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Core Embedded Linux Project

The wiki for the CE Linux Project.

Project overview:

Mission and Objective:

The mission of the Core Embedded Linux Project is to provide a vendor neutral place to discuss and establish core embedded Linux technologies. Any Linux Foundation member company can apply for membership in the Core Embedded Linux Project. The meaning of the CE acronym was originally Consumer Electronics but it has been changed to Core Embedded, because nowadays Linux is used in many kind of products, including not only consumer electronics but also industrial systems or Internet of Things applications.

The Core Embedded Linux Project aims to cover wider technologies than other collaborative projects. We always try to find or focus on new requirements or topics for embedded Linux systems. These requirements and topics proposed by member companies are based on actual requirements that need to be solved in collaboration with the open source community. The Core Embedded Linux Project is a group that can be used to research and discuss topics that are not covered by another Linux Foundation project. For example, the Civil Infrastructure Platform project started as an investigation project inside the Core Embedded Linux Project.

Major Activities

* Open Project Contract Work: Each year, the Core Embedded Linux Project spends money on contract work to improve Linux for use in embedded systems. Some of projects that the Core Embedded Linux Project has sponsored in the past include Linux-tiny, DirectFB enhancement, smem, U-boot and kexecboot improvements, and Squashfs and YAFFS mainlining. The process is open to the public, and members of the public submit to the Core Embedded Linux Project ideas and proposals for project that they think should be worked on to enhance embedded Linux. For more detail about proposal format, contact, and deadline, please visit Embedded Linux Wiki. -

* Long Term Support Initiative (LTSI): To minimize fragmented use of Linux in embedded systems, and accelerate further innovation of Linux by incorporating innovations from embedded system engineers, the Core Embedded Linux Project sponsors the LTSI project.This project consists of publishing a kernel source tree, based on the community's long-term stable tree, and maintaining it with back-ported features and innovations which are beneficial for the embedded industry. The life of the community's long-term stable tree is expected to be 2 years, and that of the long-term industry tree is expected to be 2-3 years – which corresponds to the typical life of consumer electronics products like Smartphones. For more detail, please visit LTSI web site.

* Regional Technical Conference (Jamboree): The Core Embedded Linux Project hosts a series of regional technical conferences, called technical jamborees, in Japan. The jamborees are not formal technical conferences, but an informal meeting to exchange ideas and discuss technologies freely in an open source community manner. For information about the date and location of upcoming Jamborees, please visit Embedded Linux Wiki.

* Embedded Linux Developer wiki (aka. Elinux wiki): The elinux wiki, at, is maintained by the Core Embedded Linux Project, and serves as a collection point for information for embedded Linux developers. This site is open to public contributions and editing, and is a resource for the entire embedded Linux community. Several development boards have significant information on the site. There are articles and links to many resources for a wide variety of technical topics.

* Core Embedded Linux Project Proposals: Core Embedded Linux projects are proposed by its member companies to the Steering Committee for activity and support by members. Two projects that are currently in progress by the workgroup are:

  • Device Mainlining Project: This purpose of this project is to decrease the amount of out-of-mainline patches for the Linux kernel, for System-On-Chip processors used in modern consumer electronics products. More on the Device Mainlining Project.
  • Shared Embedded Linux Distribution Project: The goal of this project is to share the work of maintaining long-term support for an embedded distribution, by leveraging the work of the Debian project. More on the Shared Embedded Linux Distribution Project.

* CE Developer Mailing list: The workgroup maintains a mailing list for discussing the group’s initiatives, events, and projects, at This list is open to the public. The list is not intended for general technical support, or developer questions, but sometimes technical discussion threads from other lists are copied to this list. Announcements are made to this list about the Core Embedded Linux Project technical projects and events.


For project members

* Information for project Steering Committee members is at cesc * Information for project Architecture Group members is at ceag

celp/start.1471891746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/22 18:49 by tbird20d