__**[[chaoss:metrics|<< Back to CHAOSS Metrics Committee]]**__ ====== Meeting Minutes 2017-12-05 ====== Start: 1pm CT; End: 1:53pm CT. ===== Attendees on Call ===== * Armstrong * Ben Lloyd Pearson * Daniel Izquierdo * Georg Link * Jason T. Clark * Matt Germonprez * Peter Monks * Sean Goggins * Thanh Ha ===== IRC Meeting Minutes ===== ==== #chaoss-community: Monthly Metrics Call ==== Meeting started by GeorgLink at 19:00:06 UTC. The full logs are below in Section [[#irc-log|IRC Log]]. ==== Meeting summary ==== * **Progress update from Code of Conduct working group.** (GeorgLink, 19:04:49) * CoC Working Group is finishing up. Looking to meet one last time. (GeorgLink, 19:05:32) * **Update on Growth Maturity Decline metric** (GeorgLink, 19:09:16) * LINK: https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/2_Growth-Maturity-Decline.md (mattgermonprez, 19:10:10) * Over the last month, merged several pull requests. High level categories are Issue Resolution, Code Development, Community Growth. (GeorgLink, 19:10:46) * Metrics should all be implementable now. (GeorgLink, 19:11:31) * HELP: We would like the metrics to be implemented in GHData or GrimoireLab or other software. This would be good for iterating the metric and getting feedback on them. (GeorgLink, 19:17:36) * IDEA: A big part of metrics is the visualization. How involved should the metrics committee be in defining the visualizations? (GeorgLink, 19:18:52) * IDEA: Expand metrics tables on GitHub with a new column for visualizations? (GeorgLink, 19:20:23) * **Update on analysis tool comparisons** (GeorgLink, 19:21:01) * Jason is comparing metrics definitions across software implementations. (GeorgLink, 19:22:33) * LINK: https://github.com/hoxu/gitstats (JasonCL, 19:23:53) * LINK: https://github.com/jasontclark/chaoss-product-comparison (JasonCL, 19:25:07) * What will the report compare in light of the very different scope and capabilities of the software? Maybe it is a list of all available software with a short introduction and some background of capability. Another approach could be to focus on only a few similar tools and compare them in more detail. (GeorgLink, 19:28:16) * Another interesting aspect about the software would be how adaptable it is as a tool for different scenarios, contexts, data sources, and data needs. (GeorgLink, 19:30:09) * It would be good to compare the metrics coverage of the available tools. In a sort of venn-diagram, the CHAOSS metrics committee might want to make sure that the most common metrics are included in our lists. (GeorgLink, 19:32:37) * Daniel has a list of metrics that GrimoireLab can produce across all the different data sources and in what format the metric is presented. It provides a set of 'fields' to play with. (GeorgLink, 19:35:05) * ACTION: Daniel will send the list to the mailing list (GeorgLink, 19:35:20) * **New Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup** (GeorgLink, 19:35:27) * the new workgroup is a collaboration between software and metric committee with a specific focus on diversity and inclusion (GeorgLink, 19:37:48) * The OpenStack gender report is a starting point. The methods for producing the report will be made available for other communities. (GeorgLink, 19:38:41) * ACTION: A GitHub repo will be created for this work under the umbrella of the CHAOSS community. (GeorgLink, 19:41:09) * **Code Committee Updates** (GeorgLink, 19:41:29) * GHData now is a CHAOSS project (GeorgLink, 19:41:52) * Software Committee is working on governance and voting rules (GeorgLink, 19:42:33) * GrimoireLab code base is moving to the CHAOSS organization with multiple repositories. (GeorgLink, 19:43:08) * IDEA: Is there a way to group repositories in GitHub? Maybe we want to create a readme that directs to the repos. (GeorgLink, 19:47:47) * **Release schedules** (GeorgLink, 19:47:54) * AGREED: Do not create branches but use releases in GitHub. (GeorgLink, 19:48:12) * IDEA: Create a PDF compilation of the metrics that is attached to the release. (GeorgLink, 19:48:33) * **Metrics Committee white papers / publications / outreach** (GeorgLink, 19:48:43) * We are reaching out to people for interviews (GeorgLink, 19:49:29) * **Conferences** (GeorgLink, 19:49:36) * Open Source Summit - CFP Closes: 11:59pm PST on Sunday, January 21, 2018 (GeorgLink, 19:50:59) * we would like to have a Birds of a Feather at the Open Source Leadership Summit (GeorgLink, 19:51:16) * **Other?