====== CIP Technical Steering Committee Meeting ====== Date: 24 July, 2017 ===== Roll Call ===== * Agustin Benito Bethencourt (Codethink) * Ben Hutchings (Codethink) * Laura (Linux Foundation) * Kawai-san * Nori (Linux Foundation) * Annie Fisher (Linux Foundation) * Hiroshi Mine (Hitachi) * Masato Minda (Plat’Home) * Takehisa Katayama (Renesas) * Chris Paterson (Renesas) * Daniel Wagner (Siemens) * Wolfgang Mauerer (Siemens) * Yoshi Kobayashi (Toshiba) ===== Agenda ===== * Roll Call * Action items * Topic prioritization * Updates and Discussions ===== Updates and Discussions ===== ==== Project X ==== * Success to boot with Renesas RZ/G (Daniel Sangorrin) * Jan propose to use Kas * Daniel tried to use it * Milestones * Prior DebConf * Deby and Isar both works with BBB and Renesas RZ/G * CI with B@D * Other roadmap will be explained by Daniel Sangorrin * Any update? ==== Real-time Linux Project ==== === RTL member meeting === * Chris and Yoshi will join the RTL project conference after this call. === Board for CI-RT === * Waiting for serial cable to be shipped. ==== Kernel Maintenance ==== Topics included in the latest report sent to the mailing list. * Kernel features provided by Members reviewed. * Renesas backported patches being reviewed and merged * Maintenance Summary: - Follow LTS cycle: Merging LTS patches to CIP kernels every month - Adding Kernel Features: Adding configurations sent to Ben has been reviewed and merged. - Renesas Board Support: Chris has sent out some patches and Ben revied and applied those. Renesas will send everything they would need to the upstream before merging them into the CIP Kernel, if possible. * ToDo: set up on building time warnings for unsecure/unsupported configs * ToDo: before the 4.4 lts period ends, map supported config symbols to supported files/directories so that upstream fixes to unsupported parts of the kernel can be ignored when backporting fixes to 4.4-cip ==== CIP Testing ==== === Board @ Desk === * B@D on windows works and has been documented. * Focused now in the first feature required for Action 2. Add mailing capabilities to B@D to send reports to the mailing list. * Initial reports of the daily healthchek are being sent to [[https://lists.cip-project.org/pipermail/cip-testing-results/|cip-testing-results@lists.cip-project.org]] * Feature not fully functional nor documented yet. * If someone from Japan/Asia would like to join the weekly Testing call, reach out to Agus * Testing roadmap: [[https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptesting|high level roadmap]]. * Action1: Near completion with B@D for Windows * Action 2: Will have better idea in a couple of weeks. The following tasks [[https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/testing/boards|has been created already]]. ==== ELCE preparation ==== * ELCE CIP [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?action=VIEW&eid=aTg0amphaWJmNzlhZXA5M2pvNHFpYjFoZzRfMjAxNzA3MjRUMTMwMDAwWiBhZ3VzdGluLmJlbml0b0Bjb2RldGhpbmsuY28udWs&rst=1&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB&sf=true&output=xml&response_updated=1#main_7|schedule]] * [A]Workshop schedule confirmation? * Workshop on Sunday. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DlaM9Sgtp6mSRhB0inVfHHea8BoALkcjC-QtWrJ-C1M/edit|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DlaM9Sgtp6mSRhB0inVfHHea8BoALkcjC-QtWrJ-C1M/edit]] * Current Plan: * TSC Meeting & TSC Workshop: Oct 22nd (all day) * Governing Board Meeting: sometime during the conference * 6 tickets so one per company. * Can we have a 7th for Ben Hutchings?