__**[[chaoss:metrics|<< Back to CHAOSS Metrics Committee]]**__ ====== Meeting Minutes 2018-03-13 ====== Start: 1pm CT; End: 2pm CT. ===== Attendees on Call ===== * armstrong * Daniel Izquierdo * david * Georg Link * Ildiko Vancsa * Jsmanrique * Kate Stewart * Kevin Lumbard * Matt Germonprez * nkruther * Paul Tyng * Ray Paik * Sean Goggins * Vicky Janicki * Vinod Ahuja ===== IRC Meeting Minutes ===== ==== #chaoss-community: Monthly Call ==== Meeting started by GeorgLink at 18:03:07 UTC. The full logs are below in Section [[#irc-log|IRC Log]]. ==== Meeting summary ==== * **Open Source Leadership Summit Recap** (GeorgLink, 18:03:44) * we had well-attended presentations with about 40 people per session (GeorgLink, 18:04:07) * In minute 26 of Jim Zemlin's keynote talk, CHAOSS had a slide. (GeorgLink, 18:05:23) * great conversation amongst CHAOSS members at OSLS, including for the metrics committee. (GeorgLink, 18:05:53) * OSCON in portland in July, we will submit a proposal (GeorgLink, 18:07:03) * Board Meeting Recap: The minutes will be posted soon. One topic of discussion was the elevation of working groups. There was a good discussion about the CHAOSS mission. The planning for the Next CHAOSScon is ongoing. (GeorgLink, 18:12:06) * **D&I Working group update** (GeorgLink, 18:13:46) * OpenStack is about to approve the next survey and CHAOSS is supporting the report, which is an ongoing conversation. (GeorgLink, 18:15:20) * The report is planned to be repeated in the future to measure the outcome of ongoing initiatives. (GeorgLink, 18:15:56) * conversations are ongoing to focus on membership and mentorship as a part of the diversity and inclusion work (GeorgLink, 18:17:41) * the research into diversity started with the OpenStack diversity report and the next step in the research is to focus on mentoring. the OpenStack is a good place to investigate mentoring, because they have a lot of mentoring programs. The next steps are to figure out how to investigate mentoring. (GeorgLink, 18:22:01) * What are correlations that indicate how well a mentoring program is working? Can we gather best practices for mentoring programs? How can we disseminate these best practices? (GeorgLink, 18:23:44) * an interesting question is whether some groups of people seek out mentors more than other groups. (GeorgLink, 18:27:54) * **update on code of conduct team** (GeorgLink, 18:30:44) * we are still looking for volunteers for the code of conduct team, which is responsible for responding to incidence reports. (GeorgLink, 18:31:19) * **Metrics committee update** (GeorgLink, 18:31:45) * Idea: move the metrics categories to working groups who are responsible for advancing and managing them. The Metrics repository will then only maintain the comprised long list of activity metrics. (GeorgLink, 18:32:53) * argument against separating repositories is to keep navigation simple and all the metrics findable (GeorgLink, 18:33:23) * a concern with moving metrics to working groups is that there may be ongoing development in the working group and not a stable version. (GeorgLink, 18:36:30) * another concern is that duplication of metrics tables can create confusion which metrics are the CHAOSS metrics. A solution would be to have the CHAOSS metrics in the metrics repository and the working groups regularly inform this list of metrics. (GeorgLink, 18:37:42) * (2 item for this topic) There is a pull request that tries to address our confounding use of the term 'metric' (GeorgLink, 18:40:18) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/pull/64 (GeorgLink, 18:40:46) * the pull request follows the Goal-Question-Metric approach - feedback is needed around the new language for organizing our repository going forward (GeorgLink, 18:46:29) * this new language encompasses metrics that are compiled from non-automated tools, such as surveys. (GeorgLink, 18:49:19) * **Software Committee Update** (GeorgLink, 18:49:29) * Ongoing conversation around the value of GrimoireLab Percival as a data collection tool that can be used within other tools (GeorgLink, 18:50:02) * a new tool we learned about is https://github.com/brianwarner/facade (GeorgLink, 18:50:53) * A needed information is what metrics do project managers want to look at every week. (GeorgLink, 18:52:55) * another thing software committee is working on is the granularity of metrics and by working with companies this will be explored (GeorgLink, 18:54:26) * the software committee will be starting a series of webinars/workshops that will be recorded and made available. (GeorgLink, 18:55:12) * hackathons will be coming (GeorgLink, 18:55:44) * **GSoC update** (GeorgLink, 18:56:57) * We had a lot of interest. We asked students to do micro-tasks to show their interest (6 submitted micro-tasks). We are looking at these submissions when selecting candidates and plan on taking on about two students. (GeorgLink, 18:58:51) * **rename chaoss mailing list** (GeorgLink, 18:59:50) * goal is to be more inclusive and remove 'metrics' from the name. (GeorgLink, 19:01:29) * **move time of weekly and monthly call** (GeorgLink, 19:01:46) * move two hours earlier to be more inclusive of European members (GeorgLink, 19:02:23) * **record meetings?