** (GeorgLink, 19:51:58) * nothing in this topic (GeorgLink, 19:52:08) Meeting ended at 19:52:15 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * GeorgLink (43) * mattgermonprez (3) * collabot (3) * JasonCL (2) * armstrong (1) * dizquierdo (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 (modified by GeorgLink) ===== IRC Log ===== 19:00:06 #startmeeting CHAOSS Monthly Call 19:00:06 Meeting started Tue Dec 5 19:00:06 2017 UTC. The chair is GeorgLink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:06 The meeting name has been set to 'chaoss_monthly_call' 19:00:38 We'll give it a few more minutes for people to join 19:01:26 hi there :) 19:01:54 Please feel free to contribute to the meeting minutes by using MeetBot commands here on the IRC call: https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot 19:01:54 Hello 19:03:36 We are starting now :-) 19:04:49 #topic Progress update from Code of Conduct working group. 19:05:22 Code of conduct -- going through criteria and building out a table. 19:05:32 #info CoC Working Group is finishing up. Looking to meet one last time. 19:05:32 Would like to make recommendation to gov. board 19:09:16 #topic Update on Growth Maturity Decline metric 19:10:10 https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/2_Growth-Maturity-Decline.md 19:10:46 #info Over the last month, merged several pull requests. High level categories are Issue Resolution, Code Development, Community Growth. 19:10:55 #link https://github.com/chaoss/metrics/blob/master/2_Growth-Maturity-Decline.md 19:11:31 #info Metrics should all be implementable now. 19:12:24 We are talking about how implementation may work - data to metric 19:17:36 #help We would like the metrics to be implemented in GHData or GrimoireLab or other software. This would be good for iterating the metric and getting feedback on them. 19:18:52 #idea A big part of metrics is the visualization. How involved should the metrics committee be in defining the visualizations? 19:20:23 #idea Expand metrics tables on GitHub with a new column for visualizations? 19:21:01 #topic Update on analysis tool comparisons 19:22:33 #info Jason is comparing metrics definitions across software implementations. 19:23:53 https://github.com/hoxu/gitstats 19:24:02 #link https://github.com/hoxu/gitstats 19:24:54 #link https://github.com/jasontclark/chaoss-product-comparison/blob/master/research.md 19:25:07 https://github.com/jasontclark/chaoss-product-comparison 19:28:16 #info What will the report compare in light of the very different scope and capabilities of the software? Maybe it is a list of all available software with a short introduction and some background of capability. Another approach could be to focus on only a few similar tools and compare them in more detail. 19:30:09 #info Another interesting aspect about the software would be how adaptable it is as a tool for different scenarios, contexts, data sources, and data needs. 19:32:37 #info It would be good to compare the metrics coverage of the available tools. In a sort of venn-diagram, the CHAOSS metrics committee might want to make sure that the most common metrics are included in our lists. 19:35:05 #info Daniel has a list of metrics that GrimoireLab can produce across all the different data sources and in what format the metric is presented. It provides a set of 'fields' to play with. 19:35:20 #action Daniel will send the list to the mailing list 19:35:27 #topic New Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup 19:37:48 #info the new workgroup is a collaboration between software and metric committee with a specific focus on diversity and inclusion 19:38:41 #info The OpenStack gender report is a starting point. The methods for producing the report will be made available for other communities. 19:41:09 #action A GitHub repo will be created for this work under the umbrella of the CHAOSS community. 19:41:29 #topic Code Committee Updates 19:41:52 #info GHData now is a CHAOSS project 19:42:33 #info Software Committee is working on governance and voting rules 19:43:08 #info GrimoireLab code base is moving to the CHAOSS organization with multiple repositories. 19:47:47 #idea Is there a way to group repositories in GitHub? Maybe we want to create a readme that directs to the repos. 19:47:54 #topic Release schedules 19:48:12 #agreed Do not create branches but use releases in GitHub. 19:48:33 #idea Create a PDF compilation of the metrics that is attached to the release. 19:48:43 #topic Metrics Committee white papers / publications / outreach 19:49:29 #info We are reaching out to people for interviews 19:49:36 #topic Conferences 19:50:59 #info Open Source Summit - CFP Closes: 11:59pm PST on Sunday, January 21, 2018 19:51:16 #info we would like to have a Birds of a Feather at the Open Source Leadership Summit 19:51:58 #topic Other? 19:52:08 #info nothing in this topic 19:52:15 #endmeeting