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CIP Core Quickstart

In this quickstart we will focus on building and running CIP core (tiny profile, Deby implementation) on the iWave RZ/G1M Qseven Development Kit. You can find the instructions for each reference board in the corresponding README files (deby/poky/meta-cip-<board>/README.<board>.txt in the source code).

Step 1: Clone the CIP Core source repository

This step downloads the cip-core metadata which is MIT licensed.

host$ git clone

Step 2: Build CIP Core using KAS

The CIP Core release v1.0 requires KAS for preparing a docker-based poky build environment. Make sure that you have docker installed and configured it to use the overlay2 storage driver. Your host kernel also needs to support overlayfs. Then run a KAS container and build the file system. Note that the first time docker will have to pull the KAS image from the cloud.

host$ docker run -v $PWD/deby:/deby -e USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -e http_proxy=$http_proxy -e https_proxy=$https_proxy -it kasproject/kas:0.10.0 sh

Build the KAS project file for the iWave RZ/G1M Qseven Development Kit.

docker$ cd /deby/poky/
docker$ kas build --target core-image-minimal meta-cip-iwg20m/kas-iwg20m.yml

After the build is finished you should be able to get the generated filesystem image as follows.

host$ ls build/tmp/deploy/images/iwg20m/

Step 3: Run the generated filesystem image

Prepare SD Card partitions using kit’s guide and install the generated binaries.

host$ cp -L uImage /media/<user>/BOOT/uImage
host$ cp -L uImage-r8a7743-iwg20m.dtb /media/<user>/BOOT/r8a7743-iwg20m_q7.dtb
host$ sudo rm -rf /media/<user>/ROOT/*
host$ sudo tar xvf core-image-minimal-iwg20m.tar.gz -C /media/<user>/ROOT/

Insert the card on the micro-sd slot (on the upper SOM) and interrupt u-boot on the serial console to setup u-boot’s boot command.

$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
  iWave-G20M > setenv bootcmd_msd 'run bootargs_msd;run fdt_check;mmc dev 1;fatload mmc 1 ${loadaddr} ${kernel};fatload mmc 1 ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file};bootm ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}'
  iWave-G20M > setenv bootargs_msd 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_base} root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext3 rootwait'
  iWave-G20M > saveenv
  iWave-G20M > run bootcmd_msd

You should get a similar boot log to the one stored here.

civilinfrastructureplatform/cip-core-quickstart.1549333736.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/05 02:28 by daniel.sangorrin