======minutes/january_5_2007====== The minutes of TAB meetings are provided for informational purposes only. Discussions and decisions described in the minutes should not be interpreted as official or definitive TAB or OSDL policy. While efforts are made to ensure their accuracy and completeness, we regret we cannot guarantee that they are. If you have corrections or additions, please contact tech-board at lists.osdl.org Friday 5 January 2007 Technical Advisory Board Conference Call Minutes Attendees: ---- James Bottomly Randy Dunlap Tom Hanrahan Greg Kroah-Hartman Christoph Lameter Craig Thomas Chris Wright \\ Action Items: ---- 1. Greg to write up a description of the documentation to write for the candidate interview process for the Technical Writer position. \\ Agenda: ---- 1. Status of the Doc Writer Fellowship 2. DCL F2F meeting in Palo Alto, January 24 3. New OSDL Process Model 4. TAB Chair's OSDL At-Large Board Seat \\ Discussion: ---- 1. status report on the Technical Writer position ---- More resumes have been received and the TAB is processing them as the come in. In the mean time, it had been decided that as part of the interview process, a sample of their writing should be created and submitted. In order to determine if the candidate is right for the job, a real-world example of documenting actual kernel code needs to be submitted. The TAB has determined a portion of the kernel that will be used to create the writing sample and candidates will be notified on the process that needs to followed. \\ 2. DCL Face-to-Face - will be held January 23-25 in Palo Alto ---- The topics to be discussed are: - Virtualization - Device Drivers - Microsoft Interoperability - RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability) Attendees from the TAB include James, Andrew, and Christoph. Tom will send the invitation information to Christoph. \\ 3. New OSDL Process Model ---- Tom gave a presentation to the TAB about a proposed method of improving effectiveness of current OSDL members and to provide a better means for communication between the kernel community, the end-users, and the current work groups. The TAB was asked to provide feedback to Tom on the proposed model. \\ OSDL TAB Chair Position and At-Large Positon on OSDL's BOD ---- A discussion of election of chairs for the technical board has been resolved: James and Greg will remain as chair/vice chair until October of this year.