__**[[chaoss:metrics|<< Back to CHAOSS Metrics Committee]]**__ ====== Meeting Minutes 2018-02-06 ====== Start: 1pm CT; End: 2pm CT. ===== Attendees on Call ===== * Andrea Gallo * Ben Lloyd Pearson * Brian Proffit * Georg Link * Ildiko Vancsa * Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona * Kevin Lumbard * Matt Germonprez * Mel Llaguno * Ray Paik * Sean Goggins * Tobie Langel * Vicky Janicki * Vinod Ahuja ===== IRC Meeting Minutes ===== ==== #chaoss-community: Monthly Call ==== Meeting started by GeorgLink at 19:02:08 UTC. The full logs are below in Section [[#irc-log|IRC Log]]. ==== Meeting summary ==== * Software committee updates (GeorgLink, 19:04:31) * LINK: https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 (GeorgLink, 19:04:57) * GrimoireLab repositories are contuing to move to CHAOSS GitHub organization. Also integration collaboration with GHData is continuing. (GeorgLink, 19:06:48) * if help is needed, the IRC channel would be a good place to be. (GeorgLink, 19:10:47) * i.e., help with software - we will monitor the IRC more closely. (GeorgLink, 19:11:13) * tutorials will be posted to the new CHAOSS YouTube channel (GeorgLink, 19:13:56) * Google Summer of Code submission update (GeorgLink, 19:14:16) * application submitted. waiting on Google now (GeorgLink, 19:14:37) * LFLS BoF session update (GeorgLink, 19:14:48) * waiting for information from LF what kind of room we will have to determine what kind of interaction we can have (GeorgLink, 19:15:07) * focus will be on Diversity and Inclusion (GeorgLink, 19:15:17) * CHAOSSCon (GeorgLink, 19:17:17) * The first CHAOSSCon was run in cooperation with GrimoireCon (GeorgLink, 19:17:38) * day before FOSDEM in Brussels (GeorgLink, 19:18:02) * LINK: https://grimoirelab.github.io/con/ (GeorgLink, 19:18:15) * Schedule is on the website https://grimoirelab.github.io/con/ (GeorgLink, 19:18:28) * maybe have a CHAOSSCon at the Open Source Summit North America (GeorgLink, 19:25:24) * Risk Metric (GeorgLink, 19:25:34) * almost ready to merge (GeorgLink, 19:25:41) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/pull/45 (GeorgLink, 19:25:48) * Add a third column to metrics tables? Maybe "known implementation from software side" or "qualitative ways to understand a metric" (GeorgLink, 19:27:13) * maybe a map of use cases of the tools (GeorgLink, 19:28:19) * problem with use cases: becoming out of data as software (and metrics) advance. (GeorgLink, 19:29:15) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics-list.md (GeorgLink, 19:31:00) * we started providing more information on metrics, but we stopped working on it for a while; now we want to bring back this additional information (GeorgLink, 19:31:43) * ACTION: link metrics out to metric detail pages (GeorgLink, 19:38:34) * We discussed our community approach to patentable methods for generating metrics. We will ask Mike Dolan (GeorgLink, 19:42:18) * we have a template for metrics https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics/metric-template.md (GeorgLink, 19:42:35) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics-list.md (GeorgLink, 19:42:51) * Code of Conduct (GeorgLink, 19:43:48) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/governance/pull/3 (GeorgLink, 19:44:15) * the code of conduct is ready to be voted on and has all the features we initially wanted. (GeorgLink, 19:47:15) * to be voted on next week by the Governing Board (GeorgLink, 19:47:28) * D&I Workgroup (GeorgLink, 19:47:37) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/wg_diversity_inclusion (GeorgLink, 19:47:53) * workgroup brings together the metrics and the software work to focus on one specific area (GeorgLink, 19:48:46) * we'll send out a call to participate (GeorgLink, 19:52:01) * Website updates and roadmap (GeorgLink, 19:52:21) * roadmap: Have stable releases of metrics. Target is open source leadership summit (GeorgLink, 19:52:46) * maybe leave Dependency metric off (GeorgLink, 19:54:31) * use the release as a motivation to update the slide deck (GeorgLink, 19:55:11) * whitepaper: goal is to have it ready before the Open source leadership summit (GeorgLink, 19:57:07) * LINK: https://chaoss.community/about/ (GeorgLink, 19:57:51) * website: maybe moving over to GitHub Pages (GeorgLink, 