** (GeorgLink, 19:02:29) * goal is to archive meetings and make them available for all (GeorgLink, 19:02:51) Meeting ended at 19:04:06 UTC. ==== People present (lines said on IRC) ==== * GeorgLink (42) * collabot` (5) * armstrong (5) * rpaik (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 ===== IRC Log ===== 18:03:07 #startmeeting Monthly Meeting March 2018 18:03:07 Meeting started Tue Mar 13 18:03:07 2018 UTC. The chair is GeorgLink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:07 The meeting name has been set to 'monthly_meeting_march_2018' 18:03:44 #topic Open Source Leadership Summit Recap 18:04:07 #info we had well-attended presentations with about 40 people per session 18:05:23 #info In minute 26 of Jim Zemlin's keynote talk, CHAOSS had a slide. 18:05:53 #info great conversation amongst CHAOSS members at OSLS, including for the metrics committee. 18:07:03 #info OSCON in portland in July, we will submit a proposal 18:12:06 #info Board Meeting Recap: The minutes will be posted soon. One topic of discussion was the elevation of working groups. There was a good discussion about the CHAOSS mission. The planning for the Next CHAOSScon is ongoing. 18:12:28 ok sounds good 18:12:38 any idea for the location? 18:13:46 #topic D&I Working group update 18:15:20 #info OpenStack is about to approve the next survey and CHAOSS is supporting the report, which is an ongoing conversation. 18:15:56 #info The report is planned to be repeated in the future to measure the outcome of ongoing initiatives. 18:16:52 armstrong are you asking about location for the next CHAOSSCon? 18:17:28 @rpaik: Yes 18:17:28 armstrong: Error: "rpaik:" is not a valid command. 18:17:37 the current plan is Vancouver, BC before the Open Source Summit-NA 18:17:41 #info conversations are ongoing to focus on membership and mentorship as a part of the diversity and inclusion work 18:22:01 #info the research into diversity started with the OpenStack diversity report and the next step in the research is to focus on mentoring. the OpenStack is a good place to investigate mentoring, because they have a lot of mentoring programs. The next steps are to figure out how to investigate mentoring. 18:23:44 #info What are correlations that indicate how well a mentoring program is working? Can we gather best practices for mentoring programs? How can we disseminate these best practices? 18:27:54 #info an interesting question is whether some groups of people seek out mentors more than other groups. 18:29:46 @GeorgeLink: I am interested in volunteering 18:29:46 armstrong: Error: "GeorgeLink:" is not a valid command. 18:29:58 GeorgeLink I am interested in volunteering 18:30:30 armstrong: thanks! can you please email me: glink@unomaha.edu 18:30:44 #topic update on code of conduct team 18:31:19 #info we are still looking for volunteers for the code of conduct team, which is responsible for responding to incidence reports. 18:31:45 #topic Metrics committee update 18:32:53 #info Idea: move the metrics categories to working groups who are responsible for advancing and managing them. The Metrics repository will then only maintain the comprised long list of activity metrics. 18:33:23 #info argument against separating repositories is to keep navigation simple and all the metrics findable 18:36:30 #info a concern with moving metrics to working groups is that there may be ongoing development in the working group and not a stable version. 18:37:42 #info another concern is that duplication of metrics tables can create confusion which metrics are the CHAOSS metrics. A solution would be to have the CHAOSS metrics in the metrics repository and the working groups regularly inform this list of metrics. 18:40:18 #info (2 item for this topic) There is a pull request that tries to address our confounding use of the term 'metric' 18:40:46 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/pull/64 18:46:29 #info the pull request follows the Goal-Question-Metric approach - feedback is needed around the new language for organizing our repository going forward 18:49:19 #info this new language encompasses metrics that are compiled from non-automated tools, such as surveys. 18:49:29 #topic Software Committee Update 18:50:02 #info Ongoing conversation around the value of GrimoireLab Percival as a data collection tool that can be used within other tools 18:50:53 #info a new tool we learned about is https://github.com/brianwarner/facade 18:52:55 #info A needed information is what metrics do project managers want to look at every week. 18:54:26 #info another thing software committee is working on is the granularity of metrics and by working with companies this will be explored 18:55:12 #info the software committee will be starting a series of webinars/workshops that will be recorded and made available. 18:55:44 #info hackathons will be coming 18:56:57 #topic GSoC update 18:58:51 #info We had a lot of interest. We asked students to do micro-tasks to show their interest (6 submitted micro-tasks). We are looking at these submissions when selecting candidates and plan on taking on about two students. 18:59:50 #topic rename chaoss mailing list 19:01:29 #info goal is to be more inclusive and remove 'metrics' from the name. 19:01:46 #topic move time of weekly and monthly call 19:02:23 #info move two hours earlier to be more inclusive of European members 19:02:29 #topic record meetings? 19:02:51 #info goal is to archive meetings and make them available for all 19:04:06 #endmeeting