - Commits - cip-project / cip-core / isar-cip-core - GitLab](https://​​cip-project/​cip-core/​isar-cip-core/​commit/​08e8f53ed3eb3ee490777491300a6fb0a4c50009)+
 ===== kas ===== ===== kas =====
-Bug report (patch for the bug doesn'​t have Suzuki'​s signature) +Bug report (the patch for the bug doesn'​t have Suzuki'​s signature) 
----------------------------------------------------------- + * May 18 2019 01:42:16 UTC: [[cip-dev] CIP IRC weekly meeting today](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001835.html) 
-* May 18 2019 01:42:16 UTC: [[cip-dev] CIP IRC weekly meeting today](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001835.html) + * This is a bug report for isar-cip-core 
-    * This is a bug report for isar-cip-core + * This bug is resolved by installing qemu-user-static:​ [[cip-dev] debootrap error](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001855.html) 
-    * This bug is resolved by installing qemu-user-static:​ [[cip-dev] debootrap error](https://​​pipermail/​cip-dev/​2019-March/​001855.html) + * Jan created a patch for kas: [[PATCH] Dockerfile.isar:​ Adjust binfmt setup for qemu-user-static - Google Groups](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​kas-devel/​yF3NoqEcfH0) 
-    * Jan created a patch for kas: [[PATCH] Dockerfile.isar:​ Adjust binfmt setup for qemu-user-static - Google Groups](https://​​forum/#​!topic/​kas-devel/​yF3NoqEcfH0) + * This patch was applied in the same e-mail thread 
-        * This patch was applied in the same e-mail thread + * Suzuki'​s signature didn't exist in the patch, but the patch had a link to Suzuki'​s e-mail (https://​​forum/#​!msg/​isar-users/​2G-Diz0BR1Y/​Y0X6eHggCgAJ)
-            * Suzuki'​s signature didn't exist in the patch, but the patch had a link to Suzuki'​s e-mail (https://​​forum/#​!msg/​isar-users/​2G-Diz0BR1Y/​Y0X6eHggCgAJ)+
civilinfrastructureplatform/cip_software_updates_contributions_iternation_1.1565243233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/08 05:47 by daniel.sangorrin