====== HOWTO build a simple RT application ====== The POSIX API forms the basis of real-time applications running under PREEMPT_RT. For the real-time thread a POSIX thread is used (pthread). Every real-time application needs proper handling in several basic areas like scheduling, priority, memory locking and stack prefaulting. ===== Basic prerequisites ===== Three basic prerequisites are introduced in the next subsections, followed by a short example illustrating those aspects. ==== Scheduling and priority ==== The [[realtime:documentation:technical_basics:sched_policy_prio:start|scheduling policy]] as well as the priority must be set by the application explicitly. There are two possibilities for this: - **Using ''sched_setscheduler()''** \\ This funcion needs to be called in the start routine of the pthread before calculating RT specific stuff. - **Using pthread attributes** \\ The functions ''pthread_attr_setschedpolicy()'' and ''pthread_attr_setschedparam()''offer the interfaces to set policy and priority. Furthermore scheduler inheritance needs to be set properly to PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED by using ''pthread_attr_setinheritsched()''. This forces the new thread to use the policy and priority specified by the pthread attributes and not to use the inherit scheduling of the thread which created the real-time thread. - **Problems with pthread condition variables** \\ Multithreaded applications which rely on glibc's libpthread are prone to unexpected latency delays since its condition variable implementation does not honor priority inheritance ([[https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=11588|bugzilla]]). Unfortunately glibc's DNS resolver and asynchronous I/O implementations depend in turn on these condition variables. [[https://github.com/dvhart/librtpi|librtpi]] is an alternative LGPL-licensed pthread implementation which supports priority inheritance, and whose API is as close to glibc's as possible. The alternative [[https://www.musl-libc.org/|MUSL libc]] has a pthread condition variable implementation similar to glibc's. ==== Memory locking ==== See [[realtime:documentation:howto:applications:memory#Memory Locking | here]] ==== Stack for RT thread ==== See [[realtime:documentation:howto:applications:memory#Stack Memory for RT threads | here]] ==== Capabilities: running the app with RT priority as a non-root user ==== Several of the Pthread APIs, like ''mlockall()'', ''pthread_attr_setschedpolicy()'', by default and convention require root in order to successfully get their work done. Thus, RT apps - which need to set an RT sched policy and priority - are often run via ''sudo''. There's a far better approach to this; ''sudo'' gives the process root capabilities. This interests hackers :-). Instead, you should leverage the powerful POSIX **Capabilities** model! This way, the process (and threads) get _only_ the capabilities they require and nothing more. This follows the infosec best practice, the //principle of least privilege//. Apps start out with no capabilities by default; also note that capabilities are a per-thread resource (essentially translating to bitmasks with the task structure,which is per-thread of course). Among the various capability bits, the man page on ''capabilities(7)'' shows that **''CAP_SYS_NICE''** is the appropriate capability to use in this circumstance; a snippet from the ''capabilities(7)'' man page reveals this: ... **CAP_SYS_NICE** * Lower the process nice value (nice(2), setpriority(2)) and change the nice value for arbitrary processes; * **set real-time scheduling policies for calling process, and set scheduling policies and priorities for arbitrary processes (sched_setscheduler(2), sched_setparam(2), sched_setattr(2));** * set CPU affinity for arbitrary processes (sched_setaffinity(2)); * set I/O scheduling class and priority for arbitrary processes (ioprio_set(2)); * apply migrate_pages(2) to arbitrary processes and allow processes to be migrated to arbitrary nodes; * apply move_pages(2) to arbitrary processes; * use the MPOL_MF_MOVE_ALL flag with mbind(2) and move_pages(2). ... **//Ok, great, but how exactly is this capability bit to be set on the app?// ** - One approach is to do so programatically, via the ''capget()/capset()'' system calls. (Note that's it's generally easier to use the libcap library wrappers, ''cap_[g|s]et_proc(3)'': [[https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/cap_get_proc.3.html]]. This man page even provides a small example of doing so). - Another easy way is to leverage systemd and run your app as a service; in the service unit, specify the capability (see the man page on systemd.exec(5); [[https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#Capabilities]]. - Perhaps the easiest way: via the ''setcap(8)'' utility (it's man page: [[https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/setcap.8.html]]). The setcap/getcap are typically part of the libcap package. For example: ''sudo setcap CAP_SYS_NICE+eip '' You could put this line in the app Makefile (or equivalent). (The ''getcap(8)'' utility can be used to verify that the 'dumb-capability' binary now has the ''CAP_SYS_NICE'' bit set)! And you're all set to run it as non-root now, a much more secure approach. ===== Example ===== /* * POSIX Real Time Example * using a single pthread as RT thread */ #include #include #include #include #include #include void *thread_func(void *data) { /* Do RT specific stuff here */ return NULL; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct sched_param param; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t thread; int ret; /* Lock memory */ if(mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE) == -1) { printf("mlockall failed: %m\n"); exit(-2); } /* Initialize pthread attributes (default values) */ ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (ret) { printf("init pthread attributes failed\n"); goto out; } /* Set a specific stack size */ ret = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, PTHREAD_STACK_MIN); if (ret) { printf("pthread setstacksize failed\n"); goto out; } /* Set scheduler policy and priority of pthread */ ret = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO); if (ret) { printf("pthread setschedpolicy failed\n"); goto out; } param.sched_priority = 80; ret = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, ¶m); if (ret) { printf("pthread setschedparam failed\n"); goto out; } /* Use scheduling parameters of attr */ ret = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); if (ret) { printf("pthread setinheritsched failed\n"); goto out; } /* Create a pthread with specified attributes */ ret = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, thread_func, NULL); if (ret) { printf("create pthread failed\n"); goto out; } /* Join the thread and wait until it is done */ ret = pthread_join(thread, NULL); if (ret) printf("join pthread failed: %m\n"); out: return ret; }