__**[[chaoss:metrics|<< Back to CHAOSS Metrics Committee]]**__ ====== Meeting Minutes 2018-04-03 ====== Start: 11am CT; End: 12pm-noon CT. ===== Attendees on Call ===== * Georg Link * Kevin Lumbard * Matt Germonprez * Sean Goggins * Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona * Vinod Ahuja ===== IRC Meeting Minutes ===== ==== #chaoss-community: monthly CHAOSS call ==== Meeting started by GeorgLink at 16:04:54 UTC. The full logs are below in Section [[#irc-log|IRC Log]]. ==== Meeting summary ==== * LINK: https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 (GeorgLink, 16:06:02) * Google Summer of Code Update (GeorgLink, 16:07:49) * mentors are looking at applications and will choose 2 applicants (GeorgLink, 16:09:03) * Metrics Committee Update (GeorgLink, 16:11:38) * The Goal-Question-Metric approach was used to redesign the first two categories (GeorgLink, 16:12:26) * detail pages are being created but need to be filled out (GeorgLink, 16:13:39) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics/metric-template.md (GeorgLink, 16:14:03) * the Name-Question pair in the category lists do not contain filters or visualizations, which can now be found in the updated detail-page template (GeorgLink, 16:15:12) * Conceptually, the metrics committee is working on the most valuable 70% of metrics that we believe everyone should consider and as the metrics are forked and implemented, projects and organizations will add their own flavor (just like when they use open source software) (GeorgLink, 16:18:35) * AGREED: We will form a working group on the Growth-Maturity-Decline category and its first focus will be the sub-category 'Community Growth' (look for an email) (GeorgLink, 16:21:38) * Software Committee update (GeorgLink, 16:22:02) * GrimoireLab has a new release process with a unified releases including container images (GeorgLink, 16:22:35) * GrimoireLab is seeing more outside adoption and community engagement (GeorgLink, 16:23:26) * GHData is addressing rapid prototyping issues, especially summary statistics from the GMD category (GeorgLink, 16:24:12) * GHData is looking at facade and what features are unique to integrate in GHData. (GeorgLink, 16:25:05) * GHData is looking to rename and move the repository into the CHAOSS organization on GitHub (GeorgLink, 16:25:45) * It would be nice for the software to implement a default installation profile that shows the metrics categories and then can be modified by users according to their local needs (GeorgLink, 16:31:30) * the TODO group maintains a list of tools for measuring open source programs (GeorgLink, 16:33:36) * LINK: https://github.com/todogroup/guides/blob/master/tools-for-managing-open-source-programs.md (GeorgLink, 16:33:39) * the list has much repeat in functionality. But what is the small differences? How can we work towards reducing the fragmentation and combine the efforts into a collective whole? (GeorgLink, 16:36:06) * the local needs of organizations are diverse and they purposefully choose to create their own tool. Maybe we can talk with the tool creators to see if there are common goals (GeorgLink, 16:40:46) * https://github.com/todogroup/awesome-oss-mgmt (GeorgLink, 16:41:08) * LINK: https://github.com/todogroup/awesome-oss-mgmt (GeorgLink, 16:41:14) * Maybe we cannot bring a coherent implementation but a coherent story of what are the most valuable metrics and why (GeorgLink, 16:42:32) * Conferences (GeorgLink, 16:46:25) * SoHeal, May 27th: We will have an informal CHAOSS meeting and session. We will send an invite to the mailing list and see how much traction we get. Just going out together or having a small hackathon. (GeorgLink, 16:48:44) * OScon and Community Leadership Summit (July 14-19). Daniel submitted a keynote proposal to the CLS. (GeorgLink, 16:51:56) * Ray, Ildiko, and Sean also submitted a Keynote proposal to CLS. (GeorgLink, 16:54:07) * For CLS and OScon, we will keep it informal and see if something emerges on-site. (GeorgLink, 16:54:38) * Open Source Summit North America (August 29-31). We have a room at the University of British Columbia on August 28. (GeorgLink, 16:56:10) [update 2018-04-10: fixed university name] * that will be the second CHAOSScon (GeorgLink, 16:56:24) * we also start planning to submit talks (by April 29). Talk ideas: GQM