[[:osapa:review_of_existing_tagging_tools|<< back]] ====== General ====== German descriptions only .. * Homepage: [[http://oppor.dyndns.org/wiki/index.php/Infomanager|http://oppor.dyndns.org/wiki/index.php/Infomanager]] * Example: Add documents: [[http://oppor.dyndns.org/infoman/index.php|http://oppor.dyndns.org/infoman/index.php]] / Search: [[http://infoman.oppor.de|http://infoman.oppor.de]] * License: ? * Source: They mailed it to me and I put it here: [[http://prevalent-digest.de/osstag/infoman|http://prevalent-digest.de/osstag/infoman]] (sent mail to the developers, got answer) \\ Claims the following features: * Tags are parts of graphs (paths) * mechanisms for evolution * specifying a search by giving another graph which will be compared to existing graphs -> returns a score for equality \\ [[:osapa:review_of_existing_tagging_tools|<< back]]