======2023 GSoC - Kworkflow====== [[:gsoc:google-summer-code-2023|Go back to the main GSoC Linux Foundation page]] Repository: https://github.com/kworkflow/kworkflow Documentation: https://kworkflow.org/ IRC: #kworkflow on irc.freenode.net Code License: GPLv2 Mentor: Rodrigo Siqueira, aka siqueira (siqueirajordao at riseup dot net), Paulo Meirelles, Magali Lemes =====Brief about kworkflow===== Kworkflow, or just kw, is a tool that intends to simplify the kernel workflow by automating tasks such as: - [[https://kworkflow.org/tutorials/buildlinux.html|Manage kernel build]]; - [[https://kworkflow.org/tutorials/deploy-kernel.html|Manage installation/removal of Linux on a target machine (local, remote, or VMs)]]; - [[https://kworkflow.org/tutorials/find-maintainers.html|Provide an easy way to collect basic information]]; - [[https://kworkflow.org/tutorials/configm.html|Manage config files]]; - Support working on DRM subsystem (we can expand to other subsystems). Etc; By using kw we expect to speed up everyday tasks executed by kernel developers in their workflow, provide a unified development experience, and reduce the learning curve for newcomers. Finally, the project should be reasonably easy to contribute since it is written in Bash, has extensive test coverage, follows a code style rule, it is documented from the code level to the user level. Don't believe it? Check by yourself: * https://kworkflow.org/index.html * https://app.codecov.io/gh/kworkflow/kworkflow * https://github.com/kworkflow/kworkflow/pull/563/checks =====Pre-requisites (warm-up)===== ** ( ( This section is mandatory for everybody ) ) ** The below link is a set of activities that you have to complete before applying for this project. https://github.com/kworkflow/kworkflow/discussions/476 =====Project Idea===== **To be updated** We are open for discussing the final project proposal. As guidance, follow some of the areas that we want to improve on kw: - Bug fixes, add more tests, and enlarge documentation; - Cleanup output and add verbose mode; - Expand the set of OS supported by kw; kw has many open tickets on the Github web page; feel free to propose some specific projects based on the available tickets. =====How to prepare your project proposal===== The pre-requisites section is mandatory for everyone; for this reason, your final project proposal should have one section per assignment with two or three paragraphs that describe your experience with each task. Additionally, in your application, you must add print screens that follow the below instructions: __Contact Siqueira to get one specific ID__ If you are really interested in this project, send a message to Siqueira and request one specific ID. You will need it for the next steps. __QEMU Setup__ For demonstrating your QEMU setup, you will need need to take a print screen of your entire desktop with QEMU running and with the following comment in your TTY: #kw 2023 GSoC __For your custom kernel installation__ For showing that you were able to install a custom kernel in your VM system, add the following label in your kernel name suffix: Kernel-- (( Replace YOUR_NAME by your first name, and YOUR_ID )) Install it in your QEMU VM; in the TTY, run the following command: uname -a Take a print screen of the entire screen. Finally, make sure that you have the following section in your application: - One or two paragraphs about you; - A couple of sections that describe your interaction with kw; - Highlight some of your contributions to kw; - A project proposal to be executed in the GSoC timeline. Please, make sure that you add three main milestones (it should match with the GSoC evaluation date) and a work breakdown. P.s.: Feel free to share your draft before submitting the final version.