design, working groups, and software deployment. (GeorgLink, 16:57:56) * closing notes (GeorgLink, 16:58:03) * Today's talk was recorded and will be made available. (GeorgLink, 16:58:53) Meeting ended at 16:59:06 UTC. ==== People present (lines said on IRC) ==== * GeorgLink (37) * collabot (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 ===== IRC Log ===== 16:04:54 #startmeeting monthly CHAOSS call 16:04:54 Meeting started Tue Apr 3 16:04:54 2018 UTC. The chair is GeorgLink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:54 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:54 The meeting name has been set to 'monthly_chaoss_call' 16:05:40 Hi everyone, we are starting the Zoom call 16:06:02 https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 16:07:49 #topic Google Summer of Code Update 16:09:03 #info mentors are looking at applications and will choose 2 applicants 16:11:38 #topic Metrics Committee Update 16:12:26 #info The Goal-Question-Metric approach was used to redesign the first two categories 16:13:39 #info detail pages are being created but need to be filled out 16:14:03 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics/metric-template.md 16:15:12 #info the Name-Question pair in the category lists do not contain filters or visualizations, which can now be found in the updated detail-page template 16:18:35 #info Conceptually, the metrics committee is working on the most valuable 70% of metrics that we believe everyone should consider and as the metrics are forked and implemented, projects and organizations will add their own flavor (just like when they use open source software) 16:21:38 #agreed We will form a working group on the Growth-Maturity-Decline category and its first focus will be the sub-category 'Community Growth' (look for an email) 16:22:02 #topic Software Committee update 16:22:35 #info GrimoireLab has a new release process with a unified releases including container images 16:23:26 #info GrimoireLab is seeing more outside adoption and community engagement 16:24:12 #info GHData is addressing rapid prototyping issues, especially summary statistics from the GMD category 16:25:05 #info GHData is looking at facade and what features are unique to integrate in GHData. 16:25:45 #info GHData is looking to rename and move the repository into the CHAOSS organization on GitHub 16:31:30 #info It would be nice for the software to implement a default installation profile that shows the metrics categories and then can be modified by users according to their local needs 16:33:36 #info the TODO group maintains a list of tools for measuring open source programs 16:33:39 #link https://github.com/todogroup/guides/blob/master/tools-for-managing-open-source-programs.md 16:36:06 #info the list has much repeat in functionality. But what is the small differences? How can we work towards reducing the fragmentation and combine the efforts into a collective whole? 16:40:46 #info the local needs of organizations are diverse and they purposefully choose to create their own tool. Maybe we can talk with the tool creators to see if there are common goals 16:41:08 #info https://github.com/todogroup/awesome-oss-mgmt 16:41:14 #link https://github.com/todogroup/awesome-oss-mgmt 16:42:32 #info Maybe we cannot bring a coherent implementation but a coherent story of what are the most valuable metrics and why 16:46:25 #topic Conferences 16:48:44 #info SoHeal, May 27th: We will have an informal CHAOSS meeting and session. We will send an invite to the mailing list and see how much traction we get. Just going out together or having a small hackathon. 16:51:56 #info OScon and Community Leadership Summit (July 14-19). Daniel submitted a keynote proposal to the CLS. 16:54:07 #info Ray, Ildiko, and Sean also submitted a Keynote proposal to CLS. 16:54:38 #info For CLS and OScon, we will keep it informal and see if something emerges on-site. 16:56:10 #info Open Source Summit North America (August 29-31). We have a room at the University of Vancouver on August 28. 16:56:24 #info that will be the second CHAOSScon 16:57:56 #info we also start planning to submit talks (by April 29). Talk ideas: GQM design, working groups, and software deployment. 16:58:03 #topic closing notes 16:58:53 #info Today's talk was recorded and will be made available. 16:59:06 #endmeeting