======2010 GSoC Kernel work====== [[:gsoc:google-summer-code-2010|Go back to the main GSoC Linux Foundation page]] =====Kernel===== Mailing list: [[http://kernelnewbies.org/MailingList|http://kernelnewbies.org/MailingList]] IRC: [[http://kernelnewbies.org/IRC|http://kernelnewbies.org/IRC]] Code License: GPL ====Improving tracing in perf events / ftrace==== ===(an idea from a student)=== Using trace events under perf events is still a young feature and needs various improvements. * Syscall events can carry only raw values and addresses. We need to make them "aware" of strings and structure contents from userspace. * Make function / function graph tracers usable by perf. * Optimize tracing fast-path. * Improve perf tools to better handle trace events scalability. * Provide new perf tools that exploit trace events (scheduler\\ migration analysis, etc...). * Implement a per context excluding (eg: exclude irqs, exclude functions, etc...). Of course, each of these elements can require a lot of work; probably the whole task list cannot be completed during the GSOC period, so for a single student it will be enough to complete only some of the items.\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\