19:58:28) * the link (https://chaoss.community/about/) shows a high-level roadmap (GeorgLink, 19:58:40) * feedback welcome (GeorgLink, 19:59:00) Meeting ended at 20:00:23 UTC. ==== People present (lines said) ==== * GeorgLink (52) * rpaik (5) * collabot` (3) * BenLloyd (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 ===== IRC Log ===== 19:02:08 #startmeeting Monthly Metrics call 19:02:08 Meeting started Tue Feb 6 19:02:08 2018 UTC. The chair is GeorgLink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:08 The meeting name has been set to 'monthly_metrics_call' 19:02:12 Hi everyone 19:02:40 I guess everyone is waiting for Zoom to start? 19:02:54 Hi GeorgLink.... 19:04:31 #topic Software committee updates 19:04:41 is Zoom working? 19:04:47 Yes 19:04:57 https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/720431288 19:06:09 Thanks Georg. Maybe I have an outdated invite 19:06:48 #info GrimoireLab repositories are contuing to move to CHAOSS GitHub organization. Also integration collaboration with GHData is continuing. 19:10:47 #info if help is needed, the IRC channel would be a good place to be. 19:11:13 #info i.e., help with software - we will monitor the IRC more closely. 19:13:56 #info tutorials will be posted to the new CHAOSS YouTube channel 19:14:16 #topic Google Summer of Code submission update 19:14:37 #info application submitted. waiting on Google now 19:14:48 #topic LFLS BoF session update 19:15:07 #info waiting for information from LF what kind of room we will have to determine what kind of interaction we can have 19:15:17 #info focus will be on Diversity and Inclusion 19:17:17 #topic CHAOSSCon 19:17:38 #info The first CHAOSSCon was run in cooperation with GrimoireCon 19:18:02 #info day before FOSDEM in Brussels 19:18:15 #link https://grimoirelab.github.io/con/ 19:18:28 #info Schedule is on the website https://grimoirelab.github.io/con/ 19:25:24 #info maybe have a CHAOSSCon at the Open Source Summit North America 19:25:34 #topic Risk Metric 19:25:41 #info almost ready to merge 19:25:48 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/pull/45 19:27:13 #info Add a third column to metrics tables? Maybe "known implementation from software side" or "qualitative ways to understand a metric" 19:28:19 #info maybe a map of use cases of the tools 19:29:15 #info problem with use cases: becoming out of data as software (and metrics) advance. 19:31:00 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics-list.md 19:31:43 #info we started providing more information on metrics, but we stopped working on it for a while; now we want to bring back this additional information 19:38:34 #action link metrics out to metric detail pages 19:42:18 #info We discussed our community approach to patentable methods for generating metrics. We will ask Mike Dolan 19:42:35 #info we have a template for metrics https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics/metric-template.md 19:42:51 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/activity-metrics-list.md 19:43:48 #topic Code of Conduct 19:44:15 #link https://github.com/chaoss/governance/pull/3 19:45:53 I've got to take off, thanks everyone. 19:47:15 #info the code of conduct is ready to be voted on and has all the features we initially wanted. 19:47:28 #info to be voted on next week by the Governing Board 19:47:37 #topic D&I Workgroup 19:47:53 #link https://github.com/chaoss/wg_diversity_inclusion 19:48:46 #info workgroup brings together the metrics and the software work to focus on one specific area 19:50:14 yeah, I also need to leave in ~2 minutes. thanks everyone.... 19:50:23 bye Ray! 19:52:01 #info we'll send out a call to participate 19:52:21 #topic Website updates and roadmap 19:52:46 #info roadmap: Have stable releases of metrics. Target is open source leadership summit 19:54:31 #info maybe leave Dependency metric off 19:55:11 #info use the release as a motivation to update the slide deck 19:57:07 #info whitepaper: goal is to have it ready before the Open source leadership summit 19:57:51 #link https://chaoss.community/about/ 19:58:28 #info website: maybe moving over to GitHub Pages 19:58:40 #info the link (https://chaoss.community/about/) shows a high-level roadmap 19:59:00 #info feedback welcome 20:00:21 bye 20:00:23 #endmeeting